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Satori in 2013

Satori is a mainland continent. It was first created as a Japanese continent. Today, the population of this continent is worldwide and the most spoken language is English. This continent has many sims woth Slavic-related names (many are Russian names). Their transcription in Lathin alphabet can be very confusing for a person who is used with Cyrillic alphabet. Satori is linked to the North with Nautilus and to the North-East with Blake Sea. The continent is made of a large mass of dryland. The road network is less developed and there are large places of abandoned land. Togeyher with Nautilus, Satori forms a megacontinent, like Euroasia in real world.


Size in sims: 709 (N-S 43, E-W 36)

Size in meters: 46.47 square km (11.01/9.22 km)

Sea sims (complete flooded): 26

Coast sims (water access): 205

Land sim (no water): 478

Sims with road access: 162

Sims with no direct access: 236


The coordinares here are given in sims, following the same model used by Gridsurvey [1] for the position of every sim. The numbers are: longitude (min - max) / latitude (min - max). There is no official geographic guide for Satory. There is a lack of geographical names. So, the coordinates are given here for diverse areas of the continent. Some sims have Slavic names (including Russian) and form the Slavic Region (note that they are only 30% of the sim names). Also, the border with Nautilus is not clear.


Slavic Region: 1113-1120/1030-1047

East Peninsula: 1121-1136/1031-1046

North-West Peninsula: 1101-1112/1039-1047

Central Landmass: 1100-1112/1030-1038

South Landmass: 1100-1120/1116-1130

South Peninsula: 1101-1108/1005-1115


Satori Network the roads of Satori

[2] - list of airports

[3] - geographic features

List Of Continents