Spanish speaking Mentors/Resources

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< Spanish speaking Mentors
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The content of this page have been written originally in Spanish, as Resources for Mentors who speak Spanish. Perhaps in the future somebody translated into English this page.

Actually, this English version is only a reference of that spanish page. You can see here the translation of the index:

  1. Resources: why?
  2. Normative knowledge for a mentor
    1. Second Life's legal aspects
    2. Behavior of the Mentor
    3. To invite others to be Mentors
  3. General Resources for mentors
    1. Basic resources in world
    2. Internet: Official resources
    3. Internet: Unofficial resources
  4. Resources for Concrete Situations
    1. Someone on Spanish speech does not understand the HUD of Orientation Island
    2. To look for a specializing Mentor: the roles
    3. To look for a Mentor or Resources of a certain language
    4. To raise doubts in the chat
    5. Quick FAQs