User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2007 Sep 11

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[10:05] Torley Tester: BEN!!!
[10:05] Daedalus Young: hi benjamin
[10:05] Beware Hax: ok if i camera navigate, my av updates
[10:05] WarKirby Magojiro: llSetText is a generally used thing to force a prim update, for whatever reason
[10:05] Benjamin Linden: hey guys
[10:05] Beware Hax: ok
[10:05] Miya Watanabe: hello.
[10:05] Benjamin Linden: sorry I'm a little late
[10:05] Wyn Galbraith: Speak of the devil and you hear the flapping of his wings.
[10:06] Benjamin Linden: hi Dnate, long time!
[10:06] Boroondas Gupte: the devil has wings?
[10:06] Benjamin Linden decline 'OmniPhaze v2.0 Boxed' ( ) from OmniCorp Update Server.
[10:06] Beware Hax: ok i have a problem with my vendor network
[10:06] WarKirby Magojiro: ?
[10:06] Wyn Galbraith: The devil has whatever he wants.
[10:06] WarKirby Magojiro: what does that have to do with SL's UI ?
[10:06] Beware Hax: possible free shopping exploit
[10:07] Benjamin Linden: ok let's have a look at the agenda
[10:07] WarKirby Magojiro tries to rez an urler, and hits the no build
[10:07] WarKirby Magojiro: Agenda is here >>
[10:07] Benjamin Linden:
[10:08] WarKirby Magojiro: Oh. The first issue is a worrying one
[10:08] Benjamin Linden: still no patches, hmm
[10:08] WarKirby Magojiro: Griefers have been using this as a weapon
[10:08] Torley Tester: Hm, I remember this being mentioned recently --
[10:08] WarKirby Magojiro: by fuilling a sim with spamm objects, and then purposely gettin their account banned
[10:08] Torley Tester: it's troublesome that banned accounts don't show up in the people finder!
[10:08] WarKirby Magojiro: the landowner is unable to clear it up easily
[10:09] Torley Tester: I should retitle it too, it's not so much "current account" as "active account" and there are dupes... :\
[10:09] WarKirby Magojiro: they don't show in about land either, which is the biggest problem
[10:09] Benjamin Linden: maybe we need to add a field so that people can type the name of a banned user
[10:09] Daedalus Young: but nowadays, when you Report Abuse on an object, the owner's name is automatically filled in
[10:09] Torley Tester: Okay, wow, this is really duped a lot... let's close this and focus on
[10:09] Torley Tester: Which is the same thing and already imported.
[10:09] Benjamin Linden: good idea Torley
[10:10] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
[10:10] Torley Tester: Looks like this reporter reported it himself 3 times...
[10:10] WarKirby Magojiro: Is there a need for them to show up in the abuse reports ?
[10:10] Saijanai Kuhn: I note the same guy submitted report
[10:10] WarKirby Magojiro: Since they're already banned, a report will serve no purpose
[10:10] Saijanai Kuhn: this is kinda self-defeating, IMHO, because it dilutes the votes
[10:10] Torley Tester: Yes, indeed Saijanai...
[10:10] WarKirby Magojiro: I think they only need to show up in abnout land/estate tools
[10:11] Benjamin Linden: too bad there isn't a way to combine votes for duplicate issues
[10:11] WarKirby Magojiro: so their objects can be returned
[10:11] Benjamin Linden: Torley I'll edit the wiki since iridium isn't here
[10:11] Torley Tester: OK thanks Ben...
[10:11] Torley Tester: So yeah, VWR-2392 closed as dupe, in favor of MISC-313 (already imported).
[10:12] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
[10:12] Benjamin Linden: ok next up
[10:12] Benjamin Linden:
[10:13] WarKirby Magojiro: I always found that annoying, personally
[10:13] WarKirby Magojiro: I like the current situation better
[10:13] Torley Tester: Iridium sez she's coming shortly.
[10:13] WarKirby Magojiro: isn't there a beacon option for showing physical objects ?
[10:13] Daedalus Young: I do see Physical Objects in View > Beacons, I'd suppose that should be this function
[10:13] Torley Tester: Yes, there is, WarKirby.
[10:14] Torley Tester: Jake Linden re-engineered the beacons & highlights, and BTW, that will be my Tip of the Week #4 this Thursday. :)
[10:14] WarKirby Magojiro gave you Jira URL-er - v1.1.
[10:14] Daedalus Young: hi Iridium
[10:14] Torley Tester: i agree with what Benja said there, that we could've, should've communicated it better.
[10:14] Iridium Linden: Hiya!
[10:14] Benjamin Linden: Torley, is this issue addressed with those changes that Jake made?
[10:14] WarKirby Magojiro: that will work nicely for urtls, ben
[10:14] Iridium Linden: Sorry I'm late.
[10:14] Benjamin Linden: hi Iridium
[10:14] Iridium Linden: I found a really kewl patch.
[10:14] Iridium Linden:
[10:14] Torley Tester: Ben: No, it isn't, it works differently -- overall I believe the current change is preferred by most, but understandably, some don't like it.
[10:15] Wyn Galbraith loves your tips Torley. "I even learn things from them."
[10:15] Torley Tester: Thanks Wyn. =o)
[10:15] Benjamin Linden: what is it about the new behavior they don't like?
[10:15] WarKirby Magojiro: How about an option to use the old behaaviour, if desired
[10:15] WarKirby Magojiro: but have it default to the current
[10:15] Torley Tester: Benjamin: Specifically that it isn't as easy to have physical objects show up with red highlights when holding Alt... BUT...
[10:15] Torley Tester: the other problem here was that holding down Alt is also used when Alt-clicking to zoom the camera.
[10:15] Torley Tester: Thus, there was a conflict.
[10:15] Benjamin Linden: right
[10:16] Seg Baphomet: HAY GUYS
[10:16] Benjamin Linden: but it was an option before right
[10:16] Daedalus Young: hi Seg
[10:16] WarKirby Magojiro waves to seg
[10:16] Torley Tester: Right.
[10:16] Daedalus Young: I know it was buggy in build mode
[10:16] Torley Tester: Daed: Yeah, we both remember that.
[10:16] Torley Tester: Sometimes it'd get "stuck" (see linked issues).
[10:16] WarKirby Magojiro: another problem that I had too
[10:16] Daedalus Young: yes, have had that happen too
[10:16] Wyn Galbraith: Hey seg.
[10:17] Iridium Linden: Hey, before we keep going, can we take a look at this patch?
[10:17] WarKirby Magojiro: For particles...
[10:17] WarKirby Magojiro: yay
[10:17] Saijanai Kuhn: ...?
[10:17] Iridium Linden: After we're finished with this one, that is.
[10:18] Benjamin Linden: sure, Iridium, that's fine
[10:18] Iridium Linden:
[10:18] Iridium Linden: Adding to the wiki.
[10:18] WarKirby Magojiro: It doesn't seem to mention a fix for the emissive not working
[10:18] Seg Baphomet: Well my texture decode is sure taxed. :)
[10:18] WarKirby Magojiro: also, is anyone going to use an urler#
[10:18] Benjamin Linden: Torley if you think the new behavior is better, should we go ahead and close this one?
[10:18] WarKirby Magojiro look at ben
[10:19] Ruud Lathrop: Nice blocks every where
[10:19] Benjamin Linden: WarKirby, I haven't had a chance to use it
[10:19] Torley Tester: Benjamin: I'm curious to see who else votes for it, and I think Jake's input on it (since he changed it) would be a good idea... so I'm leaning towards leaving it open for now.
[10:19] Beware Hax: ok since this is about UI bugs there is something which bothers me, and i dont know if there's a jira about it
[10:19] Beware Hax: many cases where names are 1: not copyable (even indirectly), or 2: are capped
[10:19] Seg Baphomet: Whats this bug?
[10:19] Benjamin Linden: ok there's the URLer
[10:20] Benjamin Linden: VWR-2086
[10:20] Torley Tester: Beware: If you've searched and there's no JIRA yet, then sounds like you should enter one so it doesn't get lost. =)
[10:20] Torley Tester: That way it can make its way onto our UI bug triage agenda in the future.
[10:20] Daedalus Young: iirc we did discuss capped av names though
[10:20] Daedalus Young: but that also could've been a dream, haha
[10:21] WarKirby Magojiro: use /555 vwr 2086 ben
[10:21] Tao Takashi: *didum*
[10:21] Iridium Linden: k, so where are we?
[10:21] Benjamin Linden: hi TAo
[10:21] Tao Takashi: Hi all :)
[10:21] Wyn Galbraith idles to move her physical RL location.
[10:21] Iridium Linden: VWR-2392 is closed
[10:21] WarKirby Magojiro: Beauomont
[10:21] Iridium Linden: Hey Tao.
[10:21] Torley Tester: Iridium: Yup, dupe of an already-imported issue.
[10:21] Torley Tester: Yo Tao!
[10:21] Benjamin Linden: did we make a call on VWR-2086
[10:21] Iridium Linden: VWR-2086, have we gotten to that one?
[10:22] Torley Tester: I think, just let VWR-2086 be for now. Give it some marination time.
[10:22] WarKirby Magojiro: hm
[10:22] Daedalus Young: sounds good to me
[10:22] Benjamin Linden: ok that sounds good Torley
[10:22] Benjamin Linden: let's move on
[10:22] Iridium Linden: K, so
[10:22] Seg Baphomet: I always found things turning red for no apparent reason to be confusing.
[10:22] Torley Tester: Seg: Me too.
[10:23] Torley Tester: Hmmm I wonder what corner McCabe would prefer here?
[10:23] Seg Baphomet: That may be a different bug.
[10:23] Torley Tester: Since all corners are often used by something!
[10:23] Saijanai Kuhn: 2036= error
[10:23] Boroondas Gupte: we need more corners, then :-P
[10:23] Ruud Lathrop: type in search the number and you find the bug
[10:23] Daedalus Young: upper left I think would be best :/
[10:23] Torley Tester: E.g., upper-left is mini-map, lower-right is inventory...
[10:23] Daedalus Young: or lower right
[10:23] WarKirby Magojiro: chat urls are not perfect
[10:23] Torley Tester: Upper-left is the closest I can think of.
[10:23] Daedalus Young: oh, I have minimap upper right
[10:23] Torley Tester: Er, I meant "upper-right is mini-map".
[10:24] Torley Tester: My mistake!
[10:24] Daedalus Young: ah ok
[10:24] Ruud Lathrop: Middle bottom screen
[10:24] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
[10:24] Seg Baphomet: Things should minimize to the corner they're near?
[10:24] WarKirby Magojiro: I'd say it shoul;d be customiseable
[10:24] Benjamin Linden: this isn't really a bug per se
[10:24] Daedalus Young: however, before the location be moved to upper, the bug in the minimized build window needs to be fixed first
[10:24] Seg Baphomet: Thing is, most stuff needs to become HUDs and not windows. :)
[10:24] Torley Tester: I think also, that minimized window positions should persist after relogs.
[10:25] Benjamin Linden: that would be a good thing to add to the comments, Torley
[10:25] Daedalus Young: yes, a user setting which persists
[10:25] Torley Tester: *adds a comment*
[10:25] Ruud Lathrop: How can you reset if you have moved a window (minimized) and it is nowhere to be found?
[10:25] WarKirby Magojiro: Arg. I need to run
[10:25] Daedalus Young: so it'll always minimize to your fave spot
[10:25] WarKirby Magojiro: it seems someone is trying to extort ferox
[10:25] WarKirby Magojiro: May possibly need a linden..
[10:26] Boroondas Gupte: what do you mean by HUDs, Seg?
[10:26] Benjamin Linden: could we just move the minimized windows over slightly to the right?
[10:26] Saijanai Kuhn: utf-8 hide
[10:26] Seg Baphomet: HUD meaning it is bound to a corner or side of the screen.
[10:27] Boroondas Gupte: ic
[10:27] Benjamin Linden: or raise the on-screen chat?
[10:27] Wyn Galbraith settles.
[10:27] Miya Watanabe: slightly to the right make sense.
[10:28] Seg Baphomet: And it causes the center of focus of your 3d view to be adjusted.
[10:28] Iridium Linden: K, so where are we on this one?
[10:28] Iridium Linden: Import?
[10:28] Iridium Linden: Marinate?
[10:28] WarKirby Magojiro: false alarm, it seems
[10:28] Torley Tester: I'd say "Needs More Info" because McCabe didn't give a clear decision on what he'd prefer.
[10:28] WarKirby Magojiro: did I miss much ?
[10:28] Iridium Linden: kk
[10:28] Torley Tester: I left a comment.
[10:28] Seg Baphomet: I agree with the bug.
[10:29] Benjamin Linden: I agree Torley
[10:29] Iridium Linden:
[10:29] Seg Baphomet: Worst place to default to. :)
[10:29] Torley Tester: NEXT!
[10:29] Benjamin Linden: I'll talk with Richard about potentially moving the chat up a bit
[10:29] Seg Baphomet: Move it up only if there's minimised windows? :)
[10:29] Torley Tester: Hmmm this one should be alleviated by future Second Life search rearchitecturing.
[10:30] Tao Takashi: if it's Google I guess something like "AM Updates" is possible (with quotes)
[10:30] Daedalus Young: oh, and make the width smaller if there's a blue "xxx is online" alert
[10:30] Benjamin Linden: yes we should close this since the new search feature will change search dramatically
[10:30] Daedalus Young: we get Google search? :D
[10:30] WarKirby Magojiro: when are we getting thsi new search ?
[10:31] Boroondas Gupte votes for full regex support
[10:31] Torley Tester: K, resolving as "Won't Finish"... leaving a comment...
[10:31] Benjamin Linden: the schedule is still being worked out
[10:31] Ruud Lathrop: In the future :)
[10:31] Saijanai Kuhn: are we getting grep at some point?
[10:31] Iridium Linden:
[10:31] Benjamin Linden: hang on one sec
[10:31] Iridium Linden: Oh wait, no!
[10:31] Iridium Linden: I missed one.
[10:31] Benjamin Linden: is this bug specific to group search?
[10:31] Iridium Linden: Wait, no I didn't.
[10:31] Revolution Perenti: heya Ben
[10:31] Torley Tester: Well, the 3-character thing isn't specific to group search.
[10:31] Saijanai Kuhn: regex of all texted items in inventory, filterable by type: notecards, scripts, whatevers.
[10:32] Torley Tester: *checks* It's not a group search-specific prob.
[10:32] Revolution Perenti: torley there been alot of issues i been debuggin myself
[10:32] Daedalus Young: I don't know how it's now, but the events search ised to be even worse
[10:32] Wyn Galbraith absently waves at Rev.
[10:32] Benjamin Linden: let's close it as needs more ingo
[10:32] Revolution Perenti: not sure if you checked jira recently but i been submiiting alot of patches
[10:32] Daedalus Young: only found search queries if they were at the beginning of the events name
[10:32] Revolution Perenti: ie i fixed the memory leak bug that causes the viewer to crash
[10:32] Torley Tester: Ben: Hm, "Needs More Info" instead of "Won't Finish" due to the upcoming search changes?
[10:32] Revolution Perenti: like was caused by nvidia opengl vertex
[10:32] WarKirby Magojiro: I think won't finish is better
[10:33] WarKirby Magojiro: as in, we won't do THIS, because we're doing something else
[10:33] Benjamin Linden: well I'm just worried that the new search won't completely replace the other searches (groups, etc)
[10:33] WarKirby Magojiro: with an suitable comment explaining why
[10:33] Benjamin Linden: so this may continue to be an issue
[10:33] Boroondas Gupte: yeah
[10:33] Benjamin Linden: in general, I agree with you Torley and WarKirby
[10:33] Torley Tester: OK, I'll change resolution status.
[10:34] Benjamin Linden: but I want to make sure if this is happening in the groups search we catch that
[10:34] Benjamin Linden: thanks Torley
[10:34] Benjamin Linden: ok now we can move :-)
[10:34] Benjamin Linden: on
[10:34] Revolution Perenti: i fixed that Map bug last week torley too , be nice you can close that once its done
[10:34] Benjamin Linden: nice dress, Revolution
[10:34] Revolution Perenti: there so many open tickets i need to review
[10:34] Torley Tester: Oh which one Revolution?
[10:34] Revolution Perenti: lol i fixed alot over 40 last week
[10:35] Revolution Perenti: they still been open and lindens are not looking
[10:35] Benjamin Linden: did you submit patches?
[10:35] Revolution Perenti: would be nice to say they seen them
[10:35] Revolution Perenti: yes
[10:35] Revolution Perenti: i use patch and differ to make them
[10:35] Daedalus Young: ohhh, RL takes over, have to go
[10:35] WarKirby Magojiro: bye for now, Daedalus
[10:36] Daedalus Young: see you guys later and happy triaging!
[10:36] Boroondas Gupte: bye Deadalus
[10:36] Daedalus Young: bye
[10:36] Benjamin Linden: if they're UI bugs they should be coming up on the UI filter
[10:36] Iridium Linden:
[10:36] Benjamin Linden: lets stick to the agenda for now, we'll figure out why they aren't showing up later
[10:37] Revolution Perenti: are yout tridge more UI related Ben
[10:37] Revolution Perenti: lol im gona hold up your tridge again
[10:37] Benjamin Linden: yes, Revolution, this is a triage for UI bugs
[10:37] WarKirby Magojiro: the word is Triage
[10:37] Benjamin Linden: VWR-1115 isn't a UI bug
[10:37] Revolution Perenti: lol well can i close the last 2 i did for you Ben
[10:37] Boroondas Gupte: see at for a list of different triages
[10:37] WarKirby Magojiro: tree - aaah- je
[10:38] Revolution Perenti: resources and Map button fix ones
[10:38] Iridium Linden:
[10:38] Benjamin Linden: Rev, the best thing to do is add a link to those jiras in the agenda
[10:38] Torley Tester: What did we decide to do with VWR-1115?
[10:38] Ruud Lathrop: Nothing
[10:38] Benjamin Linden: this one needs a different component, not sure which
[10:38] Benjamin Linden: but it's not UI
[10:38] Revolution Perenti:
[10:38] Revolution Perenti:
[10:38] WarKirby Magojiro: This one is mine
[10:39] Iridium Linden: We should just change the component, no?
[10:39] Torley Tester: OK, *changes it*
[10:39] Benjamin Linden: what did you change it to, Torley
[10:39] Iridium Linden: prolly misc if it's not transparent.
[10:39] WarKirby Magojiro: Are you talking about 2251 ?
[10:39] Revolution Perenti: i did try email you few times last week torley keeps bouncing make saying your inbox is full
[10:39] Iridium Linden: 1115
[10:40] Torley Tester: Revolution: Which email addy?
[10:40] Revolution Perenti:
[10:40] Torley Tester: It's just
[10:40] Torley Tester: No "S". :)
[10:40] Revolution Perenti: lol
[10:40] Tao Takashi: LL should really change it's name to Lab_s_ ;-)
[10:40] Tao Takashi: as everybody seems to use it anyway
[10:40] Torley Tester: K, I just removed "UI" component from VWR-1115.
[10:40] WarKirby Magojiro: heh
[10:40] Benjamin Linden: thanks Torley
[10:40] Benjamin Linden: ok next up
[10:40] Revolution Perenti: ok thanks i resend those
[10:41] Iridium Linden: What did we change the component to?
[10:41] WarKirby Magojiro: 2251 now ?
[10:41] Torley Tester: Iridium: Nothing.
[10:41] Iridium Linden: yeah, kk.
[10:41] Iridium Linden:
[10:42] Wyn Galbraith: Didn't Rev fix that one?
[10:42] Torley Tester: Huzzah Rev!
[10:42] Tao Takashi: the landmark thing is confusing indeed
[10:42] Iridium Linden: We should have a "tool" component
[10:42] Roof Doors: WarKirby Magojiro is at the door.
[10:42] Iridium Linden: But that's prolly too broad.
[10:42] Revolution Perenti: not this one
[10:42] Revolution Perenti: but i can if you like
[10:42] WarKirby Magojiro: This is my issue ^^
[10:42] Saijanai Kuhn has been asking for an LSL component for jira for quite some time...
[10:42] Seg Baphomet: Yes, the landmark thing confused me from day 1 and still does. ;P
[10:42] Wyn Galbraith: I thought you said you did? Or were you just tired that night and thought you fixed everything
[10:43] Benjamin Linden: landmarks are changing with search as well
[10:43] WarKirby Magojiro: oh ?
[10:43] WarKirby Magojiro: how so ?
[10:43] Benjamin Linden: there will be a more detailed panel of information about the location
[10:43] WarKirby Magojiro: this wouldn't be hard to add as an interim fix though, perhaps ?
[10:44] Benjamin Linden: I'm not sure about the save/discard stuff on it
[10:44] Revolution Perenti: talking about lms i want a to be able to delete lm from my map menu ^^
[10:44] Benjamin Linden: there is also a related bug to this one, about needing to click "Keep" twice
[10:44] WarKirby Magojiro: never seen that one
[10:45] Seg Baphomet: Yes, the new notecard "feature". ;P
[10:45] Revolution Perenti: would you like me to take a look over the source on this one torley
[10:45] Tao Takashi: shouldn't the inventory giving be overhauled in general?
[10:45] Saijanai Kuhn: sounds like mouse focus issues. I've noticed several places where the first click doesn't take
[10:45] Tao Takashi: like the same dialog whenever you get something`?
[10:45] Tao Takashi: right now it's different with each objevt
[10:45] Tao Takashi: object
[10:45] Tao Takashi: object type actually
[10:45] Benjamin Linden: Seg do you have the link to that jira by any chance?
[10:46] Benjamin Linden: for the notecards
[10:46] Seg Baphomet: No idea.
[10:46] Torley Tester: Tao: There is a Preferences option that makes the same...
[10:46] Benjamin Linden: ok I'll see if I can find it
[10:46] Boroondas Gupte: it's double odd, if you got the object from a group notice, because you already clicked there to get it ...
[10:46] Torley Tester: Preferences > Popups tab.
[10:46] Benjamin Linden: you're right Tao, we need to revisit this and look at *all* the inventory types
[10:47] Tao Takashi: maybe some dialog with a general part (OK, Discard, whatever) and some detail part about the object below that
[10:47] Seg Baphomet: It confused me at first that getting a note card and just closing it left it in my inventory.
[10:47] WarKirby Magojiro: Aside from landmarks being a little confusing, I haven't really noticed any ptovlems with the dialogs
[10:47] Tao Takashi: and once we have these object previews.... ;-)
[10:47] Seg Baphomet: Considering so much stuff hands you note cards left and right.
[10:47] Iridium Linden: So what should we do with this?
[10:47] Benjamin Linden: let's go ahead and import this
[10:47] Iridium Linden: kk
[10:47] Iridium Linden: Importing
[10:47] WarKirby Magojiro: ^^
[10:47] Revolution Perenti: how comes there so much hardcoded stuff too like langs
[10:47] Benjamin Linden: Torley can you add RxTriage to the imported bug
[10:47] Tao Takashi: a simple "Save" button on the LM should be ok
[10:48] Revolution Perenti: lol not that im moaning becuase i read english
[10:48] Iridium Linden: 2068, right?
[10:48] Torley Tester: Will do, after Iridium imports!
[10:48] Torley Tester: Synchronization!
[10:48] Benjamin Linden: lol ok
[10:48] Torley Tester: Iridium, VWR-2251.
[10:48] WarKirby Magojiro: torley is having a seizure
[10:48] Revolution Perenti: lol
[10:48] Savannah Glimmer: lol
[10:48] Revolution Perenti: she viewing around us lol
[10:49] Benjamin Linden: someone help Torley!
[10:49] Benjamin Linden: :-)
[10:49] WarKirby Magojiro: perhaps that's a jira worthy issue too
[10:49] Revolution Perenti: camera does that
[10:49] Saijanai Kuhn: that bot tends to do that I've noticed
[10:49] Iridium Linden: jeez, Torley, I'm getting an error.
[10:49] Seg Baphomet: lol integration
[10:49] Torley Tester: What's the error?
[10:49] Torley Tester: Haha I was looking at moving objects too much. :D
[10:49] Torley Tester: [SYSTEM ERROR]
[10:49] Torley Tester: LOL.
[10:50] Iridium Linden: got it.
[10:50] Benjamin Linden: ok what's next
[10:50] Torley Tester: I see it.
[10:50] Iridium Linden: *imported*
[10:50] Benjamin Linden:
[10:50] Torley Tester: This could've been simplified.
[10:50] Ruud Lathrop: THat will be nice if fixed.
[10:51] WarKirby Magojiro: Losing inventory should be fixed, by returnuing to sender
[10:51] Revolution Perenti: this is a big problem more so with slex users too
[10:51] Torley Tester: Part of this sounds more like a new feature add than a bug.
[10:51] WarKirby Magojiro: but I don't think the busy mode behaviour ahouls be otherwise changed for now
[10:51] Ruud Lathrop: Make it a option to the user?
[10:51] Torley Tester: The problem is that sending stuff to someone who's busy puts the stuff in their trash with no indication.
[10:51] Benjamin Linden: I'm not sure I understand what the issue is
[10:51] Benjamin Linden: oh I see
[10:51] Benjamin Linden: yikes, that's terrible!
[10:51] Revolution Perenti: well need to change the status of busy mode to allow content becuase it refuses all content
[10:52] Revolution Perenti: even notecards are refused
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
[10:52] Benjamin Linden: refused or put in trash?
[10:52] Benjamin Linden: there's a difference
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: but if you don't WANT to recieve things
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: I think no copy items should return to sender
[10:52] Kooky Jetaime: Actually, make it an option Refuse/Deny/Friends
[10:52] Revolution Perenti: like for example if person 1 sends notecard to person b in busy mode you get declined message
[10:52] Wyn Galbraith: Put in 'while you were out' folder.
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: copyable items just vanish
[10:52] Ruud Lathrop: So make it a option?
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: oh
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: that works too, perhaps
[10:52] WarKirby Magojiro: a new folde
[10:52] Kooky Jetaime: Refuse/Accept/Friends Only
[10:52] Kooky Jetaime: while busy
[10:53] Benjamin Linden: yes a different folder could work
[10:53] Kooky Jetaime: each type of transfer
[10:53] Iridium Linden: This is a long-standing issue that we are well aware of.
[10:53] Tao Takashi: an "Incoming" folder maybe
[10:53] Iridium Linden: It's a serious PITA.
[10:53] Benjamin Linden: but I still think it would be hard for someone to find
[10:53] Wyn Galbraith: Goodies you got while you weren't looking.
[10:53] WarKirby Magojiro: on the same lines,
[10:53] Seg Baphomet: Do we really need more preferences?
[10:53] Benjamin Linden: are there existing issues? oh thanks warkirby
[10:53] Saijanai Kuhn: while busy folder seems easiest
[10:53] Benjamin Linden: no Seg, we don't
[10:53] WarKirby Magojiro: I proposed that as an overall improvement to busy mode
[10:53] Wyn Galbraith ponders her trash.
[10:53] Revolution Perenti: it does saij ?
[10:53] Tao Takashi: or maybe it can remember the stuff and you can work through it when you leave busy mode
[10:53] Torley Tester: Too many choices are confusing, especially for new Residents.
[10:54] Kooky Jetaime: An incomming folder would be Great for /everything/ so your inventory don't get mutteled with new stuff that you have find, based on the various ways of giving things.
[10:54] Torley Tester: It's always a tough balance between choices and simplicity.
[10:54] Wyn Galbraith: Incoming, that's good.
[10:54] Revolution Perenti: maybe something we could edit in our options to allow people like a safe list
[10:54] WarKirby Magojiro: that's what an "Advanced options" tab is for
[10:54] Saijanai Kuhn: an incoming folder with subfolders based on the way it was given?
[10:54] Kooky Jetaime: Like some things come in as a folder, some things come in a box (and go to objects), and some things are sent individually so 1 puchase can end up in Notecards, Clothes, and Objects
[10:54] Tao Takashi: basically it could present some list of new objects you either received during logoff or during busy mode
[10:54] WarKirby Magojiro: hide the complicated stuff
[10:54] Wyn Galbraith knew you kept me around for something.
[10:55] Tao Takashi: actually boxes of stuff should be openable in your inventory IMHO
[10:55] Iridium Linden: Right, Tao.
[10:55] Tao Takashi: as folder like objects
[10:55] Benjamin Linden: I don't think the description in this particular bug is very clear
[10:55] Tao Takashi: would also be easier with scripts etc
[10:55] Saijanai Kuhn: or at least you should be able to see the inventory of a box
[10:55] Revolution Perenti: lol i want ablity to zip a whole folder to 1 archive :D
[10:55] Benjamin Linden: I'd like to see a better bug report before importing it
[10:55] WarKirby Magojiro: it's far from clear, ben
[10:55] Iridium Linden: We should talk to Phoenix about this before we import though.
[10:55] Iridium Linden: Yeah, agreed, Benjamin.
[10:55] Torley Tester: I think VWR-2068 could be written a lot better.
[10:55] Torley Tester: There's some context which isn't clear.
[10:55] Tao Takashi: and with a lot less chat ;-)
[10:55] WarKirby Magojiro: the main issue seems to be content loss if the rreciever is in busy mode
[10:56] Benjamin Linden: let's mark this as need more info. but I would like to see if there are other related Jiras we can import
[10:56] WarKirby Magojiro: try closing as needs more info for now
[10:56] Torley Tester: OK...
[10:56] Iridium Linden: Yus, WarKirby.
[10:56] Torley Tester: *marks*
[10:56] Benjamin Linden: ok next
[10:56] Wyn Galbraith: Neet to overhaul inventory.
[10:56] Iridium Linden: But we really would need to talk to Phoenix about this.
[10:56] Iridium Linden:
[10:56] Revolution Perenti: if this would be changed im sure it would inimprove metrics for loss
[10:57] Tao Takashi: speaking about deeding I think this is also a very confusing topic in general
[10:57] WarKirby Magojiro doesn't quite understand this one
[10:57] Boroondas Gupte agrees with Tao concerning opening boxes: I actually put that on the old feature voting website ... probably should put it to jira
[10:57] WarKirby Magojiro: precisely
[10:57] Seg Baphomet: Hey, is there some place to report inventory loss? ;P
[10:57] WarKirby Magojiro: the whole share/deed thing is hihly confusing to most people
[10:58] Torley Tester: Seg, currently, we do it through support tickets via
[10:58] WarKirby Magojiro: group tools need an overhaul
[10:58] Benjamin Linden: I agree WarKirby
[10:58] Saijanai Kuhn has a minor meta issue...
[10:58] Revolution Perenti: wants mute group option :P
[10:58] Seg Baphomet: I went to edit my ZHAO config. And the notcard is "missing from database". ;P
[10:58] WarKirby Magojiro agrees with Revolution
[10:58] Torley Tester: Ugh Seg, that sounds like another issue I've seen before.
[10:59] Ruud Lathrop: Everybody has that issue, seg
[10:59] WarKirby Magojiro: happenes to me yesterday, but worked on the second attempt
[10:59] Saijanai Kuhn: about that meta issue...
[10:59] Seg Baphomet: How so?
[10:59] Wyn Galbraith: Speak up Saijanai.
[10:59] Saijanai Kuhn: utf-8 2-4 byte chars
[11:00] Seg Baphomet: I've tried bunches of times over a few days. It seems to be gone. ;P
[11:00] Saijanai Kuhn: when discussing all these issues, both for UI fixes and programming, you ignore international font issues
[11:00] Benjamin Linden: I need to test this out because I'm not sure I Understand the the problem
[11:00] Ruud Lathrop: Yeap a object inside a object sometimes disappear
[11:00] Saijanai Kuhn: strings are 255 bytes, which is 255 English chars, but only 82 Japanese chars
[11:01] WarKirby Magojiro: seems like deeding should bypass sharing
[11:01] Benjamin Linden: that's what it does, right?
[11:01] Revolution Perenti: not really seen this i need to do a repo
[11:01] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
[11:01] Benjamin Linden: once you deed the option is grayed out
[11:01] Saskeh Akina: your hair
[11:01] Wyn Galbraith: The solution for international font issues is to make the byte big enough for the extended chars.
[11:01] Saskeh Akina: aquisted
[11:01] WarKirby Magojiro: I think sharing with group allows anyone in the group to do things with the object
[11:01] Revolution Perenti: i only see the deed grayed out when share with group is not enabled
[11:01] Ruud Lathrop: aquisted???
[11:01] Saijanai Kuhn: so any/all UI and programming solutinos need to be adjusted to allow for they multi-byte char issue
[11:01] WarKirby Magojiro: whereasm deeding allows only those who have the proper role permission
[11:02] Tao Takashi: WarKirby: unfortunately not with the contents of that object ;-)
[11:02] Benjamin Linden: hmm there seems to be an issue with the way these two interract, I think we should import this
[11:02] WarKirby Magojiro: and sharing seems to override deeding
[11:02] WarKirby Magojiro nods
[11:02] WarKirby Magojiro: but it also warrants discussion
[11:02] Revolution Perenti: what can you get same rights as a deed ?
[11:02] WarKirby Magojiro: as to what the solution should be
[11:02] WarKirby Magojiro: it's not really clear cut
[11:03] Tao Takashi: actually deeding should somehow go away, as it seems to change the object in some no undoable way IIRC
[11:03] Benjamin Linden: we'll look at it some more
[11:03] WarKirby Magojiro: Rao.
[11:03] Benjamin Linden: ok folks we're out of time!
[11:03] WarKirby Magojiro: Tao. Deeding counts as a transfer
[11:03] WarKirby Magojiro: so you need to set next owner perms
[11:03] Iridium Linden: So what are we doing with 443?
[11:04] Benjamin Linden: Warkirby would you please add your thoughts to this bug
[11:04] Benjamin Linden: we're importing it Iridium
[11:04] Wyn Galbraith: I've noticed that sometimes items that are deeded aren't editable later. But nothing concrete to base a bug on yet.
[11:04] WarKirby Magojiro nods
[11:04] Seg Baphomet: Erk. Whats a basic account? ;P
[11:04] Iridium Linden: ah, kk, importing then.
[11:04] WarKirby Magojiro: I think we need a seperate triage for group issues
[11:04] WarKirby Magojiro: the whole matter is a bit too different from UI issues
[11:04] Revolution Perenti: I Think so too
[11:04] Iridium Linden: Ah, torley already got to it.
[11:04] Iridium Linden: ack
[11:04] Torley Tester: Oh, Bridie did.
[11:04] Torley Tester: She got that one before it looks like.
[11:04] Torley Tester: Wow, that was yesterday.
[11:05] Benjamin Linden: oh ok
[11:05] Wyn Galbraith just noticed Benjamin's shoes, "Good for getting bugs in corners."
[11:05] Benjamin Linden: lol @ Wyn
[11:05] Benjamin Linden: or for fending off angry Residents :-)
[11:05] Revolution Perenti: lol
[11:05] Wyn Galbraith: LOL Benjamin
[11:05] Benjamin Linden: alright folks, thanks for coming
[11:05] WarKirby Magojiro smiles
[11:05] Benjamin Linden: see you Thursday!
[11:05] Torley Tester: Yup thanks everyone!
[11:05] WarKirby Magojiro: it was a please
[11:05] Wyn Galbraith: B-bye!!! :D
[11:05] Revolution Perenti: thanks again Ben :)
[11:06] Seg Baphomet: /support/ doesn't seem to think I'm allowed to report inventory loss.
[11:06] Revolution Perenti: nice to see you again Torley :)
[11:06] WarKirby Magojiro: I'm going to redo the urler to work with general chat, then
[11:06] Torley Tester: :D
[11:06] Torley Tester: You too!
[11:06] Revolution Perenti: and dont forget Iridium :)
[11:06] Saskeh Akina: qui c'è qualche Italiano ?
[11:06] Torley Tester: Thanks for being with us and helping...
[11:06] Revolution Perenti: i'll email you this afternoon
[11:06] Torley Tester: thanks for manning the queue, Iridium.
[11:06] Torley Tester: Bye for now all. =)
[11:06] Ruud Lathrop: bye all