User:Void Singer/Programs

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v7-D Enh. Color Picker


  • Dialog driven.
  • Save and Recall.
  • Full 16 million+ colors.
  • Colors multiple linked prims at once.
  • Compatible with standard color picker displays.


 /*//( v7-D Enh. Color Picker v1.3 )//*/
 This Script MUST be
 placed in one  of the
 prims it is going to
 modify or it will not
 work properly!
 All Prims that are to
 be modified at the
 same time MUST have
 the SAME NAME !!!

 //-- Stores owner key
key      gKeyOwn;
 //-- Stores Owner Based Channel
integer  gIntChn;
 //-- Stores User Defined Color
vector   gColSav;
 //-- Stores which color(s) to modify
integer  gIdxPnl;
 //-- Stores the link number of all linked prims with the same name
list     gLstTgt;
 //-- Stores Name of Product
string   gStrPID = "v7-D Adv Color Picker v1.3";
 //-- Stores buttons for the dialog
list     gLstBtn = ["-1", "-8", "-64", "+1", "+8", "+64",
                    "Reset", "Done!", "Save",
                    "All Colors", "Red Only", "Green Only", "Blue Only"];
 //-- Stores programatic values of buttons
list     gLstVal = [-0.003922, -0.031373, -0.250980, 0.003922, 0.031373, 0.250980,
                    <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>];

 //-- builds the dialog to send to the owner
	 //-- GetThe Current Color of this sets base in 0-255 range
	vector vColTmp = llGetColor( ALL_SIDES ) * 255;
	 //-- build and send dialog to owner
	llDialog( gKeyOwn,
	          gStrPID + "\n\nModifying "
	          + llList2String( gLstBtn, gIdxPnl )
	          + "\n\nCurrent Values (0-255):\n"
	          + "R:" + (string)llRound( vColTmp.x )
	          + ", G:" + (string)llRound( vColTmp.y )
	          + ", B:" + (string)llRound( vColTmp.z )
	          + " = #" + uFlt2Byt( (integer)vColTmp.x )
	          + uFlt2Byt( (integer)vColTmp.y )
	          + uFlt2Byt( (integer)vColTmp.z ),
	          llDeleteSubList( gLstBtn, gIdxPnl, gIdxPnl ),
	          gIntChn );
	 //-- set timeout to close listen
	llSetTimerEvent( 60.0 );

 //-- convert float byte to hex byte
string uFlt2Byt( float vFltByt ){
	integer vIntByt = llRound( vFltByt );
	string vStrHex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
	return llGetSubString( vStrHex, vIntByt >> 4, vIntByt >> 4 ) +
	       llGetSubString( vStrHex, vIntByt & 15, vIntByt & 15 );

uSetCol( vector vColUse ){
	 //-- Clamp Color ranges
	vColUse = <(vColUse.x * (vColUse.x > 0.0) - 1.0) * (vColUse.x < 1.0) + 1.0,
	           (vColUse.y * (vColUse.y > 0.0) - 1.0) * (vColUse.y < 1.0) + 1.0,
	           (vColUse.z * (vColUse.z > 0.0) - 1.0) * (vColUse.z < 1.0) + 1.0>;
	 //-- loop through all prims with our name and set them
	integer vIntTmp = gLstTgt != [];
		llSetLinkColor( llList2Integer( gLstTgt, --vIntTmp ), vColUse, ALL_SIDES );
	}while (vIntTmp);

		gKeyOwn = llGetOwner();
		gIntChn = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( (string)gKeyOwn, 1, 7 ));
		 //-- get the target prim name from current prim
		string	vStrTID = llGetObjectName();
		 //-- get the number of prims in the sets
		integer vIntTmp = llGetNumberOfPrims();
		 //-- Check all prims; store ones with our name
			if (llGetLinkName( vIntTmp ) == vStrTID){
					gLstTgt += (list)vIntTmp;
		}while (~(--vIntTmp));
		 //-- avoid dumping the changed event if one is queued
		llSetTimerEvent( 0.01 );
	//-- reset script to prevent errors from link or owner changes
	changed( integer vBitChg ){
		 //-- stop timer and exit state
		llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
		state sRdy;

state sRdy{
	 //-- touch trigger for the dialog (remove next five lines if not needed)
	touch_end( integer vIntNul ){
		if (llDetectedKey( 0 ) == gKeyOwn){
			state sRun;
	 //-- link message trigger for the dialog (remove next seven lines if not needed)
	link_message( integer vIntNul, integer vIntNull, string vStrCmd, key vKeyOwn ){
		if (gStrPID == vStrCmd){ //-- string must match product name
			if (gKeyOwn == vKeyOwn){ //-- key must match owner
				state sRun;
	//-- reset script to prevent errors from link or owner changes
	changed( integer vBitChg ){

state sRun{
		 //-- set default color to modify (9=all, 10=red, 11=green, 12=blue)
		gIdxPnl = 9;
		 //-- Open Listen to owner only
		llListen( gIntChn, "", gKeyOwn, "" );
		 //-- send dialog
	listen( integer vIntNul, string vStrNul, key vKeyNul, string vStrCmd ){
		 //-- check which button was pressed
		integer vIntCmd = llListFindList( gLstBtn, (list)vStrCmd );
		if (~vIntCmd){ //-- if input matches a valid button
			if (6 > vIntCmd){ //-- Cmd 0-5 (add or subtract a color amount)
				 //-- multiply to change, by the modification filter, and apply it to the current color
				uSetCol( llList2Float( gLstVal, vIntCmd ) * llList2Vector( gLstVal, gIdxPnl - 3 ) +	llGetColor( ALL_SIDES ) );
			}else if (9 > vIntCmd){ //-- Cmd 6-8
				if (6 == vIntCmd){
					 //-- reset to last saved color
					uSetCol( gColSav );
				}else if (7 == vIntCmd){
					 //-- claer the dialog tiemout and return to ready state (this removes the listen)
					llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
					state sRdy;
					 //-- save current color and inform user
					gColSav = llGetColor( ALL_SIDES );
					llOwnerSay( gStrPID + ": Color saved." );
			}else if (13 > vIntCmd){ //-- Cmd 9-12 (change modification filter)
				gIdxPnl = vIntCmd;
			 //-- reopen the dialog for further changes
		 //-- timeout the dialog so that the listen isn't left open, return to ready state (this removes the listen)
		llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
		llOwnerSay( gStrPID + ": Color Dialog Timed Out." );
		state sRdy;
	//-- reset script to prevent errors from link or owner changes
	changed( integer vBitChg ){

/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
/*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
/*//    (C)2010 (CC-BY) [ ]    //*/
/*//   Void Singer [ ]  //*/
/*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/
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v7-D Enh. Landmark-2-Map


  • Next/Pevious Landmark Buttons.
  • Hovertext Display of Landmark Name.
  • Auto-Wrapping of Next/Previous Targets.
  • Works as a HUD or a Free-Standing Object.
  • Warning on No Landmarks Found (with safe default).

Script (Fast Response Version)

/*//-- v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.2f --//*/

/*//-- Requirements:
 3 linked Prims (minimum)
 1 Named "prev" (this will be your previous landmark button)
 1 Named "next" (this will be your next landmark button)
 any other prim in the object will trigger the map destination for the
 currently displayed Landmark name. Recommended to rename landmarks.

integer gIdxTgt; /*//-- Index of Target --//*/
list    gLstLMs; /*//-- List of Landmarks --//*/
list    gLstLoc; /*//-- List of Locations--//*/

key     gKeySec;       /*//-- Key for Security checking dataserver calls --//*/
float   gFltTmt = 5.0; /*//-- Float for Timeout (dataserver calls & inventory changes) --//*/

		llOwnerSay( "Rebuilding Database" );
		gIdxTgt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_LANDMARK );
		 /*//-- Grab Landmark Names For Display --//*/
		if (gIdxTgt){
				gLstLMs = (list)llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_LANDMARK, --gIdxTgt ) + gLstLMs;
			 /*//-- Get First LM Location --//*/
			gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( llList2String( gLstLMs, gIdxTgt = (gLstLMs != []) - 1 ) );
			 /*//-- (gLstLMs != []) == llGetListLength( gLstLMs ) --//*/
			 /*//-- negative indices would've been nice if they were supported by the Req.Inv.Data call --//*/
			llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );
			gLstLMs = (list)"Out Of Order, No Landmarks Present";
			gLstLoc = (list)<128.0, 128.0, 0.0>;
			state sReady;
	dataserver( key vKeySec, string vStrLoc ){
		 /*//-- verify we're getting our data, not another scripts --//*/
		if (gKeySec == vKeySec){
			 /*//-- Store Location Vector --//*/
			gLstLoc = (list)((vector)vStrLoc + llGetRegionCorner()) + gLstLoc;
			if (gIdxTgt){
				 /*//-- Get Next LM Location --//*/
				gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( llList2String( gLstLMs, --gIdxTgt ) );
				llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );
				 /*//-- Clear Timeout Because Timers Cross States --//*/
				llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
				state sReady;
		if (gKeySec){
			llOwnerSay( "Dataserver Response Timed Out, auto retry in " + (string)((integer)gFltTmt) + " seconds" );
			gKeySec = "";

state sReady{
		 /*//-- Set The Initial Display --//*/
		llSetText( llList2String( gLstLMs, gIdxTgt ), <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
		llOwnerSay( "Ready" );
	touch_end( integer vIntNul ){
		 /*//-- Check if a prim named "prev" or "next" was touched --//*/
		integer vIntTst = llSubStringIndex( "prevnext", llGetLinkName( llDetectedLinkNumber( 0 ) ) );
		if (~vIntTst){
			 /*//-- Update Index Target --//*/
			gIdxTgt += ((vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst == 0));
			 /*//-- ((vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst < 0)) same as: -1 for "prev", +1 for "next" --//*/
			 /*//-- Update Display --//*/
			llSetText( llList2String( gLstLMs, (gIdxTgt %= (gLstLMs != [])) ), <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
			 /*//-- (gLstLMs != []) == llGetListLength( gLstLMs ) --//*/
			 /*//-- "gInCnt %= " allows us to wrap our references so they don't go out of range --//*/
			 /*//-- Trigger map for any other touched prim in this object --//*/
			llMapDestination( llGetRegionName(), llList2Vector( gLstLoc, gIdxTgt ) - llGetRegionCorner(), ZERO_VECTOR );
	changed( integer vBitChg ){
			 /*//-- give the user more time to add new LMs before we recompile our database lists. --//*/
			 /*//-- We could check the count too, but don't in case the change was a change of name --//*/
			llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );
/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
/*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
/*//    (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ ]    //*/
/*//   Void Singer [ ]  //*/
/*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/
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Script (Small Code Version)

/*//-- v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.2s --//*/
/*//-- Requirements:
 3 linked Prims (minimum)
 1 Named "prev" (this will be your previous landmark button)
 1 Named "next" (this will be your next landmark button)
 any other prim in the object will trigger the map destination for the
 currently displayed Landmark name. Recommended to rename landmarks.

integer gIdxTgt; /*//-- Index of Target LM --//*/
string  gStrLMN; /*//-- String of Landmark Name --//*/
vector  gPosLoc; /*//-- Position of Location --//*/
key     gKeySec; /*//-- Key for Security checking dataserver calls --//*/

uUpdateLM( integer vIntCng ){
	integer vIntCnt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_LANDMARK );
	if (vIntCnt){
		gIdxTgt = (vIntCnt + gIdxTgt + vIntCng) % vIntCnt;
		 /*//-- " + vIntCnt" correct for positive index needed by Req.Inv.Dat. --//*/
		 /*//-- " % vIntCnt" range limit for current LM count --//*/
		gStrLMN = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_LANDMARK, gIdxTgt );
		gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( gStrLMN );
		llSetTimerEvent( 5.0 );
		 /*//-- Uh Oh, set a default of current sim, center, ground level --//*/
		llSetText( "Out Of Order, No Landmarks Present", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
		gPosLoc = <128.0, 128.0, 0.0>;

		uUpdateLM( 0 );
	dataserver( key vKeySec, string vStrLoc ){
		 /*//-- verify we're getting our data, not another scripts --//*/
		if (gKeySec == vKeySec){
			 /*//-- Clear the timeout --//*/
			llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
			 /*//-- Store/Display New Target --//*/
			gPosLoc = (vector)vStrLoc + llGetRegionCorner();
			llSetText( gStrLMN, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
	touch_end( integer vIntNul ){
		 /*//-- Check if a prim named "prev" or "next" was touched --//*/
		integer vIntTst = llSubStringIndex( "prevnext", llGetLinkName( llDetectedLinkNumber( 0 ) ) );
		if (~vIntTst){
			uUpdateLM( (vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst == 0) );
			 /*//-- ((vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst < 0)) same as: -1 for "prev", +1 for "next" --//*/
			 /*//-- Trigger map for any other touched prim in this object --//*/
			llMapDestination( llGetRegionName(), gPosLoc - llGetRegionCorner(), ZERO_VECTOR );
		 /*//-- Make Sure Landmark didn't get deleted before trying to to read it again --//*/
		if (INVENTORY_LANDMARK == llGetInventoryType( gStrLM )){
			llOwnerSay( "Dataserver Response Timed Out. Unable To Change Destination; Trying Again" );
			gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( gStrLMN );
		}else{ /*//-- Landmark no longer exists in inventory, set a safe default --//*/
			uUpdateLM( 0 );
/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
/*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
/*//    (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ ]    //*/
/*//   Void Singer [ ]  //*/
/*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/
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v7-D Advanced Visitor Greeter


  • Reduced Spam
  • Easily Modified
  • Multiple Configurations


/*//( v7-D Advanced Avatar Greeter v1.4.2 Annotated )//*/

/*//-- Notes:
 This script attempts (within the limits of LSL) To only greet avatars once per timeout period
 The timeout period start when they leave, and favors not re-greeting frequent visitors (perceived as spam)
 Remove Lines marked **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section** if you are sure of the max avs you want to store
 Remove Lines marked **Timeout Culling Section** if you want to greet the same avatar only once

/*//-- Core Variables --//*/
list    gLstAvs;         //-- List Of Avatars Keys Greeted
list    vLstChk;         //-- List Of Single Av Key Checked During Sensor Processing
integer vIdxLst;         //-- Index Of Checked Item In List (reused)
integer gIntMax = 500;   //-- Maximum Number of Names To Store (ignored if Dynamic Memory used)

 /*//-- Next Line:  **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section** --//*/
integer cINT_MEM = 1024; //-- Memory bytes to preserve for safety (Needs to be > ~768)

 /*//-- Start **Timeout Culling Section** --//*/
integer gIntTmt = 172800; //-- Number Of Seconds since last visit to store Av
integer vIntNow;          //-- Integer To Store Current Time During Sensor Processing
list    gLstTms;          //-- List Of Most Recent Times Avs Were Greeted At 
list    vLstTmt;          //-- List To Store Calculated Timeout During Sensor Processing
 /*//-- End **Timeout Culling Section** --//*/

		 //-- Next Line: **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section**
		gIntMax = cINT_MEM;                  //--< **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section**
		llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); //-- Pre-Fire Sensor for immediate results
		llSetTimerEvent( 30.0 );             //-- How often (in seconds) to look for new people
		llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); //-- Look for avatars
	sensor( integer vIntSns ){ //-- Get "now" and "timeout" once, saving timeout as a list for eas of use
		vLstTmt = (list)(gIntTmt + (vIntNow = llGetUnixTime())); //--< **Timeout Culling Section**
		do{ //-- Have we greeted these av's in our time frame?
			if (~(vIdxLst = llListFindList( gLstAvs, (vLstChk = (list)llDetectedKey( --vIntSns )) ))){
				gLstAvs = vLstChk + llDeleteSubList( gLstAvs, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ); //-- prevents spamming frequent visitors
				gLstTms = vLstTmt + llDeleteSubList( gLstTms, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ); //--< **Timeout Culling Section**
			}else{ //-- New Av, greet and save
				llRegionSayTo( (string)vLstChk, 0, "Hello " + llDetectedName( vIntSns ) );
				gLstAvs = llList2List( vLstChk + gLstAvs, 0, gIntMax );
				gLstTms = llList2List( vLstTmt + gLstTms, 0, gIntMax ); //--< **Timeout Culling Section**
		}while (vIntSns);
		 /*//-- Start **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section** --//*/
		if (cINT_MEM == gIntMax){            //-- check value to see if we need to do this, should happen 1 time only
			if (cINT_MEM > llGetFreeMemory()){ //-- are we running out of free space?
				gIntMax = ~([] != gLstAvs);      //-- Limit list to current_length - 1 to prevent stack/heap collision
		} /*//-- End **Dynamic Memory Limitation Section** --//*/
		 /*//-- Start **Timeout Culling Section** --//*/
		if (vIdxLst = (gLstTms != [])){
			if (vIntNow > llList2Integer( gLstTms, --vIdxLst )){
				@Loop;          //-- Find first index of avatars whose time since last greeting expired
				if (--vIdxLst){ //-- special loop structure to emulate short circuiting, while preserving vIndLst
					if (vIntNow < llList2Integer( gLstTms, vIdxLst )){
						jump Loop;
				} //-- Next 2 Lines: Remove Avs whose time has expired
				gLstAvs = llList2List( (gLstAvs = []) + gLstAvs, 0, vIdxLst );
				gLstTms = llList2List( (gLstTms = []) + gLstTms, 0, vIdxLst );
		} /*//-- End **Timeout Culling Section** --//*/

/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
/*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
/*//    (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ ]    //*/
/*//   Void Singer [ ]  //*/
/*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/
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Questions or Comments?

Feel free to leave me a note on my User Talk page.