Volunteer Mailing List Guidelines

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Out of Date

The volunteer information on this page is now out of date and will be kept for historical purposes. Please do not update information on this page.

Mailing List Policy:

The SL VOL mailing list is an official communication tool of the Secondlife Volunteer Program. The SL Volunteers mailing list is a closed list, only for residents who are currently in the Volunteer program. Second Life Mentors as well as Second Life Apprentice Mentors may join this group here. You can expect acceptance to the list within two weeks of your application.

Note: There are a great many emails that pass through this list. In an effort to cut down on the overall length of threads, delete the parts of the email that do not apply to your response. Make sure that your subject line is the same as the email you reply to so that it stays in that thread. This is especially helpful when responding to a large group of messages. Your fellow Mentors will appreciate your efforts!

As with our other means of communication, the group channels, there are guidelines for the use of our mailing list of which Mentors should be aware.

  • Respect your fellow Mentors. Please DO be courteous. Tao of Volunteer ethics and attitudes apply here too.
  • Please DO NOT send Spam. Please DO NOT reply or respond to any Spam you may see sent to this email list. Responding only compounds the problem and makes you a part of the spam.
  • The SL VOL mailing list is NOT a forum and is NOT a place for idle chat. It is a communication tool for Mentor business, the business of helping residents in Second life.
  • Please DO post useful information or meaningful questions.
  • Attitude and behavior is primary. The idea here is to help one another with Mentoring challenges, not personal issues.
  • Flaming or making derogatory comments about or to fellow mentors in this list is not acceptable. While the mailing list is not a debate club you are certainly allowed to talk things through. Keep in mind that a healthy debate should not ever involve making personal criticism.
  • As members of the Volunteer Program, you represent Second Life and Linden Lab. Derogatory remarks about Linden Lab, abusing group resources provided by Linden Lab (be it in chat channel, wearing your tag, or in this mailing list) is inappropriate.


Second Life Volunteers are expected to know the email list guidelines and to abide by them. If a Volunteer does not follow the guidelines they may be removed from the SL VOL email list for a minimum of 30 days after one warning. At the end of that thirty day period they may be reinstated to the list by contacting any Vteam member.