Academic/Research Questions

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There are lots of resources available to get you started on your academic and research questions.

The Market Data Portal creates a collaborative environment where companies interested in research studies can meet each other, work together, and display their results.

The Economic Statistics Page is a list of all the Second Life statistics now available. The Economic statistics include Residents, land, Linden dollars, Resident transactions, as well as sources and links. They are updated daily except where noted.

In the upper right of The Economic Statistics Page are links to Key Metrics (in Excel, and Open Office as downloads) and to economy blog posts. The Key Metrics include user hours, land size, L$ supply and transactions, population, premium accounts, country, age, and gender. County and age are for the previous month only; other data provides 4 or more months of data so you can track historical changes. We update the Key Metrics monthly as soon as we can after the end of the month; they are usually available within 10 business days.

We hope that this gives you the resources you need for your research project. We look forward to your contributions to Second Life's vibrant intellectual community.
