Alpha Fleet

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Alpha Fleet is the Star Trek Role Play group located in the Odessa Extravagant sim. Running since June 2007, Alpha Fleet is entirely supported by its members and staff, and everything there was built by the various members.

Rank System

As withheld within the Star Trek universe, members of AF use the rank system. This starts out with Cadet, followed by Ensign, then Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, and finally, Fleet Admiral.


AF boasts state-of-the-art facilities built entirely by its members.

Headquarters - A retro-futuristic HQ consisting of 6 floors was erected in late September 2007. Its design was made in collaboration between the Vice Admiral, and Rear Admiral.

Sandbox - AF also boasts a sandbox situated 500 Meters above the main HQ, which is fit for any builder, experienced or not. But for those who are not prim-savvy, AF ( as of Oct 2007 ) plans on having weekly Builders Clinics, where you can improve speed, and style - all for free!