Architect Jarrico
Early Years in Secondlife: Architect Jarrico entered secondlife in late July of 2005, rezzing in the welcome area of Bonifacio, and promptly came into contact with his first major influence in Secondlife...Nexus Prime, residing in Bonifacio, as well as the neighboring sim, Gibson. Here he learned the ropes of SL, as well as came into contact with the major power players of several current Secondlife projects, such as the highly acclaimed Gutterblood Spoonhammer. He spent roughly a year and a half here, before joining the newly restarted Nexus Prime 2021 Cyberpunk Roleplay with Rayne Tempura, during which he roleplayed as Architect Jarrico, CEO of CREODRON, while he simultaneously bought out a quarter of the mainland region Uzume, coming into contact with the a member of the Electric Sheep Company, whom he neighbored. In this region, he built a construct which he had originally planned to expand throughout the entire sim. He called the construct "Neural City", which was going to be a cyberpunk roleplay sim, home of the group, "CREO DRON". Sadly, before half of the sim could be bought, a glitch in Secondlife's billing system caused release of Uzume from the grip of Architect.
Joining the Military Roleplay Scene: During the latter phases of "CREO DRON", Architect, at the advice of a member of the ANII, or Ordo Imperialis, sought out to join the Military Roleplay community, and, becoming confused at the difference between AN and ANII, stumbled upon the Alliance Navy base of Enceledus, as well as Tethys, and promptly joined the Alliance Navy, quickly rising to the in-group rank of Enlisted-5, before RL events caused him to leave Secondlife for a rough period of 6 months, coming back online randomly, managing to attain Drill Instructor, and 1st Squad Leader of the Alliance Navy Marine Division, then under the command of Billybob Street. At the end of his eventful period of his RL, Architect Jarrico took the position of Head DI of the Alliance Navy Marine Division, and was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer-1 under the command of Mikael Khalamov.
The Climax of his Second Life: Then, in early May of 2007, due to drama arising from disgruntled members of the Alliance Navy Fleet Division, nearly the entire Command Structure left the group. Seeing unstability in the Fleet Division, Architect transferred divisions to Fleet and pulled the division back from near-death, putting it back on its feet, literally seizing command of the Division by its neck, and being appointed the rank of Officer-3. Later, in late June, he left the Alliance Navy following a clash between the then-admiral of the Alliance Navy, Judge Hocho and himself. He then joined the military Roleplay group of "Sparta", attaining the rank of Phalanx Archon, or general, due to his close friendship with the leader of the group, Bruno Ziskey. From there, he also joined the fledgling Military Roleplay group of "Vanguard", reaching the rank of "Unteroffizier" in the group, due to his friendship with some of the leadership of the group.
Mending himself: In August, Architect Jarrico rejoined the Alliance Navy, and currently holds the rank of Enlisted-3 as well as the status of being a Drill Instructor in the Alliance Navy Marine Division.