Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2010-01-07
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This meeting was held on January 07th, 2010
- Discuss resolution of previous open items.
- Updates
- Happy New Year!
- Releases
- 1.34.2 was released.
- 1.36.0 is imminent
- Any other business
Resolved Items
Meeting Minutes
- This was a light meeting.
Transcript of Oskar Linden's Beta Server Office Hour for January 07th, 2010:
[15:06] Oskar Linden: well I say we chill for a few minutes before getting started [15:06] Yann Dufaux is Offline [15:06] Oskar Linden: maybe let a few more people arrive [15:06] Eddi Decosta: back ㋡ [15:06] Jonathan Yap: good, I can start dinner warming up [15:06] Oskar Linden: like Lil Linde [15:06] Oskar Linden: n [15:06] Oskar Linden: I'm gonna get a drink [15:06] Loki Clifton: Skiddels Vodika [15:08] Oskar Linden: heh [15:08] Eddi Decosta: i love this tag ㋡ [15:08] Eddi Decosta: i have the same group on agni :p [15:09] Oskar Linden: I drink more than my fair share [15:09] IzzieBellah Hinterland: that tag speaks the staple of my diet, lol [15:09] Eddi Decosta: miumm, coffee :p [15:09] Oskar Linden: i will actually go and get coffee after this meeting :-) [15:10] Oskar Linden: alright well... looks like this is all we've got [15:10] Oskar Linden: might as well get started [15:10] Eddi Decosta: hehe ㋡ [15:10] Oskar Linden: we'll run through this agenda here: [15:10] Jonathan Yap: and I'm just a voyeur :) [15:11] Oskar Linden: discussion of previous open items [15:12] Oskar Linden: not sure what there is to say. I don't think there is much new there [15:12] Eddi Decosta: this first bug are very interesting ㋡ [15:12] Oskar Linden: it's been 3 weeks since our last meeting [15:12] Eddi Decosta: i have emerald , if you need to test ㋡ [15:12] Oskar Linden: you'll have to pardon me for not wanting to meet on Christmas and New Years [15:12] Oskar Linden: Hi OO [15:12] Opensource Obscure: hello everybody. [15:12] Oskar Linden: Welcome [15:12] Oskar Linden: we just got started [15:12] Oskar Linden: [15:12] Opensource Obscure: cool. [15:12] Eddi Decosta: hello opensource ㋡ [15:12] Oskar Linden: Happy New Years BTW [15:13] Oskar Linden: to everyone [15:13] Eddi Decosta: yeah Happy new year to you Oskar! ㋡ [15:13] Oskar Linden: anyone do anything cool? [15:13] Loki Clifton: no [15:13] Oskar Linden: I rushed the stage at a midnight showing New Years Eve at the Crocodile Cafe in Seattle [15:14] Oskar Linden: then I started pulling others on stage and soon there were more people on stage dancing with the band than in the crowd [15:14] Oskar Linden: the trick is to get enough people on stage that security can't get up there [15:14] IzzieBellah Hinterland: doesn't matter what life Oskar is in, he's a rebel all the around. [15:15] Oskar Linden: I like to have fun [15:15] Oskar Linden: tonight is the Pioneer Square art walk [15:15] Oskar Linden: last month I bought a painting [15:15] Oskar Linden: I guess I should talk about server stuff huh? [15:16] IzzieBellah Hinterland: sounds like he stopped before he told us he copy botted the painting. [15:16] Oskar Linden: ok then [15:16] Eddi Decosta: hehe ㋡ [15:16] Oskar Linden: heh [15:16] Oskar Linden: no I paid full price [15:16] Oskar Linden: it was worth it [15:16] Loki Clifton: dose it come with a digital copy ? [15:16] Oskar Linden: hrm [15:16] Oskar Linden: i'll see what I can do [15:17] Oskar Linden: so we had some fun at LL on new years eve [15:17] Oskar Linden: with an emergency server roll [15:17] Oskar Linden: *sigh* [15:17] Oskar Linden: Lil rocked that deploy though [15:17] Opensource Obscure: \m/ [15:18] Eddi Decosta: and the crash, are fixed? [15:18] Oskar Linden: it was an LSL server crash exploit that got a lot of play [15:18] Oskar Linden: that one is fixed. [15:18] Eddi Decosta: oh yeah ㋡ [15:18] Eddi Decosta: and about the viewer its fixed too or no? [15:19] Loki Clifton: SWEET!! [15:19] Oskar Linden: the viewer? [15:19] Oskar Linden: that's my painting btw [15:19] Oskar Linden: it's called "Whisper" [15:19] Opensource Obscure: i like it! [15:19] Oskar Linden: made by this shy female artist in Seattle [15:19] Oskar Linden: I love it [15:19] Oskar Linden: I fell for it right away [15:19] Loki Clifton: its cool [15:20] IzzieBellah Hinterland: love the colors [15:20] Oskar Linden: She sold it for her monthly rent [15:20] Oskar Linden: and it let her stay there for another month [15:20] Opensource Obscure: that's the right price! [15:20] Oskar Linden: that made me feel good [15:20] Opensource Obscure: so .. we read many interesting things these days on the blog from FJ .. general database now running on Mysql 5 .. european datacenter later this year .. global caching .. these don't directly relate to sim servers , but maybe you can add some details about [15:21] Opensource Obscure: *that [15:21] Richard Linden is Online [15:22] Oskar Linden: the mysql5 upgrade was a HUGE process [15:22] Oskar Linden: they have had that in the works for more than a year [15:23] Opensource Obscure: should we expect any immediate improvement from this upgrade? [15:23] Eddi Decosta: ah its for this? this offline hours ㋡ [15:23] Oskar Linden: the improvements may not be readily apparent [15:23] Oskar Linden: the newer datacenter improvements probably will be [15:24] Oskar Linden: we are also doing some spreading out of our datacenter pieces and parts [15:24] Opensource Obscure: i'm from italy, so i hope they will [15:24] Loki Clifton: will it fix the Large invantory people [15:24] Oskar Linden: that is ongoing all this year [15:24] Opensource Obscure: from italy we always have 200ms of latency at least [15:24] Opensource Obscure: oh wait. that won't change, right? [15:25] Richard Linden is Offline [15:25] Opensource Obscure: that refers to the connection with the sim server [15:25] Oskar Linden: that depends OO. I'm not sure on the particulars [15:25] Opensource Obscure: yeah and i'm not being clear i fear. np [15:26] Eddi Decosta: well, ysertday i never disconnected from agni :p [15:26] Richard Linden is Online [15:27] Oskar Linden: so 1.34.2 went out well it looks like [15:27] Oskar Linden: we froze 1.36 yesterday [15:27] Oskar Linden: and are very soon to getting it deployed here [15:28] Eddi Decosta: yeah, i get some froze on french region its horrible ㋡ [15:28] Oskar Linden: I'll message the group when I have more 1.36 info [15:28] Oskar Linden: Lil is updating the release notes as we speak [15:28] Oskar Linden: and he sends his regards and apologizes for not being able to make it here [15:28] Opensource Obscure waves to Lil [15:29] Oskar Linden: 1.36 is mostly bug fixes [15:29] Oskar Linden: lots and lots of bug fixes [15:29] Opensource Obscure: yay! [15:29] Eddi Decosta: ㋡ [15:29] Oskar Linden: there shouldn't be much that is 'confidential' [15:29] Oskar Linden: so hopefully the release notes will be nice and fat [15:29] Oskar Linden: we're hoping for an early february release [15:29] Richard Linden is Offline [15:30] Oskar Linden: we actually packed much more into 1.36 than I thought we would [15:30] Opensource Obscure: will Viewer 2.0 release schedule influence server releases? or they're completely independent? [15:31] Oskar Linden: I'll appreciate any and all help on poking it as hard as we can [15:31] Oskar Linden: completely independent [15:31] Oskar Linden: we have been dropping vwr2 pieces into server code for months now [15:31] Opensource Obscure: hah! [15:31] Oskar Linden: ;-) [15:31] Oskar Linden: little stuff :-p [15:32] Opensource Obscure: i saw something change when using a viewer i built from 2009 april code .. it uses advanced shadows .. projected textures [15:32] Oskar Linden: there isn't any vwr2 code out there is there? [15:32] Oskar Linden: I didn't think so [15:32] Eddi Decosta: i hope a new graphic stuff ㋡ [15:32] Opensource Obscure: you published something under rendering-pipeline branch [15:32] Oskar Linden: some of it might have slipped into the release branches [15:33] Oskar Linden: I'm really pretty far removed from any vwr2 stuff [15:33] Opensource Obscure: do you know anything about Havok7? [15:34] Oskar Linden: nope [15:34] Oskar Linden: it's not on my radar [15:36] Oskar Linden: anyways... :-) [15:37] Opensource Obscure: : ) [15:37] Oskar Linden: I'll open this meeting up to anything you guys have [15:37] Opensource Obscure: ..silence.. [15:37] Oskar Linden: if not I'll call it done and we can go get coffee :-D [15:37] Opensource Obscure: unfortunately at this time (0.37 here) my english is even more weak. [15:37] Jonathan Yap: and I was just curious to see what was being discussed [15:37] Oskar Linden: italy was it? [15:37] Opensource Obscure: server issues are not so easy for me to talk about [15:38] Opensource Obscure: yeah [15:38] Oskar Linden: no problem jonathan [15:38] Opensource Obscure: i'm fine if we close here , fwiw [15:38] IzzieBellah Hinterland: i'm ok with it [15:38] Oskar Linden: next week when we get 1.36 on here I encourage you to check it out and file any bugs you might find [15:38] Oskar Linden: where in Italy? [15:39] Opensource Obscure: north - not far from venice [15:39] Oskar Linden: I have been to venice once [15:39] IzzieBellah Hinterland: i took a ferry from Venice to Turkey and nearly sunk in a storm [15:39] Oskar Linden: oh no! [15:40] Opensource Obscure: whoa [15:40] Oskar Linden: so we're lucky to have you here then [15:40] IzzieBellah Hinterland: the gale was cat. 4 and the don't sail if it is a cat. 5 [15:40] Oskar Linden: alright well I am feeling the need for my afternoon coffee [15:40] Oskar Linden: I will bid you all a fond farewell [15:40] IzzieBellah Hinterland: but the elec. eng. told me it was more like a 4.5 cat. [15:40] Opensource Obscure: take care Oskar [15:40] Oskar Linden: see you on AGNI [15:40] Opensource Obscure: please say ciao for me to Vektor, should you see him [15:40] Jonathan Yap: Bye Oskar, thanks for all the hard work you put in [15:41] Opensource Obscure: yay. a HUGE thanks [15:41] Opensource Obscure: servers are so underrated ; ) [15:41] Opensource Obscure: bye everybody