Brainf*** Interpreter
( in the spirit of which this script is GPL'd. Copyright (C) 2013 Subus Tremor
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
This is an esoteric language - that implies a useless programming language (except for the fun of it). It interprets correct Brainf*** code. There is no debugging etc. provided.
Create a box, and drop this script in it. Then edit the script and assign a valid Brainf*** program code to variable program. Save the script and touch your box to run the code
<lsl> // The esoteric computer language Brainf*** - Interpreter for SL by Subus Tremor // // Data to the Interpreter - replace the string by any valid Brainf*** program // if it's a valid progam AND has correct syntax AND does not run out of space - // then it runs :-) otherwise not :-( have fun.
//sample program1 string program1 = "Hello World program ++++++++++ initialize [ start loop >+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<- set some values ] end loop >++. H out >+. e out +++++++. l out . l out +++. o out >++. blank out <<+++++++++++++++. W out >. o out +++. r out
. l out
. d out
>+. ! out >. lineend ";
//sample program2 string program2 = "this brainf*** program asks for your name and then greets you >+++++++++++[<++++++++>-]<-.>++++[<++++>-]<+.-------.>+++++ [<++++>-]<-.[-]>++++++++[<++++>-]<.>+++++++++[<++++++++>-]< +.++++++++++.[-]>++++++++[<++++>-]<.>+++++++++++[<++++++++> -]<+.----------.++++++.---.[-]>++++++++[<++++>-]<.>++++++++ +++++[<++++++>-]<.-------------.++++++++++++.--------.>++++ ++[<------>-]<--.[-]+++++++++++++.---.[-]+[>,-------------] >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.[ -]>++++++++[<++++>-]<.[-]<-[<-]>[++++++++++++++.>]+++++++++ +.";
list input = [82, 117, 116, 104, 13]; // input Ruth (the "name" the program is asking for) integer n=0;
// The Brainf*** interpreter integer commandpointer = 0; //point to 0 at start string command = ""; list storage = ["0"]; //first storage cell inizialized to 0 integer cellpointer = 0; integer cell=0;
string bfelements = "+-><[].,"; //the Brainf*** commands integer pl=0; //program lenght integer pc=0; //blockcounter integer si=0; //stackindex string program; //contains the progeam to be interpreted
list blocklist; integer waitforchar=FALSE;
makeblocklist() { // to avoid searching - loop structure [ ] is evaluated in advance
integer i=0; list stack; integer s; integer ie = llStringLength(program); for(; i < ie; i+=1) { if(llGetSubString(program, i, i)=="[") { //begin stack = i + stack; } if(llGetSubString(program, i, i)=="]") { //end if(llGetListLength(stack)>0) { s = llList2Integer(stack,0); stack = llDeleteSubList(stack,0,0); blocklist = blocklist + s + i; } } }
default {
state_entry() { program=program1; // assign valid Brainf*** code to the variable program // either program1 or program2 or your own code makeblocklist(); // build the loop structure in advance } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0,"Interpreter start"); state interpret; }
state interpret {
state_entry() // run the Brainf*** Interpreter { do { // interpret the Brainf*** code in variable program command = llGetSubString( program, commandpointer, commandpointer ); if(command=="+") { // increment cell at cellpointer cell = llList2Integer(storage,cellpointer)+1; storage = llListReplaceList(storage, [cell], cellpointer, cellpointer); } if(command=="-") { // decrement cell at cellpointer cell = llList2Integer(storage,cellpointer)-1; storage = llListReplaceList(storage, [cell], cellpointer, cellpointer); } if(command==">") { // point at next cell if((llGetListLength(storage)-1)==cellpointer) storage += 0; cellpointer+=1; cell = llList2Integer(storage,cellpointer); } if(command=="<") { // point ar previous cell cellpointer-=1; cell = llList2Integer(storage,cellpointer); } if(command==".") { // output one character cell = llList2Integer(storage,cellpointer); llSay(0,llGetSubString(llBase64ToString(llIntegerToBase64((integer)cell << 24)),0,0)); } if(command==",") { // input one character if(waitforchar==FALSE) { waitforchar=TRUE; llSay(0,"reading 1 input char now"); state waitchar; } else { waitforchar = FALSE; storage = llListReplaceList(storage, [cell], cellpointer, cellpointer); } } if(((command=="]")&&(cell!=0))||((command=="[")&&(cell==0))) { // handle loops integer bindex = llListFindList(blocklist,[commandpointer]); if(command=="[") bindex++; else bindex--; commandpointer = llList2Integer(blocklist, bindex)+1; } else commandpointer++; // point at next instruction } while (commandpointer<llStringLength(program)-1); llSay(0,"Interpreter finished"); llResetScript(); }
} state waitchar {
state_entry() // get inputcharacters, input ends if char hex 13 is detected { if(n<llGetListLength(input)) { cell = llList2Integer(input,n); n++; } state interpret; }
} </lsl>