Bug triage/2007-09-17/Transcript
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Transcript of Bridie Linden's office hours:
[15:00] | Daedalus Young: | gi Bridie |
[15:00] | Daedalus Young: | hi |
[15:00] | Daedalus Young: | I meant :P |
[15:00] | Soft Linden: | I'm trying to train myself to use (Busy) more. But I'm just meatheaded enough to forget to open the history window when I do :) |
[15:01] | Elbereth Witte: | I'm not sold on busy yet, bad history of breaking everything |
[15:01] | Squirrel Wood: | Misc-632 needs more votes ^^ |
[15:01] | Daedalus Young: | Bridie, you're one of the people I see dressed in Missing Image sometimes |
[15:01] | Daedalus Young: | weird how it's you so often and others aren't |
[15:01] | Bridie Linden: | How 'bout today? |
[15:01] | Soft Linden: | Mmm, well if it does I'll at least know about the bug(s). :> |
[15:02] | Daedalus Young: | you are wearing a lovely white Missing Image suit right now |
[15:02] | Daedalus Young: | with matching skin |
[15:02] | Squirrel Wood: | I dub VWR-2502 a high priority thing due to griefer groups actively abusing the mentioned exploit already :p |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | must be all textures on one specific asset server that I'm having problems connecting to sometimes |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | you're fixed now |
[15:03] | Bridie Linden: | woohoo |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | hi Aric |
[15:03] | Aric Linden: | Hello Daedalus |
[15:03] | Aric Linden: | How goes? |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | oldschool URLer cube! |
[15:03] | Elbereth Witte: | awesome, my "backpack" script isn't lost text wise like I thought :-) |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | good goes thx |
[15:03] | Daedalus Young: | hows you? |
[15:03] | Aric Linden: | good, thanks |
[15:04] | Aric Linden: | really busy day for some reason |
[15:04] | Soft Linden: | Looks like Squirrel brought a friend. :) |
[15:04] | Soft Linden: | Hey hey! |
[15:04] | Dale Glass: | hiya :-) |
[15:04] | Daedalus Young: | hi |
[15:05] | Squirrel Wood: | Anyone looked at http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-626 yet? |
[15:06] | Soft Linden: | Probably not - not imported. Looks interesting... |
[15:06] | Soft Linden: | Might make sure that goes to the rx triage |
[15:06] | Aric Linden: | https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda so here's the link to our agenda |
[15:07] | Aric Linden: | Shall we work through them in order? |
[15:07] | Elbereth Witte brims with sarcastic answers. | |
[15:08] | Aric Linden invites Elbereth to sarcasm away | |
[15:08] | Aric Linden: | please |
[15:08] | Elbereth Witte: | I think I'm mostly smirking at the potential, but first thought was in order of the titles hashed |
[15:09] | Bridie Linden: | Ok, I think spinning logo is ready now... |
[15:09] | Soft Linden: | So the first one - MISC-33 is actually people saying an old problem has improved |
[15:09] | Bridie Linden: | click to go to web page |
[15:09] | Elbereth Witte checks to see if the dice are still in the library. | |
[15:10] | Daedalus Young: | which would mean work is being done |
[15:10] | Wyn Galbraith sorries she's late :) | |
[15:10] | Connecting to in-world Voice Chat... | |
[15:10] Connected | ||
[15:10] | Squirrel Wood: | office hour time table... http://www.dream.at/temp/ohours.htm (just pasted all the office hours into an excel table...) <= would like to see such a thing in the wiki :) |
[15:11] | Ryozu Kojima: | Improved? |
[15:11] | Aric Linden: | I think some of this is simply shaking issues out of fraud processing internally |
[15:11] | Aric Linden: | I am not sure what we could do specifically to address the issue being raised here, however. Thoughts on that? |
[15:12] | Daedalus Young: | of course there's http://tinyurl.com/2affsa , Squirrel :) |
[15:12] | Wyn Galbraith thanks Squirrel. | |
[15:12] | Soft Linden: | I'm pretty sure there's already a slew of internal related issues. Should probably ask billing which to link it to just so there's tracking. |
[15:13] | Squirrel Wood: | the oogle calendar is awfully out of date :p |
[15:13] | Ryozu Kojima: | Indeed it is. |
[15:13] | Aric Linden: | I agree with Torley, though if we could have specific issues, times and accounts, we might be able to look at logs and connect some issues |
[15:13] | Aric Linden: | But I don't think there's a specific solution for this |
[15:13] | Daedalus Young: | well, I do like the Office Hours as they're on the wiki now, even though it's not complete either, but it makes searhing for a specific Linden's hour simple |
[15:14] | Aric Linden: | My suggestion would be that we either request specific info here or that we try to link the internals to this |
[15:14] | Aric Linden: | thoughts? |
[15:14] | Squirrel Wood: | I would say this issue needs more info |
[15:14] | Squirrel Wood: | specifically times and dates when it happens |
[15:14] | Bridie Linden: | What about this: "I cannot provide specific examples here without violating the SL Exchange privacy policy and the Second Life Community Standards."?? |
[15:14] | Daedalus Young: | It's nothing I ever encountered anyway, so I'll let others decide :P |
[15:15] | Ryozu Kojima: | Probably private chats or SLx message board posts. |
[15:15] | Soft Linden: | I don't know enough about the risk API to ask intelligent questions. We could link the issue and ask the billing guys what they'd like us to poll pJIRA contributors on (or can teach them to do it themselves) |
[15:15] | Daedalus Young: | then they can send a Linden an e-mail with the info, so it's kept private, yet the info gets where it's needed |
[15:15] | Bridie Linden: | Ok, ask for times/dates and leave open? |
[15:15] | Aric Linden: | yep, that sounds fine |
[15:15] | Ryozu Kojima: | Is this an issue where people's accounts are suspended pending investigation? I don't really understand the issue. Heh |
[15:15] | Aric Linden: | let's move along |
[15:16] | Elbereth Witte: | I've seen people compare the risk thing to the random number generator |
[15:16] | Bridie Linden: | Next is SVC-553 |
[15:16] | Aric Linden: | accounts are not suspended, but they can't purchase land or lindens until they're cleared |
[15:16] | Aric Linden: | Elbereth, we tried to make it a little more stochastic than random number generators |
[15:16] | Daedalus Young: | 553 is nasty, I'm wondering if the Missing Image outfit I sometimes see on specific people is related |
[15:16] | Wyn Galbraith: | So they can still log in and access the world? Just can't buy. |
[15:17] | Aric Linden: | Yes Wyn, that's correct |
[15:17] | Ryozu Kojima: | Ah, so I'm thinking of something different. Some big names have been banned for seamingly random reasons. |
[15:17] | Soft Linden: | Would link this one to SL-46841 - that's currently the parent inventory loss issue |
[15:17] | Wyn Galbraith: | That's good to know. |
[15:17] | Daedalus Young: | I don't know if it's true inentory loss though :? |
[15:17] | Aric Linden: | /agrees with Soft |
[15:17] | Aric Linden: | and assign it to Hamilton |
[15:18] | Aric Linden: | it might just be a garbage collection issue |
[15:18] | Bridie Linden: | Soft, can you do the linking? |
[15:18] | Soft Linden: | Sure |
[15:18] | Aric Linden: | SVC-523 is next |
[15:19] | Elbereth Witte: | its pretty bad when script texts go walkabout though |
[15:19] | Soft Linden: | Bridie - linked both ways. |
[15:19] | Aric Linden: | Thanks Soft/Bridie |
[15:20] | Aric Linden: | Soft, is there enough info in 523 to work from in your opinion? |
[15:20] | Soft Linden: | Aric would say so, yeah. Especially if Frontier confirmed it |
[15:20] | Aric Linden: | k |
[15:20] | Aric Linden: | I couldn't tell. Let's import it then. OK with everyone? |
[15:20] | Soft Linden: | There's also a parcel mentioned, that helps. |
[15:20] | Daedalus Young: | ok with me |
[15:21] | Squirrel Wood: | humm... even with no object entry enabled there is a chance that an object may slip through... possibly due to packet loss? |
[15:21] | Bridie Linden: | I'd like better repro steps... |
[15:21] | Bridie Linden: | but am happy to import. |
[15:21] | Squirrel Wood: | or on sim crossing... |
[15:21] | Daedalus Young: | it also says random object get deleted when an object -does- enter the parcel |
[15:21] | Squirrel Wood: | random objects are returned when the parcel is full |
[15:21] | Daedalus Young: | at least that's what I understand from the comments |
[15:21] | Elbereth Witte: | sure that isn' fear about the way things used to work? |
[15:22] | Aric Linden: | the random objects return process is a "way it's supposed to work" thing |
[15:22] | Elbereth Witte: | I heard that was rewritten to a smarter simpler way |
[15:22] | Squirrel Wood: | I'd switch that from "random" to "most recent" |
[15:22] | Soft Linden: | If it's really random, that seems bad though. Would think last-in first-out made more sense. |
[15:22] | Wyn Galbraith: | Not a bug it's a feature. |
[15:23] | Ryozu Kojima agrees with Soft | |
[15:23] | Elbereth Witte: | last I saw, usually murders stuff trying to go intho it to bust the limit |
[15:23] | Daedalus Young: | most recent would mean the entering object |
[15:23] | Soft Linden: | But that would be a separate JIRA. |
[15:23] | Aric Linden shrugs - let's import it | |
[15:23] | Aric Linden: | next up WEB-104 |
[15:24] | Squirrel Wood: | that one should be simple ^^ |
[15:24] | Soft Linden: | Doesn't look like a bug, but a feature request. Popular one though. |
[15:24] | Wyn Galbraith agrees with Squirrel. | |
[15:24] | Daedalus Young: | no, it's a bug |
[15:24] | Squirrel Wood: | the info is there. on the website. just not written to the excel files |
[15:24] | Daedalus Young: | I just tested |
[15:25] | Daedalus Young: | can confirm |
[15:25] | Daedalus Young: | there -is- a Region column in the xls, but it's empty |
[15:25] | Elbereth Witte: | still sounds like an expansion of a feature to me |
[15:25] | Soft Linden: | Oh, gotcha |
[15:25] | Ryozu Kojima: | Are we talking about the xls or xml file? |
[15:25] | Elbereth Witte: | hmm, okay, if the field is there ists a bug :-) |
[15:25] | Daedalus Young: | ah, I was talking about xls |
[15:25] | Soft Linden: | It's empty on everything, not just items from before the field was added? |
[15:26] | Wyn Galbraith: | Ifit shows on the website it should show in the downloaded file. |
[15:26] | Daedalus Young: | well, I have a column named Region (columun I), but everything under it is empty |
[15:26] | Ryozu Kojima: | The XML file does not include or mention anything about region |
[15:26] | Daedalus Young: | in the xls |
[15:26] | Daedalus Young: | in the xml there's no mention of Region |
[15:27] | Ryozu Kojima: | So question is, what was the intent? |
[15:27] | Daedalus Young: | I don't quite understand what you mean by items before the field was added, Soft |
[15:27] | Ryozu Kojima: | I'd think users would expect to have the region in the downloaded files if it shows on the site though. |
[15:27] | Soft Linden: | If there's a column header in the Excel file and the data's missing, that's a bug. |
[15:27] | Soft Linden: | Is that what I'm hearing? |
[15:27] | Daedalus Young: | yes, that's the case |
[15:28] | Bridie Linden nods | |
[15:28] | Squirrel Wood: | I guess a modified sql statement is all that's needed there |
[15:28] | Wyn Galbraith: | I would want the region in there. |
[15:28] | Aric Linden: | let's import |
[15:28] | Soft Linden: | Sounds like an import. If the web guys put the header in but not the data, they'd want to yank one or add the other. :) |
[15:28] | Wyn Galbraith: | Could be a referencing problem |
[15:29] | Aric Linden: | WEB-104 is next |
[15:29] | Daedalus Young: | preferable add the other ;) |
[15:29] | Elbereth Witte: | 326 ya mean? |
[15:29] | Squirrel Wood: | Governor Linden owned parcels do not have uniform parcel settings which allows griefers to create parcel infringing and other objectionable objects that are not affected by auto-return. |
[15:29] | Daedalus Young: | Torley comments about e-mailing him a list of slurls |
[15:29] | Aric Linden: | yep. that's what I meant. thanks Elbereth |
[15:29] | Aric Linden: | MISC-326 |
[15:30] | Daedalus Young: | but I don't think that'll be the most effective |
[15:30] | Ryozu Kojima: | Wouldn't say that's a -bug- as much as an oversight |
[15:30] | Ryozu Kojima: | But an issue none the less |
[15:30] | Daedalus Young: | I found road parcels with no object return, even though it's not directly a griefer threat, it can get nasty if junk piles up |
[15:31] | Aric Linden: | Seems like a maintenance request |
[15:31] | Aric Linden: | something that ought to be done, but isn't really a bug |
[15:31] | Ryozu Kojima: | New feature request: When land reverts to Linden owned, apply some default parcel settings |
[15:31] | Daedalus Young: | I'd volunteer for a roadbuilding sort-of group of people who can change settings if they encounter problems |
[15:32] | Soft Linden: | That's been talked about at least. You might propose that in another JIRA. |
[15:32] | Elbereth Witte: | I also read wayback that it was determined 10 minutes was the lowest recommented return time in the face of replicators, though I reecall many linden lands goiing below that |
[15:32] | Daedalus Young: | ok |
[15:32] | Daedalus Young: | 1 minute is enough for most parcels |
[15:32] | Aric Linden: | I'm not sure how to deal with this particular issue. I'd suggest that we import it and ask concierge or someone like that how they'd like to deal with it |
[15:32] | Ryozu Kojima: | There was talk of making 10m the lowest possible setting but I don't think it ever went through. |
[15:32] | Daedalus Young: | as said in the comments, it's not a sandbox |
[15:33] | Elbereth Witte: | I"m not for forcing it on everyone, though, lindens taking their own advice, would be cool |
[15:34] | Elbereth Witte waits to be struck by lightning. | |
[15:34] | Daedalus Young: | WindLightning |
[15:34] | Aric Linden: | shall we take it for internal discussion? |
[15:34] | Bridie Linden: | so import misc-326? |
[15:34] | Squirrel Wood: | I have long stopped trying to count the junk and vehicles that you can find rotting away on the mainland sims |
[15:34] | Soft Linden: | Bridie / Aric: You can link that to SL-30071 (or I can) |
[15:35] | Daedalus Young: | unfortunately not all on Linden land, Squirrel |
[15:35] | Squirrel Wood: | ye |
[15:35] | Soft Linden: | That issue is automatically sprucing up repo'd/abandonned parcels |
[15:35] | Bridie Linden: | i'll link 'em up soft |
[15:35] | Wyn Galbraith: | It would be a great thing to do. |
[15:35] | Aric Linden: | VWR-852 next |
[15:35] | Soft Linden: | Took me a few minutes to find that. I *knew* I'd seen it! |
[15:36] | Connecting to in-world Voice Chat... | |
[15:36] Connected | ||
[15:36] | Dale Glass: | why is it still at 326? |
[15:36] | Dale Glass: | object not updating |
[15:36] | Daedalus Young: | it's on channel 555 |
[15:36] | Bridie Linden: | click on hand now |
[15:36] | Bridie Linden: | I'm working as fast as I can! :) |
[15:36] | Daedalus Young: | chanel no 555 |
[15:36] | Dale Glass: | ahh, thought it worked like the old one, sorry |
[15:37] | Ryozu Kojima always just types it in Jira manually. =P | |
[15:37] | Soft Linden: | Hee. It's on my list to fix that to work like the old URLer. Shooting for low lag is nice, but so is automation. That one's worth having on /0 I think. |
[15:37] | Daedalus Young: | not much lag here anyway |
[15:38] | Daedalus Young: | on 852, a workaround is to drag the textures from inventory onto the object |
[15:38] | Soft Linden: | VWR-852 is by design, but kind of pointless because there are so many ways around it. |
[15:38] | Daedalus Young: | that worked for me |
[15:38] | Elbereth Witte: | gotta parse the heck out of input at that rate though |
[15:38] | Daedalus Young: | although the object will shout Can't add to contents |
[15:38] | Bridie Linden: | Can you add that comment Daedalus? |
[15:38] | Ryozu Kojima: | Seems like a bug to me, not working as users would expect |
[15:38] | Daedalus Young: | I will Bridie |
[15:38] | Aric Linden wonders if this is on the search roadmap | |
[15:38] | Aric Linden looks at Ryozu | |
[15:39] | Ryozu Kojima: | I know I know, intended ^_^ |
[15:39] | Aric Linden: | k |
[15:39] | Aric Linden grins | |
[15:39] | Bridie Linden: | import? |
[15:39] | Ryozu Kojima: | If only because of the work-arounds |
[15:40] | Aric Linden: | I guess so, Bridie. Assign it to me and I'll discuss it with josh |
[15:40] | Daedalus Young: | well, the UUID workaround doesn't work if you can't get the texture's UUID |
[15:40] | Squirrel Wood: | Sometimes I wish that error messages would be IM'd to the objects owner instead of being shouted all over the sim ^^ |
[15:40] | Aric Linden: | https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1108 |
[15:40] | Elbereth Witte: | ownersay would be a happy medium, IMing is rather harsh perhaps |
[15:41] | Squirrel Wood: | dupe ? |
[15:41] | Squirrel Wood: | IMing would get them to do something about it ^^ |
[15:41] | Elbereth Witte: | ownersaying and noone else would care anyway |
[15:41] | Daedalus Young: | I wouldn't call it a showstopper, as you still can enter the world, just don't use Voice |
[15:41] | Bridie Linden: | Next up - VWR-1108 |
[15:43] | Wyn Galbraith: | We just did that one? |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | Well, I know at least one person who cannot use voice at all as the slvoice application crashes his computer. |
[15:43] | Aric Linden: | I wonder what Vivox is doing with Nolligan Nino |
[15:43] | Elbereth Witte: | nevermind the linuxers, which is a different issue :-) |
[15:43] | Bridie Linden wonders too... | |
[15:43] | Soft Linden: | Does support handle voice issues? |
[15:43] | Daedalus Young: | but he still can use SL without Vioce, right? |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | yep |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | without voice it runs fine. |
[15:44] | Ryozu Kojima: | Yeah, wouldn't call it a showstopper. Sounds like network issues? |
[15:44] | Aric Linden: | Soft, I think the bhear team is still handling voice |
[15:44] | Aric Linden: | It sounds like ISP firewall blocking. Might be good to ask Stephany to see what Vivox is doing |
[15:44] | Bridie Linden: | Shall I downgrade to crit, import and assign to voice team? |
[15:44] | Aric Linden nods | |
[15:44] | Bridie Linden: | will do! |
[15:45] | Aric Linden: | maybe they're writing some sort of detection code? |
[15:45] | Aric Linden: | https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-325 |
[15:45] | Glitch Braess: | Might want to check your AntiVirus too. |
[15:45] | Aric Linden: | Yep, Glitch. that's a good point |
[15:45] | Glitch Braess: | For some weird reason, Nortons completly blocked off voice for me. |
[15:45] | Aric Linden thinks norton sucks | |
[15:45] | Glitch Braess agrees | |
[15:45] | Aric Linden: | erm, I didn't _really_ say that |
[15:45] | Elbereth Witte: | yeah, people have to stop paying norton |
[15:46] | Squirrel Wood: | norton... ugh. get that off your system and use something that works as intended ^^ |
[15:46] | Aric Linden: | Software that bullies you into attention |
[15:46] | Glitch Braess: | Kaspersky was pretty good. Then it expired, and I'm broke XD |
[15:46] | Ryozu Kojima chuckles. | |
[15:46] | Squirrel Wood: | avira ? |
[15:47] | Daedalus Young: | I always tell people to stop using Microsoft software as well, but they never really listen to me |
[15:47] | Squirrel Wood: | http://www.avira.com/en/products/personal.html |
[15:47] | Squirrel Wood: | that one's free if you use the personal edition |
[15:47] | Wyn Galbraith: | I just tell them don't use it the first year. |
[15:47] | Squirrel Wood: | and its better than norton. |
[15:47] | Glitch Braess: | Ah, alrgith :) |
[15:47] | Glitch Braess: | I'll look taht one up too. |
[15:47] | Glitch Braess always likes free stuff. | |
[15:47] | Elbereth Witte: | viruses are free too :-) |
[15:48] | Daedalus Young: | was just thinking that :P |
[15:48] | Soft Linden: | Is this issue worth special import? It's marked related to VWR-1702 which is already imported. (Blank black avatars in general) |
[15:48] | Daedalus Young: | but they come at a cost anyway |
[15:48] | Wyn Galbraith: | I've never seen this one. |
[15:48] | Ryozu Kojima: | Strange |
[15:48] | Aric Linden: | I'm not sure, Soft. The comments are interesting |
[15:48] | Daedalus Young: | I've seen black avatars on dual monitors, but not single bodyparts |
[15:48] | Ryozu Kojima: | Interesting how in the appearance preview the parts that are black are transparent |
[15:48] | Aric Linden: | and linking might provide some extra and useful data |
[15:49] | Wyn Galbraith: | Be nice to know which cards. |
[15:49] | Squirrel Wood: | Theodore folsom had that problem with his 8800 card. latest drivers installed. |
[15:49] | Daedalus Young: | maybe if they're half on one monitor and half on the other :P |
[15:49] | Aric Linden: | The corrupt skins is interesting |
[15:49] | Bridie Linden nods | |
[15:49] | Wyn Galbraith: | People sometimes don't realize how important that is, which cards and drivers. |
[15:49] | Squirrel Wood: | setting the graphics card memors in prefs seems to fix that eventually |
[15:49] | Ryozu Kojima: | Never had this issue myself, dual monitor setup |
[15:49] | Aric Linden: | I'd suggest linking it to 1702. has 1702 been imported? |
[15:50] | Elbereth Witte: | occasionally I hear/see their UI appearing on clothing |
[15:50] | Daedalus Young: | but in the comments people say it only happens on some alts, and not on others |
[15:50] | Daedalus Young: | same machine |
[15:50] | Bridie Linden: | Yes, Aric |
[15:50] | Soft Linden: | Already linked to 1702, yeah. |
[15:50] | Wyn Galbraith: | I've had the avatar's eyes turn black. |
[15:50] | Squirrel Wood: | the geforce 8800 cards have different memory settings than the ones available in the client... 320, 640 and 576 |
[15:50] | Squirrel Wood: | or 768... not sure bout the last |
[15:51] | Elbereth Witte: | 768 sounds better |
[15:51] | Soft Linden: | Yeah, there's a 768. Haven't seen 576 though. |
[15:51] | Ryozu Kojima: | How does the client handle that? Does it make available an option higher than the actual memory? |
[15:51] | Squirrel Wood: | like I said... setting the graphics card memory seems to fix black avatars or wrongly textured ones |
[15:51] | Soft Linden: | Not sure. But there's a JIRA internally to change that to allow a variable amount instead of the multiples of two. |
[15:51] | Elbereth Witte: | I'd hope, next lower |
[15:51] | Soft Linden: | Powers of two, rather |
[15:51] | Ryozu Kojima: | I'd hope as well Elb |
[15:52] | Ryozu Kojima: | Sounds like the next higher though maybe. |
[15:52] | Daedalus Young: | power of three will set you free |
[15:52] | Elbereth Witte: | that'd make an eerie kinda sense |
[15:52] | Aric Linden: | https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2390 is up next |
[15:52] | Ryozu Kojima: | I could see baking a texture from video memory where you're trying to use more video memory than exists causing issues. |
[15:52] | Bridie Linden: | Sorry, what did we decide with 325? |
[15:52] | Squirrel Wood: | I think if the gfx memory is detected and is not one of the expected values it gets set to a failsafe low value which results in... bad texture quality, black textures, .. ? |
[15:53] | Wyn Galbraith: | Charmed. |
[15:53] | Aric Linden: | I think make it a half baked power of three or two |
[15:53] | Ryozu Kojima: | 2390: I don't see that repro being useful |
[15:54] | Aric Linden: | seriously, I'm comfortable simply linking it to 1702 and seeing if anyone thinks there's useful info in it |
[15:54] | Ryozu Kojima: | There must be some specific condition involved |
[15:54] | Daedalus Young: | I can select textures from this build here, and I don't even have permissions |
[15:54] | Soft Linden: | That's twice I've hit ^Q today |
[15:54] | Daedalus Young: | I can't open the texture picker of course |
[15:55] | Elbereth Witte: | I OFTEN, select textures on not-my-objects |
[15:55] | Wyn Galbraith: | wb Soft. |
[15:55] | Daedalus Young: | but select individual faces fine |
[15:55] | Elbereth Witte: | no problems ever :-) |
[15:55] | Dale Glass: | no confirmation dialog for the hotkey? |
[15:55] | Daedalus Young: | [x] don't ask me again |
[15:55] | Squirrel Wood: | I can use any texture my client sees regardless of permission settings... though it takes some scripting magic... |
[15:55] | Ryozu Kojima: | That's not quite the issue here =P |
[15:56] | Daedalus Young: | getting it from the cache |
[15:56] | Elbereth Witte: | I'd assume taht was TOS breaking client modding magic |
[15:56] | Aric Linden: | This appears to be a nested permissions issue |
[15:56] | Squirrel Wood: | no need to modify the client. |
[15:56] | Ryozu Kojima: | That's what I'd assume. No copy texture used maybe |
[15:57] | Ryozu Kojima: | random UUID texturer? |
[15:57] | Squirrel Wood: | reads them from a notecard |
[15:57] | Elbereth Witte: | random is a bit unlikely |
[15:57] | Wyn Galbraith: | Scary thought. |
[15:57] | Squirrel Wood: | some are missing by now |
[15:57] | Elbereth Witte: | well, lotta failures there, could be |
[15:57] | Ryozu Kojima: | Or just a library of texture UUID from somewhere? |
[15:58] | Squirrel Wood: | but it also shows the land sales overlay for the ingame map |
[15:58] | Glitch Braess: | O.o |
[15:58] | Ryozu Kojima: | Do you use some specific method of determing if a UUID is a texture UUID? |
[15:58] | Ryozu Kojima: | We're way off topic here |
[15:58] | Ryozu Kojima: | Nevermind |
[15:58] | Daedalus Young: | ha, I didn't see any of mine yet :P |
[15:58] | Squirrel Wood: | you can apparently grab them from the local cache. |
[15:59] | Aric Linden: | the steps for repro are quite clear. I'm not sure what the expected behavoir is |
[15:59] | Squirrel Wood: | a dir /b >xxx.txt is all that's needed |
[15:59] | Aric Linden: | does anyone know? |
[15:59] | Elbereth Witte: | LSL has no scan client cache functions AFAFK |
[15:59] | Squirrel Wood: | took me half a minute to find out |
[16:00] | Ryozu Kojima: | I've done those exact stops a thousand times on group/other owned objects and never had an issue |
[16:00] | Bridie Linden: | Hmm |
[16:00] | Ryozu Kojima: | But Glitch and I share all our textures full perm |
[16:00] | Aric Linden: | Ahh, I was wondering that |
[16:00] | Squirrel Wood: | the textures folder and its subfolders contain the UUID keys of the textures |
[16:01] | Soft Linden: | Did this get resolved while I was d/c'd or is it still up for a decision? |
[16:01] | Daedalus Young: | "kicks me out of edit window" sounds like Limit Select Distance is on and the user is trying to select an object too far away though |
[16:01] | Aric Linden: | Bridie, let's import this and I'll ask one of the QA folks to look at it. this would be a good startup task for one of them, i think |
[16:01] | Bridie Linden: | kk |
[16:01] | Bridie Linden: | will do |
[16:01] | Squirrel Wood: | kicks you out of edit window happens when "select only my objects" is enabled |
[16:01] | Ryozu Kojima: | Good observation Daedalus, but I'd imagine it just wouldn't select at all |
[16:01] | Soft Linden: | Yeah. If it can be repro'd, sure seems like a bug. |
[16:01] | Daedalus Young: | that too Squirrel |
[16:02] | Elbereth Witte: | dunno, select only my objects sometnimes lets me select other objects, then boots me later |
[16:02] | Aric Linden: | ok |
[16:02] | Aric Linden: | It's 4 PM folks. |
[16:02] | Daedalus Young: | but again, wouldn't select at all, as Ryozu said |
[16:02] | Ryozu Kojima: | Select Only My Objects allows you to select other's objects if you try twice |
[16:02] | Aric Linden: | Once again, we draw to a close. Once again, thanks to all of you for participation |
[16:02] | Squirrel Wood: | I have a text file here somewhere with about 100k texture uuids... |
[16:02] | Wyn Galbraith: | Time for the Lindens to turn into pumkins. |
[16:02] | Squirrel Wood: | all collected from the cache |
[16:02] | Aric Linden: | and special thanks to soft and bridie |
[16:03] | Wyn Galbraith: | Thanks for the meeting. |
[16:03] | Aric Linden nods at wyn, yep, sadly we have other work to do | |
[16:03] | Daedalus Young: | imagine that, all Lindens in a pumpkin field... only one watermelon |
[16:03] | Squirrel Wood: | took me like two or so hours flying through the mainland... |
[16:03] | Ryozu Kojima: | 3.6mb of texture UUIDs? |
[16:03] | Ryozu Kojima: | Or a watermelon colored pumpkin, knowing Torley |
[16:03] | Elbereth Witte: | I think corfields are the popular type here |
[16:03] | Wyn Galbraith: | That's some image. |
[16:03] | Bridie Linden: | Thanks all! |
[16:04] | Wyn Galbraith: | B-bye!!! :D |
[16:04] | Daedalus Young: | watermelon coloured pumpkin, heehee :P |
[16:04] | Aric Linden: | see y'all later |
[16:04] | Ryozu Kojima: | Later Lindens =) |
[16:04] | Aric Linden: | thanks again |