Bug triage/2010-03-29/Transcript

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Jira Triage

[12:01] Davy Linden: Today's agenda: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda

[12:02] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5511 - llTakeControls Traps repeating event when contols are changed or permission revoked

[12:02] Morgaine Dinova: Hi Alexa

[12:02] Soft Linden: if (PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS & vBitPrm){ llTakeControls( CONTROL_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE );

[12:02] Soft Linden: I don't get it. He's taking controls again every time he get acknowledgement that he's taken controls?

[12:03] Soft Linden reads JIRA on that function...

[12:03] Void Singer: no it's swapping how the permissions are processed

[12:03] Void Singer: one call captures them, the other passes them

[12:03] Multi Gadget v1.58.0: Ellla McMahon

[12:03] Entered chat range: Ellla McMahon

[12:04] Davy Linden: I added code tags . refresh to see nicer format

[12:05] Soft Linden: So llTakeControls is triggering a spurious run_time_permissions event?

[12:05] Void Singer: thanks, tried adding quiting but it came out wrong so I used text =| sry

[12:05] Multi Gadget v1.58.0: Kaluura Boa

[12:05] Entered chat range: Kaluura Boa

[12:05] Davy Linden: void - just put {code} at start and end of script

[12:05] Void Singer: no it's triggering spurious control events

[12:06] Void Singer: even after permissions go away apparently

[12:06] Soft Linden: Gotcha!

[12:06] Void Singer @ davy: thanks, will remember

[12:07] Soft Linden: I'm not sure what the expected behavior there is... let's take it in for QA & core talk

[12:07] Soft Linden: Has that behavior changed in 1.36? Or just first reported here?

[12:07] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:07] Void Singer: just first reported there... that's when I found it

[12:07] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-16872 - Build Tools: Local Ruler Rotation is Inconsistent

[12:08] Void Singer: that one is a duplicate of a snow bug that is fixed, however it's still present in both 1.23 and 2.0beta

[12:08] Void Singer: seems like it got orphaned before the fix could be applied to 2.0

[12:09] Soft Linden: There's some history on that, yeah.

[12:09] Soft Linden: Please import and relate to DEV-2276 internally

[12:09] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:09] Void Singer: I only bumped it in as a reminder ;)

[12:09] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4518 - Hollow Shape Setting Reverts To Default on Hollow Percentage 0.0

[12:10] Davy Linden: that repros

[12:10] Alexa Linden: but I think it's always done that

[12:10] Keystone Gray: That's been a longtime thing.

[12:10] Keystone Gray: Yeah.

[12:10] Soft Linden: Yeah. AFAIK, the prim doesn't retain a hollow tag when it's not actually hollow.

[12:10] Soft Linden: So this would require a sim change.

[12:10] Void Singer: that's one that is annoying for making iris doors, but a work around is possible (just uses more code/calls

[12:11] Alexa Linden: ya, so expected behavour? make a feature reqest?

[12:11] Soft Linden: If we took this in right now, I'm sure it would get resolved won't fix. I'd do the feature request and try to get some votes or use cases behind it.

[12:11] Soft Linden: As Alexa says!

[12:11] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:11] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-14555 - taking an object to inventory (inconsistently) replaces a null description "" with "(No Description)"

[12:11] Soft Linden: Pretty much anything that touches core code is dev-starved. So votes and use cases help a *lot*.

[12:12] Void Singer: and that another one that generates lots of extra code checking for various possible combinations in description

[12:12] Soft Linden: Ugh. I hope that string doesn't end up translated :P

[12:13] Void Singer: yeah that is was a concern...

[12:13] Soft Linden: Oops, sorry Alexa. I think I rez-bumped ya!

[12:13] Alexa Linden: :p

[12:13] Soft Linden: Yeah, I'd take this in. It should print "no description" but not actually change it. :/

[12:13] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:14] Soft Linden: Repros for me for sure

[12:14] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5976 - Waiting for region handshake,connection problem

[12:15] Soft Linden: Contact Support on this... almost certainly a connection problem or SL being down a bit. It's got a few votes, but over a few years.

[12:15] Alexa Linden: agreed on all points

[12:15] Alexa Linden: and the last comment

[12:15] Ellla McMahon: its the recent comments .. this would usually go to Support

[12:15] Alexa Linden: anyone can report a region down

[12:15] Alexa Linden: I believe

[12:15] Alexa Linden: even unpaid accounts

[12:16] Ellla McMahon: I think it's new Res needing handholding for their firewall settings

[12:16] Soft Linden: For the last comment, they should contact concierge for tescalation/more targeted support.

[12:16] Alexa Linden: yup

[12:16] Soft Linden: I don't think there's anything special devs could do with this much info.

[12:16] Ardy Lay: Isn't a region down automatically reported?

[12:16] Soft Linden: 98% of the time, yeah.

[12:16] Ellla McMahon: I don't think it Region issues

[12:16] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-14094 - Group Chat busy message

[12:17] Soft Linden: Occasionally a region's okay on the internal network, but has routing problems or an interface issue externally. Then it may look like a region's 100% okay, just unvisited.

[12:17] Alexa Linden: is this an afk message comeing from someone in Emerald?

[12:17] Soft Linden: Yup.

[12:17] Soft Linden: This was an Emerald bug.

[12:17] Alexa Linden: and could this also be the problem with

[12:17] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:18] Alexa Linden: so we can't really do anything about this correct?

[12:18] Soft Linden: Unfortunately, there are still a couple Bad Guy viewers based off that version of Emerald.

[12:18] Alexa Linden: right

[12:18] Soft Linden: Well, telling those people to upgrade is best.

[12:18] Alexa Linden: mkay

[12:18] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-18280 - Support for ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series

[12:19] Soft Linden: Anyone running that version of Emerald should upgrade anyway though. It has an unrelated privacy issue.

[12:19] Alexa Linden: I get this message on my new home machine

[12:19] Soft Linden: Isn't this already handled in 2.0 ?

[12:19] Morgaine Dinova: Emerald will be updating before long to include 2.0 features anyway, without the 2.0 problems.

[12:19] Alexa Linden: Graphics Card: GeForce GT 230/PCI/SSE2

[12:20] Alexa Linden: I just click the box to ignore the message

[12:20] Davy Linden: from comments, this appears resolved... but there's the secondary issue of GPU RAM being capped at 512

[12:20] Soft Linden: Yeah. The GPU RAM cap is intentional for as long as we're 32-bit.

[12:20] Alexa Linden: resolve fixed?

[12:20] Void Singer: the linked explanation by Ramzi is helpful on the capping issue, but we really need a better explanation or figure to show in the viewer

[12:21] Soft Linden: There's a similar amount of memory allocated in core. So allowing 1g video RAM would eat up an extra half gig of core, which we can't really afford at this point.

[12:21] Soft Linden: Yeah. I'd make a separate issue asking for info there...

[12:22] Soft Linden: Other than that, can resolve this fixed if it's in 2.0

[12:22] Soft Linden: Actually, may as well import and hand to the graphics guys to confirm.

[12:22] Alexa Linden: k

[12:22] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5251 - Offline messages not being sent to email

[12:23] Alexa Linden: ohhh if this was really true :p

[12:23] Void Singer: lol alexa

[12:23] Alexa Linden: emerald

[12:23] Soft Linden: Shouldn't matter

[12:23] Alexa Linden: k

[12:23] Soft Linden: This would be a sim issue 100%.

[12:23] Soft Linden: I'd NMI though - asking for the sending region, avatar, and time

[12:24] Alexa Linden: k

[12:24] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5509 - llRezObject causes old prims on parcel to be returned

[12:24] Void Singer: I've never experienced the problem, but I know a few that have

[12:24] Soft Linden: Then we can verify they really have the right setting, go from there. Could be a region in a spam list again. Boo :P

[12:24] Alexa Linden: same Void

[12:25] Soft Linden: I think there's an intentional behavior, where non-group/non-owner objects get returned when group- or owner- objects are rezzed

[12:25] Soft Linden: I'd NMI on this, asking who owns the existing objects, the parcel, and whose object is rezzing objects

[12:25] Ardy Lay: I stopped getting email confirmations for Abuse Reports. Support wasn't helpful. I switched from gmail to my local ISP's mail exchanger and get the messages now.

[12:26] Liisa Runo: i failed to repro this return thing, even with rezzer set to group

[12:28] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-18387 - Rotation calc: no high divide numbers possible (update: and wrong tex rot)

[12:28] Soft Linden: That -1*PI isn't going to do what they want

[12:29] Soft Linden: nor is the (-1*PI)/30

[12:29] Soft Linden: They want -1.0*PI/30.0

[12:29] Soft Linden: Otherwise they're dealing in integers

[12:29] Soft Linden: I'll comment and NMI

[12:29] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:29] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-4063 - ToS: The text of section 2.2 of the ToS needs changing to reflect the fact that teens and adults are now sharing the official forums.

[12:30] Void Singer: looks like they are asking for clarification between service and website

[12:30] Davy Linden: one for blog/forum guys?

[12:31] Soft Linden: Ah yeah

[12:31] Soft Linden: I don't even know if sharing is intentional?

[12:32] Void Singer: according to blue it was

[12:32] Soft Linden: I'd actually pass this to Laura

[12:33] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:33] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-9037 - Failure to Load Gestures bottlenecking inventory downloading

[12:34] Soft Linden: There's an existing internal issue... sec, I'll get it...

[12:34] Soft Linden: Yeah, link to DEV-44462

[12:35] Soft Linden: "Large number of gestures can wedge download queue"

[12:35] Alexa Linden: k

[12:35] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4491 - One-second delay on llCreateLink is excessive

[12:35] Aargle Zymurgy: ooh... I timed my arrival perfectly

[12:36] Soft Linden: I'd import and give this to Falcon. It's possible the Havok7 reduces link costs enough to change this

[12:36] Alexa Linden: k

[12:36] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1126 - llEmail() causes mails to be sent with no body

[12:36] Soft Linden: I see this occasionally when mails haven't been delivered, and are then delivered if a sim is rebooted and lands on the same host

[12:36] Soft Linden: ie - during rolling restarts

[12:37] Soft Linden: Import this and assign to me, would ya? I can add more notes to it

[12:37] Alexa Linden: yes sir!

[12:37] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1139 - Phantom Physics Bug: Physical objects are seperated by an invisible barrier, cannot directly touch or rest on surfaces

[12:38] Davy Linden: We've had this one before.. expected behavior?

[12:38] Soft Linden: Yeah. There's a settling zone around objects, where objects are considered to be touching if they're within that distance...

[12:38] Soft Linden: It would probably be dangerous to change this now.

[12:38] Void Singer: could also be related to rez using full bounding box

[12:38] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:38] Void Singer: I forget the jira on that

[12:39] Void Singer: I'll try to look up an link later

[12:39] Soft Linden: If someone wanted, you could make a JIRA requesting that the settling zone be tightened, and that could go to Falcon. He'd know the performance impact better than anyone.

[12:39] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1759 - llGetAnimation constant transparency

[12:39] Soft Linden: But I suspect it would break existing stuff that's designed to fit precisely. Would be a shame to go through another round of breaking kinetic sculptures, etc

[12:40] Soft Linden: Ah yeah, import on this please. Looks like incomplete docs.

[12:40] Soft Linden: Man, today is just Import Everything Day.

[12:40] Alexa Linden: lol

[12:40] Soft Linden: We've deferred what - 2? 3?

[12:40] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3510 - LINK_* flags do not work with llBreakLink

[12:41] Soft Linden shaekfist. "Give us worse issues. Less work better." >:C

[12:41] Void Singer: heh, maybe we're all getting better at writing bug reports ;)

[12:41] Alexa Linden: :D

[12:41] Keystone Gray: It's all Void's fault.

[12:41] Alexa Linden: very much so

[12:41] Object: Hello, Avatar!

[12:41] Void Singer is probably a lil guilty yeah

[12:42] Aargle Zymurgy: I've seen some very bizarre things with linking in the last year.

[12:43] Object: Hello, Avatar!

[12:43] Soft Linden: This is working right for me...

[12:43] Soft Linden: Wait, lemme try somethign else...

[12:44] Object: Hello, Avatar!

[12:44] Soft Linden: I'm a bonehead. Yeah, this is broken. I'll real quick add a repro to the JIRA, then import please

[12:45] Aargle Zymurgy: A fun trick is staying in the sim with an object that is unlinking and re-linking, but get yourself a good distance away. come back closer when it's done and it will be missing prims. have someone else edit the object and they will suddenly return. unnerving until you realize that it's just some kind of caching on the client.

[12:45] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:45] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-10713 - Inventory jumps on friend's login/logout

[12:46] Ardy Lay: Hurray for calling cards.

[12:46] Soft Linden: Yeah, this is almost certainly calling cards "(online)" status getting updated

[12:46] Soft Linden: That's what we get for such a dirty hack >:C

[12:46] Keystone Gray: Login/logout of friends affects me really hard sometimes in terms of latency in general. I delete all my calling cards.

[12:46] Soft Linden: Yeah, would import this please

[12:46] Keystone Gray: Even if a friend logs in in another sim entirely, I lag really hard on occasion.

[12:46] Alexa Linden: importing

[12:46] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11418 - Textures in 1.21.6 don't load even after clicking them

[12:47] Soft Linden: Does this add anything new to the general Texture Pipeline Sucks issue?

[12:47] Soft Linden: I'd kick this down the road until after http textures are deployed

[12:47] Alexa Linden: add last triaged date?

[12:47] Soft Linden: Yup!

[12:48] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-14603 - shadow enabled high-res snapshots get total black

[12:48] Soft Linden: That replaces the portion of texture decodes that's failing the most.

[12:48] Soft Linden: Er texture transfers/management

[12:48] Thickbrick Sleaford: This si probably already irrelevant in snowglobe/2.0

[12:48] Soft Linden: Yeah, 2.0 contains SUBSTANTIAL changes to shadows. I'd NMI against a repro in 2.0

[12:48] Thickbrick Sleaford: (this = t1418)

[12:48] Alexa Linden: k

[12:49] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-739 - Client->Rendering->Types->Character (CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-4) does not function properly

[12:49] Void Singer: I thought high res was broken anyway?

[12:49] Soft Linden: I like this SL Noir thing

[12:49] Alexa Linden: wow

[12:49] Alexa Linden: that was fun

[12:49] Eddi Decosta: ek, sorry my late loccalization meeting with Noelle

[12:50] Soft Linden: Yup, import this please

[12:50] Alexa Linden: will do

[12:50] Eddi Decosta: hi Alexa! ㋡ xxxxx

[12:50] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1323 - "Ran Alert Lock old Closed tickets" generates confusing email to submitter

[12:50] Eddi Decosta: hello soft and Davy ㋡

[12:50] Alexa Linden: hi eddi

[12:50] Soft Linden: Hey hey!

[12:51] Soft Linden: Yeah, please import this - that wording should change.

[12:52] Soft Linden: It assumes people know faaaaaar too much about Parature's workflow.

[12:52] Phantom Ninetails: I thought jira stopped sending emails altogether

[12:52] Alexa Linden: ok

[12:52] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-2623 - Muted residents can continue to communicate and harrass via the SL Exchange (XStreet) message system

[12:52] Soft Linden: It's also kinda wound salting when the answer is "We can't help on that" and then a few weeks later you get chewed out for not saying "okay"

[12:52] Soft Linden: Oof.

[12:52] Alexa Linden: file abuse report

[12:53] Soft Linden: Yeahhhhh... but we should also see if it's feasible to suppor that too

[12:53] Alexa Linden: but muting?

[12:53] Alexa Linden: I can mute you

[12:53] Soft Linden: No! I'll be good! :<

[12:53] Alexa Linden: you can still post about me

[12:53] Void Singer: using my ignore feature GM script for the forums would help too

[12:53] Soft Linden: But you can send direct messages in XStreet...

[12:54] Soft Linden: I don't think this is just talking about people, but sending direct messages

[12:54] Alexa Linden: and she's saying If I mute you inworld

[12:54] Alexa Linden: you should be muted in xstreet

[12:54] Davy Linden: yeah - "via private messages"

[12:54] Alexa Linden: forums, etc

[12:54] Void Singer: just another vector

[12:54] Cat : Hallo *g*

[12:54] Soft Linden: I think it's worth a discussion at least.

[12:55] Soft Linden: May be that it doesn't make sense to replicate it across, but they may have just never thought of it

[12:55] Alexa Linden: import?

[12:55] Soft Linden: Please

[12:55] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-2710 - Help Island Public Neglect

[12:55] Soft Linden: Better solution would be for people to stop being obsessive jerks. But then what would we blog about!

[12:55] Alexa Linden: not a bug

[12:55] Void Singer: that's sacrelige soft!

[12:55] Soft Linden: D:

[12:55] Alexa Linden: but I will send to the landscaping committee

[12:55] Alexa Linden: :p

[12:56] Morgaine Dinova: lol

[12:56] Soft Linden: Yus, definitely on this :3

[12:56] Feuerwerker Levee: hi aargle wo hast du die automaten

[12:56] Aargle Zymurgy: tell them to fix the little planetarium thing in MOrris, too.

[12:56] Feuerwerker's Google Translator: hi aargle where you have the automaton

[12:56] Feuerwerker Levee: bei dir auf der sim

[12:56] Feuerwerker's Google Translator: Too many HTTP requests too fast.

[12:56] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1546 - different unsit behavior

[12:56] Alexa Linden: so importing this and sending to the team

[12:56] Soft Linden: Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.

[12:56] Davy Linden: rofls soft

[12:57] Eddi Decosta: yike, its Havok7 for now ㋡

[12:57] Morgaine Dinova: Soft: http://xkcd.com/386/

[12:57] Soft Linden: win :3

[12:57] Davy Linden: this is OLD

[12:57] Soft Linden: Yeah.

[12:57] Alexa Linden: still nmi

[12:57] Soft Linden: I'd NMI asking for a specific location to see the content, if it's still an issue

[12:57] Alexa Linden: yup

[12:58] Alexa Linden: asked for one of the poseballs before

[12:58] Soft Linden: I love those goofy waterslides that use a physics ball :3

[12:59] Alexa Linden: I think that's it for today

[12:59] Soft Linden: I forget the name of the sim - the one that's home to all the typing game, whack-a-mole, etc arcade machines, has a few of those nearby.

[12:59] Davy Linden: thanks everyone

[12:59] Soft Linden: Cheers, all - thanks for coming!

[12:59] Alexa Linden: thank you all and have a great week!

[12:59] Aargle Zymurgy: thanks Soft and Davy and Alexa

[12:59] Morgaine Dinova waves