Linden Lab Official:Community Gateway
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Introducing the new Community Gateway (CG) Program! The purpose of this program is to allow your community/group the opportunity to assist new residents in beginning their journey into Second Life, to lend a guiding hand in the creation of their new avatar personas, and assist with increasing new user retention.
As a member of this program the following criteria must be met:
- At this time, participation is by Support Case application only. Please visit and submit under the Case Type Land & Region > Community Gateway Application
- Each Community should be clearly represented by an owner and/or officer(s) (the “Community Leaders”). CG Participants must notify Linden Lab if there is any change in the Community Leaders’ roles.
- Each Community must show activity within Second Life for at least one (1) year
- Beginning eighteen (18) months prior to the submission of a CG application and continuing for the duration of CG participation, CG Participants must maintain an account in good financial standing. For the purposes of CG, good financial standing requires a zero (0) or positive account balance. CG Participants must notify Linden Lab within seventy-two (72) hours of any failure to maintain good financial standing, and subject to Linden Lab’s discretion, propose a plan to restore good financial standing.
- CG Participants, their Communities, and its Leaders must maintain good disciplinary standing with Linden Lab, adhere to the Second Life Community Standards, and agree to Linden Lab’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- The region containing the welcome area for new Residents must be a Regular Full region, owned by the recognized main applicant responsible for entry into the CG program. Homesteads and Openspaces are not permitted.
- If it becomes necessary to transfer the CG region to a new owner, it may be removed from the CG program and the new owner must apply for membership to continue as a CG region.
- The region should contain a welcome area with tutorials/help content.
- Your region must not have any tenant/lease/rental objects. There should be no parcels available for sublease within the region.
- As a CG member you will represent Second Life in an appropriate manner and respect other CG program members and their services as well as Linden Lab employees.
- Keep CG information current – update Linden Lab about any changes immediately such as: Landing locations, team members and ownership.
- Create and maintain a land access group for all volunteers to access the region and allow appropriate land and region permissions.
- Create and maintain a resident help group to allow new residents to return to the region as needed, as well as provide any additional group dispersed new user information.
- Create and maintain a website which allows for new user registration via Linden Lab RegAPI.