JVA Auto Group Inviter

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A Simple Auto Group Inviting Script for users who own the JVA Bot

//                                                                                          //
//  JVA Bot Auto Group Invite System                                                        //
//  by Holger Gilruth                                                                       //
//  Copyright (c) 2008 by Holger Gilruth                                                    //
//  All Rights Reserved                                                                     //
//                                                                                          //
//  Permission to Use and Redistribute                                                      //
//                                                                                          //
//  Permission to use and redistribute the  code, with or                                   //
//  without modifications, is granted under the following conditions:                       //
//                                                                                          //
//  + All redistributions must include this copyright notice and license.                   //
//  + All redistributions must allow the next user to view, modify, and                     //
//    redistribute this code, containing this copyright notice and license.                 //
//  + All redistributions must give credit to the author, by SL name (Holger Gilruth).      //
//    If distributed in a modified form, credit must still be given to Holger Gilruth       //
//    as the original author.                                                               //
//                                                                                          //

// Your custom Security Key, get this from the advanced preferences page
string securitykey = "";

// Your BOT Avatar's UUID key, get this from the advanced preferences page
key bot = "";

// Next edit only group on end of script

sendtobot(string message)
            llInstantMessage(bot,message+"^"+llMD5String("Copyright Jonash Vanalten jva-products.com "+message+securitykey,0));

list recent_avatars;

add_avatar(string name) {
    if(!seen(name)) {
        recent_avatars += name;
        if (llGetListLength(recent_avatars) > 25) {
            recent_avatars = llDeleteSubList(recent_avatars,0,0);
integer seen(string name) {
    if(llListFindList(recent_avatars,[name]) > -1) { return TRUE; }
    return FALSE;


    state_entry() {
        llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 20, PI, 5);
    sensor(integer total_number) {
        if(!seen(llDetectedName(0))) {
        sendtobot("JOINSPECIFICGROUP:"+(string)llDetectedKey(0)+"|"+"YOUR GROUP NAME"+"|"+"Everyone");

