LSL Constants/llSetEnvironment

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parameter integer value values to set description
SKY_CLOUDS 2 vector color, float coverage, float scale, float variance, vector scroll, vector density, vector detail Environmental cloud information:
  • color: The color used for the clouds.
    range = [<0,0,0>, <1,1,1>]
  • coverage: The coverage percentage.
    range = [0, 1]
  • scale: The scaling applied to the cloud textures.
    range = (0 - 3]
  • variance: A randomizing factor applied to the main cloud layer.
    range = [0, 1]
  • scroll: The scroll speed of the clouds. X is east/west, Y is north/south, and Z is unused.
    range = [<-50,-50>, <50,50>]
  • density: The X/Y and D parameter used to generate cloud density.
    range = [<0,0,0>, <1,1,3>]
  • detail: The X/Y and D parameter used to generate cloud details.
    range = [<0,0,0>, <1,1,1>]
SKY_CLOUD_TEXTURE 19 string texture_ident Name of item in inventory or UUID for texture to be used for the clouds.
SKY_DOME 4 float offset, float radius, float max_altitude Sky dome information.
  • offset: offset applied to the sky dome.
    range = [0,1]
  • radius: radius of the sky dome.
    range = [1000,2000]
  • max_altitude: altitude of the sky dome.
    range = [0,10000]
SKY_GAMMA 5 float gamma The gamma value applied to the scene.
range = [0,20]
SKY_GLOW 6 float glow_size, float glow_focus Glow applied to the sun and moon.
  • glow_size: size of glow effect.
    range = [0.2, 40]
  • glow_focus: focus of glow effect.
    Range [-10, 10]
SKY_MOON 9 rotation rot, float scale, float brightness Detailed moon information:
  • rot: The current rotation applied to the moon.
    Normalized rotation.
  • scale: The current scale applied to the moon's texture.
    range = [0.25, 20]
  • brightness: The moon's brightness.
    range = [0,1]
SKY_MOON_TEXTURE 20 string texture_ident Name of texture in inventory or UUID for texture to be used for the moon.
SKY_STAR_BRIGHTNESS 13 float brightness Brightness value applied to stars.
range = [0,500]
SKY_SUN 14 rotation rot, float scale, vector sun_color Detailed sun information:
  • rot: The current rotation applied to the sun.
    Normalized rotation.
  • scale: The current scale applied to the sun's texture.
    range = [0.25, 20]
  • sun_color: The sun's color.
    range = [<0,0,0>, <1,1,1>]
SKY_SUN_TEXTURE 21 string texture_ident Name of texture in inventory or UUID for texture to be used for the sun.
SKY_PLANET 10 float planet_radius, float sky_bottom_radius, float sky_top_radius Planet information used in rendering the sky.
  • planet_radius: range = [1000, 32768]
  • sky_bottom_radius: range = [1000, 32768]
  • sky_top_radius: range = [1000, 32768]
SKY_REFRACTION 11 float moisture_level, float droplet_radius, float ice_level Sky refraction parameters for rainbows and optical effects.
  • moisture_level: range = [0, 1]
  • droplet_radius: range = [5, 1000]
  • ice_level: range = [0, 1]
WATER_BLUR_MULTIPLIER 100 float multiplier Multiplier applied to blur the scene when under water.

range = [-0.5, 0.5]

WATER_FOG 101 vector color, float density, fload modulation Fog parameters applied when underwater:
  • color: The color of the underwater fog.
    range = [<0,0,0>, <1,1,1>]
  • density: Density exponent applied to the fog.
    range = [-10, 10]
  • modulation:
    range = [0, 20]
WATER_FRESNEL 102 float offset, float scale Fresnel scattering applied to the surface of the water.
  • offset: range = [0,1]

scale: range = [0,1]

WATER_NORMAL_TEXTURE 107 string texture_ident Name of texture in inventory or UUID of texture to be used for the water normal.
WATER_NORMAL_SCALE 104 vector scale Scaling applied to the water normal map.

range = [<0,0,0>, <10,10,10>]

WATER_REFRACTION 105 float scale_above, float scale_below Refraction factors when looking through the surface of the water.
  • scale_above: range = [0, 3]
  • scale_below: range = [0, 3]
WATER_WAVE_DIRECTION 106 vector large_wave, vector small_wave Vector for the directions of the waves Y represents north/south and X represents movement east/west.
  • large_wave: Large wave speed and direction.
    range = [<-20, -20>, <20, 20>]
  • small_wave: Small wave speed and direction.
    range = [<-20, -20>, <20, 20>]
SKY_AMBIENT 0 vector color Ambient color used in the scene.
SKY_BLUE 22 vector blue_density, vector blue_horizon Change the colors used to calculate blue density and blue horizon in the environment.
SKY_HAZE 23 float density, float horizon, float density_multiplier, float distance_multiplier Values used to calculate the impact of blue_density and blue_horizon on the scene lighting.
SKY_REFLECTION_PROBE_AMBIANCE 24 float ambiance Minimum ambiance value for all reflection probes.

range = [0.0, 10.0]

Caveat: This feature will be supported in the upcoming GLTF Materials project. Currently it will only work in supported testing areas with a supported test viewer.