Linden Lab Official:Month of Machinima

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Linden Endowment for the Arts: Month of Machinima (MoM)

The Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) selects and screens films made with machinima that focus on the arts, highlight the art of machinima, or are art films.

The LEA Month of Machinima was a monthly selection of machinima loosely organized around a specific theme that connected the month's program, sometimes in interesting and surprising ways, as the talented and creative filmmakers of Second Life often interpreted the theme in unusual ways. The January 2012 screening was the last in the LEA Month of Machinima format. We have some new ideas we want to try out and have to stop the cycle of submissions and screenings to think them through and come up with a plan. So we're not accepting submissions for February, or planning any more Month of Machinima monthly screenings.

But there will definitely be a new LEA machinima project to tell you about soon. The new initiative will be announced on the LEA blog, and also in the Linden Endowment for the Arts Info group.

So stay tuned for the next evolution of LEA Machinima. And you can always see the 88 films, and more than 5 hours of machinima that comprise the MoM selections on the youtube channel playlist,, and marvel at the exceptional films and filmmakers who've been involved in the machinima and arts communities.