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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: list llDisplayNameToKeys( string display_name );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a list containing the UUIDs of all avatars with display_name that are located in the same sim that the script is running in.

• string display_name the Display Name of the avatar(s) to retrieve the UUID(s) of.


  • Works only for agents recently located in the same sim the script is running in. To request UUIDs for a non-local avatars then use llRequestAgentKeysByDisplayName() instead.
  • As Display Names are not unique this function may return multiple avatar UUIDs. This function should therefore never be used for security purposes, instead you should use an avatar's UUID or username directly.



Please vote on SVC-215 if you would like to see this function implemented.

See Also


•  llUsernameToKey to fetch avatar UUID by username.
•  llRequestAgentKeyByUsername to fetch avatar UUID by username grid-wide.
•  llRequestAgentKeysByDisplayName to fetch avatar UUIDs by display-name grid-wide.
•  llNameToKey to fetch avatar UUID by legacy-name.
•  llRequestAgentKeyByName to fetch avatar UUID by legacy-name grid-wide.

Deep Notes


//function list llDisplayNameToKeys( string display_name );