LlSameGroup Test
[LENGTH] 00:15
[OVERVIEW] This test has been designed to exercise the LLSameGroup LSL function.
[SETUP] This test requires 1 Tester and rezzable land
[0010] Right-click on yourself and Select "Groups" from the pie menu, Pick a group in which you are an officer, and Select "Activate"
[0020] Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu and rez a default sphere
[0030] In Edit, Select "More >>" if neccesary then click the contents tab, and add the following script.
[SCRIPT] llSameGroupowner
[0040] In edit, click the General tab, and Check the "Share with group" Checkbox, Click "Deed" and acknowledge
[0050] Close the edit window
[0060] Left-click the sphere
[0070] The sphere will have chatted the Groups Key
[0080] Select and copy that key
[0090] Right-click on the ground and Select "Create" from the pie menu and rez a default cube
[0100] In edit, in the general tab set the group to a different one than your wearing to create the sphere (set group) is under creator and owner
[0110] Click the contents tab and copy the following script to the contents
[SCRIPT] llSameGrouptest
[0120] Double click on the script to open it and replace the "paste-id-here" with the key that was chatted earlier
[0130] Click save, and Exit the script and Edit windows
[0140] Verify the output from the cube is "NOT SAME GROUP, NOT SAME GROUP, SAME GROUP"
[0150] Delete your prims
default { touch_start(integer x) { llSay(0,(string)llGetOwner()); } }
// llSameGroup test string testSameGroup(key id) { if (llSameGroup(id)) return "SAME GROUP"; else return "NOT SAME GROUP"; } default { state_entry() { llSay(0,testSameGroup("paste-id-here") + ", " + testSameGroup(llGetOwner()) + ", " + testSameGroup(llGetKey())); } }