Members and Roles - Abilities Tab Test

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1. Describe the expected behavior and purpose of the new code

The Abilities sub-tab of the Members & Roles tab of the Group Information window is purely an informational window, no data is changed from this view. The purpose of this view is to quickly find out which roles and which members can do any particular ability or category of abilities.

2. List any dependencies the new code may have -- what other systems may be affected?

This code is dependant on the other Members & Roles sub-tabs.

3. Detailed plan(s) for testing new functionality, including success and failure cases if possible


1.0 Create a new group

1.1 Invite 2 people into the group, add 1 to the Officer role

1.2 Open the Group Information floater for this new group, Members & Roles tab, Abilities sub-tab

Abilities List

2.0 Verify ALL possible abilities are shown.

2.1 Verify the Description, Roles with Ability and Members with Ability fields are blank

2.2 Select each ability category (with a folder icon). For each:

2.2.1 Verify the Description is clear and makes sense for that ability category

2.2.2 Verify all roles that can perform ALL abilities and only roles that can perform ALL abilities in that category are listed

2.2.3 Verify that all members in the roles listed and only those members in the roles listed are shown in the Members with Ability list

2.2.4 Verify no member or role is shown in their respective lists more than once

2.2.5 Verify none of the fields are editable

2.3 Select each individual ability. For each:

2.3.1 Verify the Description is clear and makes sense for that ability category

2.3.2 Verify all roles and only roles that can perform ALL abilities in that category are listed

2.3.3 Verify that all members in the roles listed and only those members in the roles listed are shown in the Members with Ability list

2.2.4 Verify no member or role is shown in their respective lists more than once

2.3.5 Verify none of the fields are editable

2.2 Multi-Select 3 - 6 abilities:

2.2.1 Verify the Description is blank

2.2.2 Verify all roles that can perform ALL selected abilities and only roles that can perform ALL selected abilities are listed

2.2.3 Verify that all members in the roles listed and only those members in the roles

listed are shown in the Members with Ability list

2.2.4 Verify no member or role is shown in their respective lists more than once

2.2.5 Verify none of the fields are editable


3.0 Enter the text 'Roles' (without quotes) in the Search box

3.1 Press Search

3.1.1 Verify that all abilities in the Roles category are shown

3.1.2 Verify no other abilities are shown

3.2 Press 'Show All'

3.2.1 Verify that all abilities are shown

3.3 Enter the text 'member' (without quotes) in the search box

3.3.1 Verify that all abilities in the Membership category are shown (3 abilities)

3.3.2 Verify 2 of the abilities in the Roles category are shown, Assign and Remove members from roles

3.3.3 Verify 1 of the abilities in the Group Identity category is shown, Change Chater, Insignia...

3.4 Enter the text 'insignia' (without quotes) in the search box

3.4.1 Verify only 1 ability is shown: Change Charter, Insgnia... from the Group Identity category

4. Detailed plan(s) for testing dependent code, including success and failure cases if possible

The various Group Abilities tests are dependant on this code, as well as all other Group Information panels.

5. Requirements for gathering data on existing feature being modified, if applicable


5a. Follow this with requirements for gathering data on new feature in new format, etc.


5b. Explain how to compare data to ensure new feature is not worse (i.e. lower framerate, higher bandwidth, more db queries, etc.)