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[8:00] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat... [8:00] Connected [8:00] Teleport completed from [8:00] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat... [8:00] Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat [8:02] You: morning/afternoon all [8:02] You shout: turning scripts off while we talk [8:03] Entering god mode, level 200 [8:03] You: hi davie [8:04] You: hi harleen [8:04] Harleen Gretzky: Hi Babbage [8:04] Davie Zinner: Good morning all [8:04] You: i'll just wait a few minutes before giving an update on where we're at [8:04] You: if you have any questions in the meantime, shoot [8:04] You: hi itico [8:05] Itico Spectre: Good morning. [8:05] Harleen Gretzky: Haven't seen the Mono Beta group on the Main Grid yet [8:05] You: hi becky [8:05] You: good point, we need to set that up [8:05] Becky Pippen: Hi Babbage and everyone [8:07] You: ok, so lets go [8:08] You: in terms of bug fixes, scouse and I have been working on implementing value semantics for vectors, quaternions and lists [8:08] You: which is taking some time, but is nearly finished now [8:08] You: as an added bonus the fix is making the UThread Injector more general [8:09] You: and so closer to being able to handle CIL assemblies produced by other languages [8:09] You: once that's done will hopefully chomp through some of the other bugs [8:09] You: which don't look as big [8:09] You: the value semantics thing looks like the only big one at the moment [8:10] You: there aren't any crash bugs at the moment either, which is great [8:10] Periapse Linden is Online [8:10] You: peri and vektor are working on setting up no script, push enabled, no auto return and pond areas [8:11] You: so that should happen in the next week [8:11] You: the value semantics fix should be done by the end of this week [8:11] Harleen Gretzky: HI Peri [8:11] Periapse Linden: Hello, all. [8:11] You: but we'll probably hold off the next beta refresh until the end of next week so that we can have a good number of fixes to deploy [8:12] You: hi peri [8:12] Periapse Linden: yo, Babbage [8:12] You: so, that's what we've been up to [8:12] You: any questions? [8:13] Davie Zinner: take the silence as enthusiastic encouragement and support [8:13] Harleen Gretzky: :) [8:13] You: have any of you found any new bugs recently that we should know about? [8:13] Itico Spectre: Well, I tell you what, I'm just here to see a) what goes on and b) if I have anything to write about for SLNN. :) [8:14] Becky Pippen: when svc-1369 is fixed, we'll have lots more to test [8:14] Babbage Linden looks [8:16] You: hopefully that is linked to the other non-running issues [8:16] You: we'll look in to those after the value semantics changes [8:16] You: with luck there will be one cause for all the non-running script issues [8:17] You: is anyone else experiencing problems with that bug? [8:17] You: it would be nice to get a feel for what you feel the priorities are [8:17] You: so that we can do the biggest bang for buck fixes first [8:17] You: and then hopefully enable you to find the next set of bugs [8:17] Davie Zinner: SVC-1369? Definitely a major drag [8:17] You: ok, that's 2 [8:19] Siann Beck: Did I miss anything? [8:20] You: we're actually demoing SL at at job fair in brighton at the moment [8:20] You: so apologies if i go quiet occasionally [8:20] You: peri, is there anything you want to talk about? [8:20] Siann Beck: NP, that's pretty cool. [8:20] Siann Beck: Thanks for the transcript, Davie. [8:20] You: say hi to everyone in brighton :-) [8:21] Itico Spectre: Hello Brighton! [8:21] Periapse Linden: No, I'm good. I'm actually thinking I'll go and try to landscape in some water. [8:21] Periapse Linden: We've had requests for places to test boats. I'll prolly do it over a region boundary [8:22] Periapse Linden: so that region crossings can be tested [8:22] Becky Pippen: you're brave :-) [8:22] Periapse Linden: lol -- I'm not the one riding the vehicles. :-D [8:22] Becky Pippen: lol [8:23] Itico Spectre: Oh, come on, live dangerously [8:23] Itico Spectre grins. [8:24] You: yes, a lake over a region boundary makes sense [8:25] Periapse Linden: yep. think I'll do it over yonder. I've got time before my 9am mtg. See you all! [8:25] Becky Pippen: Thanks Peri! [8:28] Siann Beck: Well, I've tested pretty much all my scripts; my last big thing was the HTTP calls, and I'm not as good as Strife at sniffing out the corner cases, so I haven't been in here as much, but if anyone needs help tracking down bugs, that's one thing I'm good at. [8:28] You: great, thanks siann [8:29] You: we'll set up the groups and then it would be good to see if we can get some discussion on group chat around mono bugs [8:29] You: it's been great to see people helping out narrow down bugs on jira [8:29] You: i'll ask peri to distribute the bugs he thinks aren't quite ready for fixing [8:29] You: then if you could help narrow down those bugs that would be great [8:29] Siann Beck: Cool. [8:30] You: do all the sleep values seem correct now? [8:30] You: we should have got them all in line with LSL now [8:30] You: but i noticed there was still an outstanding bug mentioning that [8:30] Siann Beck: Oh, the built-in delays? [8:30] You: yes [8:31] You: so, 1369 [8:31] You: any other priorities that you think we should look at soon? [8:32] Siann Beck: I guess the line you're working on is good :) [8:32] You: great [8:32] Davie Zinner: The matter of tight loops keeping llGetTime() from advancing is disturbing [8:33] You: ok, value semantics, 1369 [8:33] You: is there a bug filed for that davie? [8:33] Davie Zinner: that's kinda buried in the comments in SVC-1341 [8:33] You: ok, great i'll look in to that [8:33] Davie Zinner: the snippet in 1341 demonstrates the llGetTime() problem [8:33] You: cool [8:34] You: has anyone seen rez object slow down? [8:34] You: there was some talk in scripters about that\ [8:34] You: not sure if there has been a bug filed though [8:34] Davie Zinner: nothing other than the longer initialization time for newly rezzed objects [8:35] You: that may be something we can fix with the mono team [8:35] You: it may be called by the verification of bytecode [8:35] You: which we do whenever a script is rezzed [8:36] Davie Zinner: that's reasonable and not too surprising [8:36] You: doing it when we first cache the bytecode might help in the cases where the same script is being rezzed repeatedly [8:36] Davie Zinner: ah, cool [8:36] You: it's probably something we should look at later though [8:36] You: fix the bugs and then look at performance issues [8:36] You: link message performance is another one i'd like to look at once we're done with bugs [8:38] You: great, well it sounds like we're mostly doing the right things [8:38] You: and just need to crunch through the outstanding bugs so you can help find some more [8:38] Siann Beck: Mmmm, crunchy bugs. [8:38] Davie Zinner: :-) [8:39] You: so, i'll go back to trying to hire some more engineers to crunch through the bugs if there's nothing else [8:39] You: once again, thank you all for coming [8:39] Becky Pippen: thank you guys! [8:39] You: and for all your work helping test mono [8:39] Siann Beck: Thanks for your work. [8:39] Harleen Gretzky: tc babbage, and don't forget to turn scripts back on :) [8:40] Becky Pippen giggles [8:40] Siann Beck: lol [8:40] You: it should be back on now [8:40] Harleen Gretzky: thx :)