Multi-displays Texture Cycler

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  1. Display all textures in sequence, distributed to all screens in the set.
  2. Internal delay between each screen, to give viewer some time to load
  3. Single script!


  1. Link all screens into a linkset, with another root prim separate from the screens.
  2. Name all the screens as DISPLAY#n, where n is a number, starting from 1, 2, 3, ...
  3. Put all textures into the root prim
  4. Put the script in last
  5. Texture will be displayed on Side#1 of the prim. Make sure it is faced right.


float cycleTimer = 30;
list displays;
integer totalDisplays;

integer currentTexture = 0;

displayOff(integer link){
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link, [
        PRIM_COLOR, 1, <0,0,0>, 1,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, TEXTURE_BLANK, <1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, 0

displayOn(integer link, string name, key texture){
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link, [
        PRIM_COLOR, 1, <1,1,1>, 1,
        PRIM_TEXTURE, 1, texture, <1,1,0>, <0,0,0>, 0,
        PRIM_TEXT, name, <1,1,1>, 1

    integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
    if(count < 1) return;
    integer i;
    for(i=0; i<totalDisplays; ++i){
        string textureName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, currentTexture);
        key textureKey = llGetInventoryKey(textureName);
        if(textureKey == NULL_KEY) textureKey = TEXTURE_BLANK;
        displayOn(llList2Integer(displays, i), textureName, textureKey);

        currentTexture = ++currentTexture % count;

        // Scan for displays
        integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims();
        string name;
        integer num;
        for(; i>0; --i){
            if(llGetSubString((name = llGetLinkName(i)), 0, 7) == "DISPLAY#"){
                num = (integer)llGetSubString(name, 8, -1);

                // Force the ID into link list
                while(llGetListLength(displays) < num) displays += [0];
                displays = llListReplaceList(displays, [i], num - 1, num - 1);
                // Prepare display screen

        totalDisplays = llGetListLength(displays);
        if(totalDisplays < 1)
            llOwnerSay("ERROR: No target display found! Please name target prims as \"DISPLAY#1\", \"DISPLAY#2\", ..., \"DISPLAY#n\"");
        else llSetTimerEvent(cycleTimer);
