Physics Cost test
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Test Plan Name:
- Physics Cost test
Test the Physics Cost of prims, meshes and linked sets.
- Open Advanced menu > Show Debug Settings and set ShowAdvancedBuilderOptions = TRUE
- When editing an object its Physics weight appears in the edit tools just above the tabs.
Boxes set to Convex Hull
- Create a linkset consisting of 10 boxes. Set one of them to have shape type Convex Hull (to trigger the new accounting)
- Arrange them and scale the linkset so that the overall linkset scale is 3m x 4m x 5m
- Verify the object is 2 prim equivalents.
Mesh model 1
- Import/upload the duck model using a physics decomposition. Let's say the resulting decomposition has a physics cost of 13 prim equivalents (it did in my experiment)
- After setting the duck to "PRIM" so that it uses the decomposition, the cost is 13
- Scale the duck to 10m x 10m x 10m.
- Verify its physics cost is still 13
- Set the duck Physical.
- Verify its physics cost is 65 prim equivalents.