Release Notes/Second Life Project Bento/

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Known Issues
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Second Life Project Viewer version

Released on April 14, 2016.

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[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

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Release Notes


This build contains what is planned to be the final avatar_skeleton.xml and avatar_lad.xml for the Bento project. This means that it contains the authoritative set of bones, attachment points, and sliders. Changes from the previous project viewer are: - added mFaceChin bone to the face - added attachment points for "Left Hind Foot" and "Right Hind Foot" - added or improved support for a large number of sliders, particularly those in the avatar shape No additional changes are planned for the skeleton and sliders, unless serious bugs are found in testing. Please let us know if you encounter such problems.

For updates on available meshes and animations compatible with the current skeleton, please follow Project Bento Testing

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Resolved Issues

  • MAINT-5671 Cathy Foil's Tentacles folded over on coyot's avatar
  • SL-202 Mesh rigging fails when joint offsets are combined with fitted mesh
  • SL-216 [Bento] tentacle attachment has stray triangles
  • SL-220 Still seeing the verts shooting off to space on a Mac
  • SL-221 Viewer crash when previewing a mesh in the mesh uploader
  • SL-255 Mesh upload display skin weights checkbox has reversed sense
  • SL-263 Crash in upload preview when show skinning weights, and unknown joint referenced
  • SL-266 Mesh upload - skin weight and joint offset checkboxes not enabled correctly when multiple meshes per model file.
  • SL-268 Distorted graphics in mesh uploader when previewing skin weights
  • SL-276 (PV) Finalize skeleton.xml file, remove variants
  • SL-282 BVH files using joint names that match internal names look correct on Bento, broken on Release.
  • SL-285 Animation upload preview does not allow replacing "hip" joint with internal name "mPelvis".
  • SL-287 Spine joints crash viewer or cause distorted default avatar
  • SL-289 Bento avatars stretch to horizon when Enhanced skeleton is disabled. (old Macs)
  • SL-290 base bone rigging is disabled when Enhanced skeleton is disabled.
  • SL-301 "mFaceoseRight" in avatar_lad.xml
  • SL-302 [Project Bento] Bento Project viewer lacks MAINT Mesh fixes
  • SL-314 bvh from Cathy Foil crashes Bento viewer
  • SL-317 [BENTO] Trouble uploading custom rig to BentoExperimental1
  • SL-318 Support translations in bvh upload
  • SL-319 Reduce restrictions on joints required for uploaded mesh
  • SL-333 Animating attachment points causes out of range array access in LLMotion
  • SL-338 Backend should reject old-format animations
  • SL-341 Joint debugging updates requested by content creators
  • SL-343 Remove restrictions on partial joint pos overrides
  • SL-352 [Bento] Incorrect display of legacy rigged content.
  • SL-361 Button "Clear History" overlaps lower checkbox, in Preferences.
  • SL-363 From Gaia - additional lad file content
  • SL-365 Add hind limb sliders to match corresponding leg joints
  • SL-366 Mesh Upload - preview skin weights bug

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Known Issues

  • BUG-10447 Unable to see group members belonging to any group role in the Roles tab until you switch to the Members tab and back to Roles tab.
  • SL-290 - base bone rigging is disabled when enhanced skeleton is disabled
  • SL-289 - bento avatars stretch to horizon when enhanced skeleton is disabled (old Macs)
  • SL-274 - shape distortions at altitude with SW skinning
  • SL-268 - distorted graphics in mesh uploader when previewing skin weights