Release Notes/Second Life Project OculusRift/

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Known Issues
Please see the Known Issues for important information and limitations.

Second Life Project Viewer version

Released on May 21, 2014.

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[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

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Release Notes


Oculus Rift is supported in Windows Vista (or newer) and Mac OS X 10.7 (or newer) operating systems.

New Controls and viewer options for the Oculus Rift:

- Align to look - [ “Q” ] To change the direction you are walking to match the direction you are looking press the “Q” key.

- HMD Mode - [ CTRL + SHIFT D ] To activate the Oculus Rift choose “Display Select” from the “me” drop down. You can also press “CTRL+SHIFT D” or click the “Display Select” button on toolbars if you add it to your layout. This command also allows one to display the stereo rendering output intended for the Oculus Rift on their primary display.

- Hardware Calibration - click the “HMD calibration” button on the “move & view” panel in the preferences dialog.

- Mouselook and First Person Mode - [“M”] to cycle the camera to enter "mouselook" or “first person mode” press “M” or open the “camera controls” floater and click on the desired camera icon at the bottom of the dialog.

- Center Cursor - [“Z”] We have moved this functionality from "the tilde key" ["~"] to accommodate a wider array of keyboards. Now, to have the mouse cursor jump to the center of the UI area press the "Z" key. This can be useful when in the event that you have lost track of the mouse cursor location.

- Action Key - ["X"] It is now possible to activate action items (i.e. Opening Doors) from Mouselook mode. Simply aim the crosshair at the item you'd like to activate, and press the "X" key. In First-Person mode, the Action Key ["X"] will have the same functionality as clicking the mouse button in mouselook mode (i.e. it will "trigger" guns or other held items)

- Mouselook Changes - We've made many updates to mouselook based on resident feedback. Primary among them, the mouse is now used to steer your avatar's direction. Rotating your head will not orient the direction your avatar is facing. We've also made a number of improvements to the sense of scale while in mouselook mode. Your sense of scale and height should now feel more like expected.

Known Issues:

  • RIFT-4 Oculus Rift: Build Tool's Translation plane is opaque.

--These indicators have been disabled

  • RIFT-20 Windows File Browsers cannot function in HMD mode.

--As a result of this, the display will appear to freeze in the HMD. The file browser/finder will be displayed on your monitor. Once it is closed the display in the HMD will resume normally.

  • RIFT-22 Alt+Tabbing out of the viewer confuses the Rift.
  • RIFT-25 White Axis indicators are misaligned for Translation, Rotation, and Scale Manips...

--These indicators have been disabled

  • Snapshots disabled while in HMD mode due to the following issues:

--RIFT-30 HUD and UI elements always drawn in snapshots. --RIFT-31 Save to my Computer adds a blank screen between refreshes when trying to take snapshots

  • Limitations of ["X"] Action Key:

--The action key will not work for object that require UI in order to perform their actions. The following items will not work with the action key in Mouselook mode.

  • Clicking links on webpages
  • Unpacking boxes (because that opens a floater, and UI isn't supported in mouselook)
  • Actions that require the right-click menu (sitting in some chairs, riding some rides, driving some cars, etc.)
  • RIFT-85 WARNING: MouseLook and First Person views can screw up if sit poses are not set a certain way
  • RIFT-99 UI - Snap / Ruler not visible in HMD

--While the snap rulers are not visible in the Rift, they are actually still functional. You can get them to work by approximating where you expect them to be and hunting for the snap you want.

  • RIFT-110 Toggling HMD mode sets the focus wrong and you have to click in world before doing anything else, on Macs.

--This does not happen in Windows.

  • Display Configurations for the Rift in Windows vs Mac OS X:

--To display the viewer with the best results, we recommend that you configure your Oculus Rift as an Extendend Desktop in Windows (do not Duplicate Displays). --To display the viewer with the best results in Mac OS X, we recommend that you enable Mirroring Mode in Settings->Displays.

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Resolved Issues

  • RIFT-117 Cannot reach main menu when duplicating displays in Windows
  • RIFT-20 Windows File Browsers cannot function in HMD mode.
  • RIFT-25 White Axis indicators are misaligned for Translation, Rotation, and Scale Manips...
  • RIFT-27 With Rift connected but HMD mode NOT enabled, the screen flickers black every second or so in Mac OS X.
  • RIFT-28 The System mouse pointer displays in HMD mode, and it is separate from the Viewer Mouse Pointer.
  • RIFT-29 After enabling HMD mode mouse pointer doesn't have focus in the Rift.
  • RIFT-32 Viewer doesn't render in main window with Mirroring Mode enabled in OS X Display Preferences
  • RIFT-33 Tilde (~) key causes issues with the in-viewer mouse pointer in OS X.
  • RIFT-36 HMD mode won't render in the Rift on OS X with the latest build.
  • RIFT-37 The default window size is cutting off the menu bar in Mac OS X.
  • RIFT-38 Viewer closes after clicking the Me menu in OS X.
  • RIFT-39 Need to move Mouse pointer beyond the menu bar in order to render on top of it, using Display Mirroring in Mac OS X.
  • RIFT-41 Avatar head doesn't look in the direction of the HMD.
  • RIFT-42 Getting teleported while in 1st person, rips camera out to 3rd person and puts mouse in bad state.
  • RIFT-44 CLONE - "First-Person View" and "Object View" buttons can be selected in "Camera controls" panel
  • RIFT-46 Vertical distortion is incorrect
  • RIFT-47 Cannot hide HUD in First Person camera mode
  • RIFT-48 Support rotating your body with mouse in HMD Mouse Look mode
  • RIFT-51 Center Cursor feature not suitable for international keyboards
  • RIFT-58 Ridiculous big mouse pointer in environment with a connected small white dot a bit deeper
  • RIFT-61 Names are oriented strangely if not centered
  • RIFT-62 World tips backwards slightly
  • RIFT-64 First person/HMD perception of avatar
  • RIFT-73 Avatars look smaller than they should be
  • RIFT-83 Text e.g. Avatar Names floats forward of their heads ( and very 2D)
  • RIFT-87 The "View Angle" setting seems to reset upon exiting/re-entering rift mode
  • RIFT-91 FEATURE REQUEST: Please can we have a new action button in first person mode
  • RIFT-92 Settings menu for Interpupillary Distance doesn't seem to work

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Known Issues

  • MAINT-809 [PUBLIC]Setting 16x antialiasing crashes Viewer in Ubuntu 11.10 with GeForce 6600
  • MAINT-3200 WL Haze effects are inconsistent between solid and transparent objects under water.
  • MAINT-3197 Rigged alpha attachments don't render for impostors.
  • MAINT-3198 Legacy bumpiness renders funny on HUD faces with custom alpha mode
  • MAINT-3213 Brightness and Darkness legacy bump maps render incorrectly on Intel GPUs.
  • WEB-4659 Direct Delivery Outbox fails in Linux build
  • RIFT-4 Oculus Rift: Build Tool's Translation plane is opaque.
  • RIFT-20 Windows File Browsers cannot function in HMD mode.
  • RIFT-22 Alt+Tabbing out of the viewer confuses the Rift.
  • RIFT-25 White Axis indicators are misaligned for Translation, Rotation, and Scale Manips...
  • RIFT-30 HUD and UI elements always drawn in snapshots.
  • RIFT-31 Save to my Computer adds a blank screen between refreshes when trying to take snapshots
  • RIFT-85 WARNING: MouseLook and First Person views can screw up if sit poses are not set a certain way
  • RIFT-99 UI - Snap / Ruler not visible in HMD
  • RIFT-110 Toggling HMD mode sets the focus wrong and you have to click in world before doing anything else, on Macs.