Release Notes/Second Life Release/

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Release Notes for v4.0.2 (311655) - Second Life Viewer

Known Issues
Please see the Known Issues for important information and limitations.

Second Life Release Viewer version

Released on February 26, 2016.

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[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

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Release Notes


This is a Maintenance release to keep your Second Life chugging along smoothly. We offer you a neat collection of bugfixes addressing (but not limited to!):

  • memory leaks
  • crashes
  • UI bugs
  • permissions bugs
  • importer bugs
  • duplicated calling cards
  • visual muting
  • autopilot

and much more!

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Resolved Issues

  • MAINT-1017 [PUBLIC]Script-state reverts when changing running-bit before save is complete
  • MAINT-1274 Light texture picker snaps back to initial choice
  • MAINT-1338 Slider marker is out of slider after reopening Preference
  • MAINT-1392 HUD objects Behave Badly in conjunction with the Mouse Scroll Wheel
  • MAINT-1401 Pressing 'Cancel' button in 'Color picker' dialog changes color of prim to the previous
  • MAINT-1588 Square fonts in OSX 10.8 and above
  • MAINT-2199 Using a profile picture texture on prims with texture repeats break texture
  • MAINT-2215 Estate tools Apply button remains available after it is clicked.
  • MAINT-2233 found 216 duplicated ID errors in notifications.xml alone, and 1 error in panel_preferences_graphics1.xml
  • MAINT-2753 User spammed with notifications if SLPlugin.exe can't be found.
  • MAINT-335 [PUBLIC]Avatar hangs in space after cancelling teleport
  • MAINT-3434 viewer freezes when uploading a large mesh
  • MAINT-4018 Mini profile pictures tend to fail to load fully, and sometimes not at all. (In people lists like in group chat lists for example.)
  • MAINT-4260 Animated agents at high altitudes randomly show up at 0,0,0 again
  • MAINT-4472 Tattoo Layers Behave as No Transfer Even With Transfer Enabled (No Mod No Copy)
  • MAINT-4488 [PUBLIC] llTakeControls(*,FALSE,TRUE) prevents left clicks from mouselook.
  • MAINT-489 [PUBLIC]STORM-477 changes to LLDir::deleteFilesInDir() preventing various cache and log files from being deleted.
  • MAINT-5678 [Importer] materials with spaces in name import with truncated names
  • MAINT-5688 Viewer crashes when user in DnD calling to another user also in DnD
  • MAINT-5851 PRIM_TEXT/llSetText has no upper draw distance limit
  • MAINT-5871 Duplicate Calling Card created for each friend on login - has repro.
  • MAINT-5872 System calling card folder 'Friends' always shows up in 'Recent' tab of Inventory whether new inventory or not
  • MAINT-5879 [Feature request] Block incoming blind teleport requests from non-friends or to a particular location
  • MAINT-5903 If selecting "Invite to group" from a resident's conversation tab, their name is not automatically filled into the resident chooser for the invite if they are not on the friends list and not in the same region
  • MAINT-5925 Viewer allows you to locally retexture anyones content including attachments.
  • MAINT-5933 When a new library avatar folder is created in Clothing folder, folder rename is grayed out until relog
  • MAINT-5934 Have to open 'About Land' twice to get parcel ban timings to load in parcel ban list when banned names are not cached
  • MAINT-5940 Viewer group info widget query cleanup
  • MAINT-5956 Certain dae will not upload with the new importer code - Error: Vertex number is more than 65534, aborted!
  • MAINT-5961 Incorrect position of "Delete all" button within "Notifications" floater
  • MAINT-5971 Creator and Owner are missing in Object profile
  • MAINT-5984 Incorrect cursor position with UI scale >1.0 still exists in Second Life 3.8.6 (305981)
  • MAINT-6025 For objects I own but did not create " ctrl + z " not working on non-mod objects, but does work fine on modifiable objects.
  • MAINT-6041 crash in LLGroupMgr::processGroupPropertiesReply
  • MAINT-6042 Audio/Media automatically starts playing again after clicking "Stop All"
  • MAINT-6047 Shop button always opens Marketplace in external browser
  • MAINT-6066 new crash in LLTransferSource::getID()
  • MAINT-6110 No hovertext (PRIM_TEXT/llSetText) on child prims in viewer 4.0.2 (310545)
  • MAINT-6129 [MAINT-RC] Textures on inworld objects will never rez & remain grey if the texture is also used for a group profile image
  • MAINT-6132 Error appears while uploading models with texture
  • MAINT-6144 Viewer crashes at logout when quitting with CTRL+Q - LLToolGrab::handleDeselect() [lltoolgrab.cpp : 120 + 0x6]
  • MAINT-6152 Crash in LLPreviewTexture destructor
  • MAINT-6153 Crash in LLVOVolume::lineSegmentIntersect()
  • MAINT-6154 Crash in LLVOVolume::notifyAboutMissingAsset()
  • MAINT-6168 [MAINT-RC] Crash in LLViewerParcelMgr::renderParcelCollision()
  • MAINT-884 [PUBLIC](Spanish) [FORMATTING] Mundo > Acerca del terreno > Opciones: overlapped texts
  • MAINT-898 [PUBLIC]Viewer attempts to log in with no password
  • MAINT-906 Viewer crashes with enabled watchdog while opening 'About Land' dialog on all Aditi regions
  • MAINT-957 [PUBLIC]Double-click Auto-pilot activates for clicks on UI elements, HUDs, some right-clicks

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Known Issues

  • BUG-10447 Unable to see group members belonging to any group role in the Roles tab until you switch to the Members tab and back to Roles tab.