Snowstorm Daily Scrum Archive/01062011
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
General Notes
- Reminder to devs. If a ticket doesn't pass Review and is rejected, it will move back to the To Do column in GH, if you do more work or clarify questions, it should be moved back through In Progress and then to In Review.
- MMOTD: Oz, because he's automating the hell out of it.
Team Status
Merov Linden
- STORM-828 : Texture Saving Does Not Work: More testing and looking into it. Problem is intermittent. Suspect server side issue (new cap routing) as we see cap errors when things go wrong. Checked with Monty, read docs. More instrumentation show that the problem may occur even without cap issues. Suspecting caching issues now. It's deep and multi faceted... Discussed and assigned to Bao.
- STORM-828 : Texture Saving Does Not Work: Continue to investigate a bit with Bao.
- STORM-745 : Produce comprehensive perf baseline: Complete that work.
- None
Oz Linden
- Merge Monkey
- Office Hour
- Reviewing third party lib builds to be moved to bitbucket
- Helped XMPP Group Chat publish open source for project viewer
- Reposted line endings fix based on review feedback
- Merge Monkey
- Investigate Mercurial hooks for doing commit/pull checks
- Look at VWR issues that have patches attached
- none
Q Linden
- storm-34
- talk with oz about apr stuff
- meetings
- ooo
- storm-34
- storm-2
- meetings
- meetings
Esbee Linden
- Meetings, Email
- PO reviews
- Prepared and sent out instruction and developer viewer build for product council to review
- Scheduled 1:1s w/Gez
- Reviewed half of the VWRs assigned to PE
- Sent feedback to Jonathan on next steps for STORM-615
- Reviewed STORM-236 and decided on next steps
- Meetings
- Review Snowstorm Team product backlog and bug log
- Work with Rhett on next steps for Viewer icons
- PO reviews for open tickets
- Talk to Q about Andrew's feedback on STORM-753 (Design for Viewer Saved Layouts)
- Finish going through the list of VWRs assigned to PE (finally)
- Plan update for system requirements
- Look at VWR-18435 and VWR-24357 for Jonathan
- Add instructions for STORM-236 for Wolfpup
- Write draft for Viewer 2.5 blog post
- STORM-702 needs to be moved back through to the Review process so we can do PO and code reviews.
Paul ProductEngine
- OOO - vacation
Seth Productengine
- BUG (STORM-447) User is not able to share multi selected objects using drag&drop
- WIP. Investigated. Might require a few days long refactoring. Asked Esbee if we should start working at it.
- BUG (STORM-514) LLSideTray::Params::Params() gets non-exsistant artwork.
- Fixed.
- Pick some issues from bug queue.
- None.
Andrew Productengine
- Answered Q's comments in STORM-823 (Tab Key not working properly)
and STORM-34 (As a User, I want a list of my favorite locations available on the login screen so i can log in to SL right where I want to be).
- Normal task STORM-2 (Customizable viewer layouts).
- Excluded some floaters that caused crashes on load from saving to layout. Continued fixing the bug with loading undocked sidetray tabs - yesterday's idea of fix was in tight direction but can't be applied directly (it would break dock functionality of floater). Hope to finish it on Monday.
- Normal task STORM-2. Hope to finally finish first pass of feature on Monday.
- STORM-2. Waiting for Q's reply to letter about organization of layout saving.
- STORM-2. Waiting for Esbee's answers to comments about layout design in STORM-753.
- STORM-34. No reply from Q to comment about current implementation of feature.
Vadim Productengine
- Bug STORM-226 (Viewer 2 Floating Text aligns improperly):
- Requested an acceptance criteria.
- Bug STORM-393 (Group SLURL has wrong color in the nearby chat):
- Fixed.
- Bug STORM-428 (Name of blocked person is not presented in Block list if person was added to list from 'Near me' or 'Friends' tabs of Choose resident):
- Resolved as not reproducible.
- Bug STORM-594 (Crash in LLView::handleVisibilityChange):
- One more attempt to reproduce and find the reason. No luck so far.
- Changed status of some tickets having both approvals from Reviewing to Approved, so that they can be integrated.
- Bug STORM-594 (Crash in LLView::handleVisibilityChange).
- Bug STORM-243 (Suppress version change message in the viewer).
- Need a decision in STORM-702 (Make it possible to wear partial outfits).
Andrey Productengine
- picked up v-d build r218264
- integrated tickets verification
- continued regression testing of the build, see spreadsheet Sprint9-r217888-218264-Regression for details
- review and approve test plans for Chat, URLs, and Sidebar
- there is a bunch of integrated tickets that I don't know how to verify from black-box perspective: STORM-810, STORM-799, STORM-800, STORM-780
Jonathan Yap
- VWR-24347 (Reversion in Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake -- cannot find msvc* files using VS 2005 Express)
- This has been on Review Board for a while. Done.
- STORM-829 (Viewer 2 does not parse /me in object Instant Messages)
- Posted to Review Board. Done.
- STORM-830 (Volume slider isn't properly remembered if set to zero)
- STORM-830 (Volume slider isn't properly remembered if set to zero)
- Need someone to bring VWR-24357 ( "Less" is not displayed after clicking on the "More" button in Nearby Media) into
STORM if they think fixing this is a good idea.