Uploads by SignpostMarv Martin

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:36, 7 March 2014 WOOLYBEAR INTERSECTION.png (file) 317 KB `zopflipng --iterations=1024 --splitting=3 --filters=01234mepb` on previous revision 3
11:37, 2 July 2012 Graph-of-possible-terrain-values.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_fac97925d96a.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258. Error code: 1
22 KB graph of unique values that're possible to be represented in LLRAW 1
15:29, 24 June 2009 Agni.jpg (file) 561 KB Updated from state of the grid as of June 23rd 9
16:39, 15 May 2009 Mixed-reality-event.png (file) 1.09 MB Attending a live music event in two metaverses at once! Hanging out in "The Stage" in Metaplace, while also rezzing in "Joozz" in Second Life. Had a conversation with Slim Warrior in two places at once, too :-P (re-posting here for full-resolution geek 1
07:50, 30 April 2009 ROCKY OUTCROP SCOOPWING.png (file) 343 KB optipng -o7 2
07:50, 30 April 2009 ROUNDABOUT FILLIP 001.png (file) 211 KB optipng -o7 3
10:17, 24 April 2009 Community Translators Linden Bear.png (file) 237 KB optipng -o7 2
14:26, 5 April 2009 Texture console.png (file) 54 KB optipng -o7 5
12:15, 5 April 2009 Pickupframe.png (file) 371 KB optipng -o7 2
11:51, 5 April 2009 SemiFrame.png (file) 758 KB optipng -o7 2
11:51, 5 April 2009 ShoeFlat.png (file) 491 KB optipng -o7 2
11:51, 5 April 2009 1 Bottle.png (file) 162 KB optipng -o7 2
11:25, 5 April 2009 Documentation Team office hours sign.png (file) 411 KB optipng -o7 2
11:18, 5 April 2009 Panel bars.png (file) 4 KB optipng -o7 2
11:14, 5 April 2009 Map ui cropped.png (file) 230 KB optipng -o7 2
11:14, 5 April 2009 Titre Groupe KB.png (file) 76 KB optipng -o7 3
11:13, 5 April 2009 About Land - Media tab - Voice chat ON.png (file) 48 KB optipng -o7 2
10:58, 5 April 2009 How to build 3.PNG (file) 148 KB optipng -o7 2
10:52, 5 April 2009 Motd.png (file) 988 KB optipng -o7 4
10:38, 5 April 2009 Mesh.png (file) 17 KB optipng -o7 2
10:34, 5 April 2009 Midnight Commander-LSL.png (file) 54 KB optipng -o7 2
11:06, 23 February 2009 SP map mushroom (beta).jpg (file) 24 KB Reverted to version as of 11:05, 3 June 2007 recently uploaded version is identical to version uploaded in 2007 3
11:08, 7 February 2009 Office Hours in Thunderbird.png (file) 40 KB A screenshot of the Office Hours feed being subscribed to via Thunderbird's Lightning extension 1
16:04, 22 January 2009 Teen Grid.jpg (file) 20 KB Adding map of Teen Grid, with help from Daniel Voyager 1
07:14, 22 January 2009 Sansara.jpg (file) 28 KB Freshly generated from cache of regions obtained on 2009-01-21 06:29 GMT 4
07:06, 22 January 2009 Heterocera Atoll.jpg (file) 14 KB Freshly generated from cache of regions obtained on 2009-01-21 06:29 GMT 4
06:59, 22 January 2009 Jeogeot.jpg (file) 24 KB Freshly generated from cache of regions obtained on 2009-01-21 06:29 GMT 4
20:28, 17 November 2008 Agni-mainland.jpg (file) 28 KB Nautilus was mis-labelled 2
20:03, 16 November 2008 Agni-mainland-distribution-guide.png (file) 1 KB submitted 16x16 region resolution instead of 4x4 4
13:21, 9 November 2008 Agni-distribution-guide.png (file) 27 KB updating 3
14:51, 13 September 2008 IdentifyinggraphicscardWIN.png (file) 166 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:50, 13 September 2008 Sculpted-preview-04.png (file) 119 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:38, 13 September 2008 Sculpted-preview-03.png (file) 39 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:31, 13 September 2008 Sculpted-prim-explanation.png (file) 23 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:31, 13 September 2008 Sculpt-test-01.png (file) 3 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:31, 13 September 2008 Nerve Monster 2.png (file) 26 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:20, 13 September 2008 ZeroOfficeHours-20070301-slide2.png (file) 66 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:20, 13 September 2008 ZeroOfficeHours-20070301-slide3.png (file) 69 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:19, 13 September 2008 ZeroOfficeHours-20070301-slide4.png (file) 72 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:19, 13 September 2008 ZeroOfficeHours-20070301-slide5.png (file) 57 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
14:14, 13 September 2008 Open Grid Teleport.png (file) 30 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 5
11:42, 12 September 2008 Login-flowchart.png (file) 107 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:39, 12 September 2008 Strawman-login-flowchart.png (file) 107 KB d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:29, 12 September 2008 Samia square 256.png (file) 35 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:29, 12 September 2008 Pjira2.png (file) 3 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:29, 12 September 2008 Pjira1.png (file) 1 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:25, 12 September 2008 SLetiquette-maptrack.png (file) 78 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:25, 12 September 2008 SLetiquette-contact.png (file) 151 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:16, 12 September 2008 Heckert GNU white.png (file) 37 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
11:13, 12 September 2008 Woodsong 1.png (file) 186 KB ran d:\optipng -o7 -preserve -fix -q *.png 2
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