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  • {{LSL Constant/fr |name=PARCEL DETAILS ID
    390 bytes (50 words) - 03:58, 11 February 2010
  • * [12:16] [[User:Alexa Linden|Alexa Linden]]: so moving to FR * [12:22] [[User:LSL Scientist|LSL Scientist]]: lindens have magic powers
    28 KB (4,015 words) - 11:36, 5 January 2010
  • Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa * [15:12] Simon Linden: It was 2500 events per 30 minutes, now it's 2500 per 15 minutes
    40 KB (5,925 words) - 18:25, 1 March 2012
  • {{LSL Header|ml=*}} ...nedLove viewer]. It does not explain [[LSL]] concepts such as messages and events, nor universal concepts such as [[UUID]]s.
    117 KB (18,221 words) - 01:16, 1 July 2021
  • {{LSL Header|ml=*|[[Category:RestrainedLove]]}} ...wer] zu nutzen. Es erklärt weder die [[LSL]] Konzepte wie "messages" oder "events", noch universelle Konzepte wie [[UUID]]s.
    119 KB (17,689 words) - 06:56, 12 November 2017