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- {{LSL_Function/fr |caveats=*Un changement d'[[state/fr|états]] ou un [[llResetScript|réinitialisation du script]] ré-initie tou2 KB (187 words) - 01:02, 25 August 2009
- {{LSL Header/fr}} En LSL, la plupart des scripts attendent sans rien faire jusqu'à ce qu'ils reçoi4 KB (561 words) - 21:46, 2 February 2010
- ...ent peut encore envoyer 0$L ou n'importe quel entier positif.}}{{LSL_Event/fr ...pour laquelle les groupes ne peuvent accorder de droits [[PERMISSION_DEBIT/fr|PERMISSION_DEBIT]]).<br.>2 KB (345 words) - 11:53, 19 September 2015
- {{Multi-lang||/fr}} |p1_type=string|p1_name=anim_state|p1_desc=animation state1 KB (130 words) - 13:44, 6 July 2013
- ...ontrolez toujours (TOUJOURS!) le montant payé dans votre évènement [[money/fr|money]](). Cette fonction a eu quelques bugs par le passé qui avaient alor {{LSL_Function/fr3 KB (446 words) - 02:00, 29 August 2010
- {{LSL_Function/fr Si '''id''' est une clé invalide ou [[NULL_KEY/fr|une clé nulle]] elle est assimilée à un vide.<br/>5 KB (689 words) - 05:24, 5 October 2015
- {{LSL Header}} if(change & (CHANGED_REGION)) state teleport;7 KB (539 words) - 17:45, 18 January 2017
- * [12:13] [[User:Davy Linden|Davy Linden]]: this is a FR? ...Sahkolihaa Contepomi|Sahkolihaa Contepomi]]: Unfortunately yeah - it does state on the website at least, so it's not completely hidden.34 KB (4,577 words) - 11:27, 1 December 2009
- * [12:08] [[User:LSL Scientist|LSL Scientist]]: if it is caused by griefer client, only relogging to distant * [12:08] [[User:Soft Linden|Soft Linden]]: Or second, like LSL says - it's possible for others to spoof your hand beam39 KB (5,427 words) - 09:57, 8 December 2009
- * [12:07] [[User:Squirrel Wood|Squirrel Wood]]: ya. script state should stay as it is ...-download of all wearables and av params, to be able to start from a known state.40 KB (5,586 words) - 09:05, 26 August 2009
- Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa * [15:30] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-4823] Restrict LSL's avatar online status checking to respect avatar's privacy setting40 KB (5,925 words) - 18:25, 1 March 2012