Talk:Marketplace/Shopping and buying
(noted earlier on Talk:Marketplace/Buying, but that turned into a redirect and residents still ask about this. WEB-2916 would like some votes!)
The search on SL Marketplace looks like it is the "standard" one for Spree. There are AND and NOT searches, but there are not OR searches. Search terms can be single keywords or phrases. Exact text search is not available, keyword stemming happens even on phrase searches.
On the Marketplace, keyword searches look on the meta keywords, the product title and description, and the seller name.
eggs bacon and bacon eggs will return the same result, both the keywords "eggs" and "bacon" (or words with matching stems) are present.
"bacon eggs" (with the quotation marks) will return anything with a phrase that is close to that. It will find a "bacon & eggs" plate but not the "eggs & bacon plate", unless the keywords and description have the reversal somewhere else.
bacon NOT eggs will find proud bacon that dares to stand alone.
bacon NOT eggs NOT orbit will find proud bacon and omit baconized weapon technology.
For NOT searches, the word NOT must be in all caps.
--Cerise Sorbet 20:09, 30 December 2010 (UTC)