Talk:Send vector as on rez parameter
Conversion of a vector to an integer and back can be done far more simply.
Firstly, you need to realise that the 3 components of a vector v can be accessed as v.x, v.y and v.z, so your process of casting a vector to a string and then parsing to a list is ... (words fail me)
Here is a simple method with similar effect to yours for decimal vectors (each component 0 thru 999)
integer Vector2IntDec(vector v)
return ( 1000000 * (integer) v.x + 1000 * (integer) v.y + (integer) v.z);
vector Int2VectorDec(integer i)
vector v;
v.x = i / 1000000;
v.y = (i % 1000000) / 1000 ;
return <v.x, v.y, i % 1000>;
However, it's nicer to do the conversions using bit shifts. As an integer (in LSL) consists of 31 bits plus sign bit, we can comfortably allocate 10 bits to each vector component, allowing each component to hold a value in the range 0 to 1023.
integer Vector2Int(vector v)
integer n = (integer) v.x << 20;
n = n | ( (integer) v.y) << 10;
return n | ( integer) v.z;
vector Int2Vector(integer n)
vector v;
v.x = n >> 20;
v.y = (n >> 10) & 0x3FF;
return <v.x, v.y, (n & 0x3FF) >;
(These examples have been compiled and tested using lslEditor and Mono)
Omei Qunhua 01:51, 27 December 2012 (PST)
Compressing a position vector to an integer
I was recently asked about sending a position vector to the nearest 0.5 metres as an integer.
// Code to compress an intra-region position vector to an integer and back again
// Omei Qunhua 12-March-2014
// Components of the vector are rounded down to the nearest 0.5 metres
// Correctly handles vectors where .x and .y are in the range 0.0 to 255.999 and .z is in the range 0.0 to 4095.999
integer Vector2Int(vector v)
// Compress the input vector to an integer, using 9 bits each for .x and .y and 13 bits for .z
integer j = ( (integer) (v.z * 2) << 18) + ( (integer) (v.y * 2) << 9) | (integer) (v.x * 2) ;
// We could have used llRound() instead of (integer) but that would restrict a component to a maximum value of 255.499 (.x and .y) or 4095.499 (.z)
// If any of the vector components is negative, or is too big, the resultant integer will convert back to quite a different vector
// such that the distance between the input and result vectors will be significant.
// We use this as a method of validating the input.
if (llVecDist(v, Int2Vector(j) ) > 5.0)
return -1;
return j;
vector Int2Vector(integer j)
vector pos;
pos.x = j & 511; // 511 decimal is 111,111,111 in binary
j = j >> 9;
pos.y = j & 511;
pos.z = j >> 9;
return (pos / 2);
vector pos = <128.8, 255.999, 4095.999>;
integer j = Vector2Int(pos);
if (j < 0)
llSay(0, (string) pos + " is not valid for compression");
llSay(0, (string) pos + " was compressed OK");
vector pos2 = Int2Vector(j);
llSay(0, "pos2=" + (string) pos2);