Template:Category note

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	"params": {
		"bgcolor": {
			"description": "sets the background color using a CSS value",
			"example": "yellow",
			"type": "string",
			"default": "#fdfdfd"
		"image1": {
			"description": "defines an image on the left hand side of the box",
			"example": "File:Wiki.ong",
			"type": "wiki-file-name",
			"default": "none"
		"image2": {
			"description": "Defines the file to display on the right hand side of the box",
			"example": "File:Example.png",
			"type": "wiki-file-name",
			"default": "(none)"
		"text": {
			"description": "the mandatory text in the box",
			"example": "This is a note",
			"type": "unbalanced-wikitext",
			"required": true
		"category": {
			"description": "Enter a category",
			"example": "Container category",
			"type": "wiki-page-name",
			"default": "(none)"
	"description": "Use this template to write a note on a category page",
	"format": "block"

See also