User/Digit Ditko/experience hud basic script

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HUD Experience Detection

If you need a HUD that will activate and inactivate itself as an avatar moves about Second Life® (and encounters Experiences during that travel), then this example shows the minimum necessary to do that.

// The color of the HUD for the active mode.
vector ACTIVE_COLOR = <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>;    // primary green

// The color of the HUD in inactive mode.
vector INACTIVE_COLOR = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;  // primary red

// Simple function to change the HUD color.
setColor (vector inColor)
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET, [PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, inColor, 1.0]);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default state
// The default state is the logical "inactive" state of the HUD.  
        // For the initial setup of the HUD, just set the color to inactive.
        // After the setup is complete, determine if the HUD should go
        // to the active state.  If the script is NOT compiled to use an
        // Experience, then the Agent-in-the-Experience API call
        // will return false.
        if (llGetAttached() && llAgentInExperience(llGetOwner()))
            state active;
    attach(key inAvatar)
        // If the HUD is being attached, check if the agent is in the Experience
        // and switch to the active state.
        if (inAvatar)
            if (llAgentInExperience(inAvatar))
                state active;
    changed(integer inMask)
        // if the owner changes or if the avatar goes to a different
        // region, check it the avatar is in the Experience again and
        // change to the active state if needed.
        if (inMask & (CHANGED_REGION | CHANGED_OWNER))
            key av = llGetOwner();
            if (llAgentInExperience(av))
                state active;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// in the "active" state the HUD should have all standard functions.
// All this demo script does is turn the HUD to the active color.
state active
        // Set the HUD color to active.
        // This would usually be more elaborate in a real script.
    on_rez(integer inParam)
        // When the object is rezzed, the state of the HUD is unknown.
        // Just change to the default state to run through the initialization
        // logic as needed.
        state default;
    attach(key inAvatar)
        // When attached, check if the agent is in the Experience and
        // change to the default inactive state as needed.
        if (inAvatar)
            if (!llAgentInExperience(inAvatar))
                state default;
    changed(integer inMask)
        // Need to go through initialization logic if the owner changes or if
        // the avatar goes to a different region.  NOTE: This does not detect
        // individual parcel changes.
        if (inMask & (CHANGED_REGION | CHANGED_OWNER))
            key av = llGetOwner();
            if (!llAgentInExperience(av))
                state default;