User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2008 09 30

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Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:

[11:02] Rex Cronon: lol. "iron rex"
[11:02] Rex Cronon: hi andrew
[11:02] Andrew Linden: hello
[11:02] Arawn Spitteler: I'm the Senseless King, in another group
[11:03] Andrew Linden: Tuesday is the worst day in my week.
[11:03] Rex Cronon: do u have monday free
[11:03] Rex Cronon: for most people monday is the worst:)
[11:04] Maestro Linden: Hey guys, mind if I sit in?
[11:04] Andrew Linden: From 09:00 to 10:00 I've got a triage meeting, where we sort through recently filed internal bugs and try to figure out what to do with them, and make sure their priorities are right.
[11:04] Rex Cronon: hi maestro
[11:04] Arawn Spitteler: Welcome Maestro
[11:05] Andrew Linden: And I find that bug triage must makes me anxious. I'd rather be fixing the bugs rather than sorting them.
[11:05] Andrew Linden: Necessary, but not fun.
[11:05] Rex Cronon: look who has joined us. a magic mushroom:)
[11:05] Andrew Linden: Welcome Maestro.
[11:05] Kitto Flora: Hello everyone
[11:05] Rex Cronon: hi kitto
[11:06] Maestro Linden: hello
[11:06] Andrew Linden: Maestro is a very new Linden, I believe.
[11:06] Maestro Linden: I'm not with the H4 team, so I'm really just sitting in and observing
[11:06] Maestro Linden: yeah, brand new =)
[11:06] Andrew Linden: Joining the QA team.
[11:06] Arawn Spitteler: Yay!!! More for QA
[11:06] Gaius Goodliffe: They're springing up like mushrooms, eh?
[11:07] Andrew Linden: Well, these office hours aren't about Havok4 much anymore.
[11:07] Arawn Spitteler: What do you expect, on a system full of so much...
[11:07] Maestro Linden: lots of rain recently, I guess
[11:07] Kitto Flora: I may have an item that is H4 related
[11:07] Andrew Linden: ha ha Arwan, I can complete that sentence
[11:08] Kitto Flora: And another that I'd like to share for comments
[11:08] Andrew Linden: Well, let me make a few announcements first...
[11:09] Andrew Linden: I asked about the 1.25-Server schedule today, and the news is not great...
[11:09] Andrew Linden: they don't expect to be able to branch for 1.25-Server this week
[11:09] Arawn Spitteler: Late October
[11:09] Arawn Spitteler: ?
[11:09] Andrew Linden: hopefully next week
[11:09] Gaius Goodliffe: When It's Done (R) 3DRealms
[11:10] Andrew Linden: Which makes me sad since a bunch of bug fixes have been waiting for 1.25-Server to actually start final testing.
[11:10] Kitto Flora: Camera bounce?
[11:10] Andrew Linden: Looks like the bottleneck is the QA cycle of the mergeback of chunks of fixed code.
[11:10] Arawn Spitteler: Some Exploit, I recall your neighbor mentioning.
[11:11] Andrew Linden: Speaking of which... currently one of my branches holds the lock on the mergeback...the 64bit stuff is currently ready for final QA testing
[11:11] Arawn Spitteler: How soon might it be ready for Preview Grid
[11:12] Andrew Linden: however that should go quickly, it just needs some smoke tests since no features were added or bugs fixed.
[11:12] Andrew Linden: Arawn, nothing up for preview until 1.25-Server goes through a few days of testing, and that branch hasn't even been created yet.
[11:13] Andrew Linden: Hrm... there was a reported compile error in my 64bit branch but I just completed building it on Windows and found nothing wrong...
[11:13] Andrew Linden is trying to work on the side...
[11:14] Andrew Linden: Lets see... any other new...?
[11:14] Arawn Spitteler: Programming is a great way to soak up the intellect
[11:14] Andrew Linden: I guess I don't have anything else that might be interesting.
[11:15] Andrew Linden: Kitto, you had a bug you wanted to mention?
[11:15] Kitto Flora: Yes - maybe bug
[11:15] Kitto Flora: It concerns phantom 'vehicles'
[11:15] Kitto Flora: A friend made a vehicle - not using vehicle code. Its set phantom.
[11:16] Kitto Flora: And set physical to be moved
[11:16] Kitto Flora: On its own it stay s phantom
[11:16] Kitto Flora: If he sits on it - rides it then the object becomes non-phantom
[11:16] Kitto Flora: And collision problems show up
[11:16] Andrew Linden: the entire vehicle? Or just the avatar part?
[11:16] Kitto Flora: The vehicle prims
[11:17] Kitto Flora: Although edit still whows 'phantom'
[11:17] Andrew Linden: ok, that is a bug, however I'm surprised that it is happening
[11:17] Kitto Flora: if you drop a phisical cube on it the cube bounce off it - the prims ate non-phantom
[11:17] Arawn Spitteler: That might explain some of the problems with this year's twistor
[11:18] Andrew Linden: Assuming that his script is not setting the object non-phantom, then I'm very surprised it is happening
[11:18] SSA-2051 Zephyros: Welcome aboard, Gaius Goodliffe. You are now the pilot.
[11:18] SSA-2051 Zephyros: Normal cam.
[11:18] Andrew Linden: if so, then it should also happen for a non-scripted phantom+dynamic object
[11:18] Kitto Flora: He was trying two ways - set it phantom in edit
[11:18] Kitto Flora: also set it phantom by script
[11:18] SSA-2051 Zephyros: Have a nice day, Gaius Goodliffe!
[11:18] Andrew Linden: Kitto, has he entered the bug? I'd be needing a copy of the object, or a demo script that reproduces the problem.
[11:19] Gaius Goodliffe: Okay, my airship stays phantom even when physical and ridden...
[11:19] Kitto Flora: I do not know what the latest status of his tests are - but I suspected the observerd condition is a bug
[11:19] Kitto Flora: OK Andrew....
[11:19] Andrew Linden: ok, I'll try to test the simple case after this meeting.
[11:19] Kitto Flora: If this is not right I will follow up with him, see if can get copy
[11:19] Kitto Flora: for you
[11:19] Kitto Flora: I doubt he's entered it as a bug
[11:19] Andrew Linden: thanks
[11:20] Maestro Linden: Hi Simon
[11:20] Simon Linden: Hi
[11:20] Kitto Flora: He's a regular builder - type who ignores the complexities of Jira
[11:20] Rex Cronon: hi simon
[11:20] Andrew Linden: there is some bug about avatars going phantom sometimes. I haven't been able to get to it yet :-(
[11:20] Rex Cronon: like my sit?
[11:21] Andrew Linden: Yes Rex, that collisioness avatar trick you showed us.
[11:21] James Silberfeld: cant there be a benefit to avs going phantom? in my mind i can see uses for that
[11:21] Rex Cronon: actually i like it:)
[11:22] Simon Linden: The people who do combat sims want to be able to control that ability
[11:22] Andrew Linden: James Silberfeld, I've been forwarned that you might show up. I hear you're interested in collisionless avatars, or at least non-pushable avatars. Care to present your issues? The table is open.
[11:22] Rex Cronon: too bad u can be pushed
[11:22] James Silberfeld: yes much griefing is done against me via av pushing... i would love to have an option for phantom av to stop that pushing if needed
[11:23] Andrew Linden: Well, 'phantom' actually means: "collides with terrain only"
[11:23] Andrew Linden: and as Rex mentioned, his collisionless avatar (which doesn't even collide with the terrain) can still be pushed.
[11:23] Arawn Spitteler: Push-Block as an Avie Option?
[11:24] James Silberfeld: ok forgive me on that my intent is a way to avoid av pushing by other avs as a means to help thwart griefing attacks..
[11:24] Andrew Linden: James, are you talking about scripted pushes via llPushObject()? or collision pushes?
[11:24] Arawn Spitteler: Andrew's the guy for Anti-Grief Infrastructure
[11:24] James Silberfeld: collision push where av physically pushes another av via physics..
[11:24] Rex Cronon: when people go "phantom" they can still be pushed. which doesn't make sense, since phantomom objects can't be pushed
[11:25] Andrew Linden: What Rex? Phantom objects can be pushed via llPushObject(), right?
[11:25] Simon Linden: Rex - pushed as in pushed-by-LSL, not pushed-by-an-avatar, right?
[11:25] Arawn Spitteler wonders if Phantom Lindens are pushable
[11:25] Rex Cronon: pushed by script
[11:25] Kitto Flora: James, how are these griefers circumventing the sim 'NoPush' setting?
[11:25] Andrew Linden: if phantom objects couldn't be pushed I'd expect a bunch of reports of broken content.
[11:25] James Silberfeld: i wish i knew i am set to no push and yet my avs get pushed many meters
[11:25] Rex Cronon: i don't think that u can push phantom objects using scripts
[11:26] Andrew Linden: hrm... I'll have to test it later.
[11:26] Andrew Linden: They can't be pushed if the trigger is a collision_start() event
[11:27] Arawn Spitteler: Push by Script won't work in No Push Area, except by owner, but Push by Collision won't work on Phantoms., I should think
[11:27] James Silberfeld: isnt pushing resticted here on this land right now? i can test it for you right now :0
[11:27] Rex Cronon: james, object(s) r rezzed at your location, that is how u r pushed in no push zone
[11:27] James Silberfeld: no sir
[11:27] Andrew Linden: anyway, as to James' issue... we've talked about avatars being able to control their pushabliity in the past
[11:27] Kitto Flora: Hummm - I wonder if someone has discovered a loophole in Sim NoPush... here's why...
[11:27] James Silberfeld: av can push av at my location sir
[11:28] James Silberfeld: an object is not required to push at all u only need an av to push another av
[11:28] Andrew Linden: I think it is a feature I'd like to add... however I know that some estate owners and maybe parcel owners would request the ability to override that setting
[11:28] Kitto Flora: A few days ago I was at OI Public when there was a griefing attack, and my av was getting pushed by something - while flying. I had ShowTransparent on and did not see any objects hitting me
[11:28] James Silberfeld: yes for combat etc... of course
[11:28] Andrew Linden: some existing content (mostly shoot-em-up games) would be broken if people could cheat their pushability, I'd expect
[11:29] Gaius Goodliffe: There are all sorts of things you can't see with Show Transparent on
[11:29] Kitto Flora: True
[11:29] Rex Cronon: kitto, if something is too big u can't see it
[11:30] Kitto Flora: At the time I was too busy going thru the complexity of filing a report. No time to see whats really going on
[11:30] Andrew Linden: James, I'd like to work on that. I don't see it happening in the short term (before the end of 2008). There is just too much other features piling up.
[11:30] James Silberfeld: let me know when its time for a new subject lol :0
[11:31] Andrew Linden: anytime actually, the table is open and this is just a casual discussion
[11:31] Maestro Linden: hm, those "invisibility prims" aren't highlighted when "show transparent" is enabled, Kitto. So one possibility is that you were hit by something like that.
[11:31] Andrew Linden: if questions or issues are raised that don't get attention, just re-ask
[11:31] Andrew Linden: sometimes thing pass by the chat history and are missed
[11:31] James Silberfeld: ok i have had another weird thing going on?
[11:32] James Silberfeld: on my land with stores the SHOW in search will get unchecked unexplainably
[11:32] James Silberfeld: sometimes it goes for days before i notice a huge drop in business and i find out...
[11:32] James Silberfeld: now i check all my lands each day for safety
[11:32] Andrew Linden: hrm... that is a feature I don't know much about...
[11:32] Andrew Linden: James, are you ever splitting or joining parcels?
[11:32] Kitto Flora: Interesting - I've found that set 'off' too
[11:33] Andrew Linden: I think many fields get cleared on a division or join
[11:33] James Silberfeld: yes however the show in search function has been unchecked repeatedly on my without any joining or dividing of the land
[11:33] James Silberfeld: total unexplainable
[11:33] Andrew Linden: hrm...
[11:33] James Silberfeld: it would be nice if i could LOCK that checkbox or something?
[11:34] Andrew Linden: Well, there are two ways I can think of that bug could be introduced...
[11:34] Andrew Linden: 1) is that is mistakenly getting cleared server-side
[11:34] Andrew Linden: 2) the SL client is incorrectly sending a parcel properties update message that asks the simulator to clear that bit
[11:35] Andrew Linden: ok... a third less likely possibility 3) there is a permission problem that allows others to toggle/clear that bit
[11:35] Andrew Linden: 3) is unlikely since I'd expect to have heard about it if it existed
[11:36] James Silberfeld: yes via group i have eliminated that possiblity by not allowing permissions for that also this has occured on non group land also repeatedly
[11:36] Arawn Spitteler wonders if dropped packets might result in Client-Side Malaproperties
[11:36] Kitto Flora: What about a sim code update thats not using the old setting(s) correctly?
[11:36] Gaius Goodliffe: Wouldn't a sim code update problem affect everyone?
[11:36] Rex Cronon: i would like to add #4 A hacked client does that
[11:36] James Silberfeld: lol@ rex
[11:36] Andrew Linden: Well, now that ou are checking that bit daily, what is the frequency of the problem?
[11:37] James Silberfeld: it occurs mostly at 2 locations on the same sim nearly it happened once per week for 3 weeks and for 2 weeks has now been okay so far
[11:37] Andrew Linden: Yes Rex, I guess 4) could also be a possibility. That would be a security bug.
[11:37] James Silberfeld: at other sim it has happend 2 times in 3 months
[11:37] Gaius Goodliffe: My own "Show in search" checkboxes have stayed reliably checked for, well, since at least summer 2007 is the last time I discovered mine was unchecked (and that may have been do to my messing with the parcels on my island)
[11:38] Andrew Linden: Kitto, you've also seen the bug? Got an estimate on the frequency?
[11:38] Kitto Flora: I only recall one instance
[11:38] Kitto Flora: We have no parcels to join/divide
[11:38] Kitto Flora: So its not that
[11:39] Kitto Flora: I put it down to op error
[11:39] Kitto Flora: But now I will check things more often
[11:39] Andrew Linden: James, this is what I would suggest. The next time you notice it happening send me an IM with the time, location, and parcel-name.
[11:39] James Silberfeld: yes sir i will
[11:40] Andrew Linden: There may be clues in the logs, however those clues get cleared out after several days
[11:40] Gaius Goodliffe: I was in the habit of checking every week, around the time the had the big problems with classified not auto-renewing. But when the problems went away, after a couple months I stopped checking regularly. Still, it hasn't happened since...
[11:40] Andrew Linden: so I could only investigate an event that was a few days old
[11:40] James Silberfeld: new topic?
[11:40] Andrew Linden: sure
[11:40] ErinSelene Llewellyn: it the same place as before
[11:40] James Silberfeld: netscape dispatch wnd.....
[11:40] James Silberfeld: its trouble...
[11:41] Andrew Linden: I'm unfamiliar with netscape dispatch wnd
[11:41] James Silberfeld: it is acting up a lot for many people
[11:41] James Silberfeld: it handles sound...
[11:41] James Silberfeld: causes lockup crashes
[11:41] James Silberfeld: also a weird bug... can log clear off sl... and still have sound running...
[11:41] James Silberfeld: at crash u get error message from netscape dispatch wnd
[11:41] Andrew Linden: all sound? or just voice?
[11:42] Rex Cronon: is firefox affected?
[11:42] James Silberfeld: sound
[11:42] ErinSelene Llewellyn: Got a question when you guys have a sec
[11:42] James Silberfeld: i only use ie unless troubleshooting website dispaly issue...
[11:42] Arawn Spitteler: Streaming Music and Voice are on different software
[11:42] Gaius Goodliffe: I've logged off before and had the parcel media stream keep playing until I manually kill the second life process...
[11:42] James Silberfeld: yes its the stremaing music,....
[11:42] Andrew Linden: ah ha, I can google 'netscape dispatch wnd'
[11:43] James Silberfeld: lol yes u can its free to google :0
[11:43] Gaius Goodliffe: Google knows all.
[11:43] Andrew Linden: James, are you really using netscape?
[11:43] James Silberfeld: when i have parties at my club this will crash some people... and i hear complaints and i also experience some issues myself
[11:43] James Silberfeld: nope i use IE
[11:44] Kitto Flora uses Firefox 100%
[11:44] Simon Linden: James - this is a crash message from your viewer, correct?
[11:44] James Silberfeld: ys sir
[11:44] Arawn Spitteler discovered, last night, that MoveToTarget doesn't work, on a thousand cubic meter prim: Just toss your question into chat, Erin, and try it again if overlooked.
[11:44] ErinSelene Llewellyn: ok
[11:44] Simon Linden: It's probably some internal library the viewer uses - mozilla code
[11:44] Gaius Goodliffe uses Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. I just love cross-browser testing. :p
[11:45] James Silberfeld: well a website will look good on one of those browsers at least we hope lol :0
[11:45] Andrew Linden: uh... Arwan, a 10^3 prim probably doesn't have enough 'script energy' to use MoveToTarget
[11:45] ErinSelene Llewellyn: Remember the glitch where it made under skits invisible . . . . what caused that? *is trying to learn about this stuff*
[11:45] ErinSelene Llewellyn: skirts*
[11:45] Simon Linden: yeah, I've investigated that one before. The energy runs out and it drops to the ground
[11:45] Arawn Spitteler: I think my Burning Life Build is now running, about a week overdue
[11:46] Andrew Linden: ErinSelene, that was a render-bug, I'm not very familiar with the rendering code of the SL viewer
[11:46] ErinSelene Llewellyn: yayee Awarn
[11:46] ErinSelene Llewellyn: ohhhh ok
[11:46] ErinSelene Llewellyn: Arawn*
[11:46] James Silberfeld: and now that u mention the sl viewer it is just fabulous wow... but uh the inventory window well can we work on that lol?
[11:46] Kitto Flora: OK - here's another weirdness - anyone seen anything like this before?
[11:46] Gaius Goodliffe: BTW, do objects have more script energy under H4 than they did in H1? I swear I have a script that used to not work under H1 on some vehicles (without llVehicleType -- using ApplyImpluse) that now does.
[11:47] Simon Linden: FWIW there's a known hack on the enery issue:
[11:47] Andrew Linden: however, I could imagine how skirts could easily be broken. Probably a typo where skirts were being ignored, or accidentlly categorized as a different clothing type.
[11:47] Arawn Spitteler imagines future generations will be lighting candles to the Awarn of Second Life.
[11:47] Simon Linden: Call llApplyRotationalImpulse(vector force, integer local); with a zero force, and it resets your energy level
[11:47] Andrew Linden: What is the hack on the energy issue?
[11:47] Andrew Linden: Ha!
[11:47] ErinSelene Llewellyn: ohhhh
[11:47] Andrew Linden: We should just get rid of the script energy system.
[11:47] Andrew Linden would like to do it
[11:47] Rex Cronon: that is usefull:)
[11:47] Simon Linden: It's a bug from Havok1 days that we had to implement in Havok4 because some vehciles accidentally depended on it
[11:47] Andrew Linden: lots of content would subsequently break
[11:48] Andrew Linden: oh right, that rings a bell
[11:48] Andrew Linden: sigh
[11:48] Kitto Flora: Here is a steam engine that has been corrupted - the original root prim is missing and another prim in the link set moved to the root position, and so the name of the linked object is changed. This is a no-edit object. How does this happen?
[11:48] Simon Linden: I think we need some version info on the script or API it's using, so we could start to migrate to cleaner code. That's a long LSL design discussion, however
[11:49] Kitto Flora: This is the second one of these that I have seen.
[11:49] Simon Linden: FWIW there's stuff like that in Flash - if you comple with one version, it behaves one way, but a re-compile will behave differently due to bug fixes
[11:49] Andrew Linden: Kitto, there was a link-order bug in Havok4 during the beta period I seem to recall
[11:49] Kitto Flora: This was created in the last couple of weeks
[11:49] Gaius Goodliffe: Maybe just clean up all the old hacks when you see the script isn't LSL but C#? :D Just a thought...
[11:50] Andrew Linden: Oh...
[11:50] Kitto Flora: Previous one was some months ago
[11:50] Simon Linden: That's a possiblity, Gaius
[11:50] Andrew Linden: hrm... might happen if the root prim were accidentally unlinked as an individual
[11:50] Andrew Linden: and then linked back up
[11:51] Gaius Goodliffe: Not that I don't *love* LSL... :p
[11:51] Kitto Flora: Its no-edit
[11:51] Kitto Flora: How can someone unlink it?
[11:51] Andrew Linden: does the train do any scripted unlinking?
[11:51] Kitto Flora: No
[11:51] Andrew Linden: wow, that is a mystery
[11:51] Kitto Flora: Yeah - one instance I put down to 'weird'
[11:51] Kitto Flora: a second one - I get a bit worried
[11:52] Andrew Linden: the order of the linkage depends on the order in which the parts were saved to asset, or to simulator backup state
[11:52] Gaius Goodliffe: One assumes that the root prim when the same place much of my old script code has gone. (I figure I have about a 50/50 chance of getting "Script missing from database" when I try to edit a script in an object I made two years ago).
[11:52] Gaius Goodliffe: *went the same place
[11:53] Andrew Linden: that is, the most likely trigger for a linkage order problem that I can think of would be in a save/load cycle
[11:53] Andrew Linden: rather than a spontaneous re-ordering in the RAM during the simulator operation.
[11:53] Kitto Flora: Sim backup is only used if the sim is restarted?
[11:53] Andrew Linden: unless it was a sit/stand-up cycle that caused it. Dunno how that would happen.
[11:53] Andrew Linden: Yes Kitto.
[11:54] Kitto Flora: And the object was in-world
[11:54] Kitto Flora: Well theres been a lot of sim restarts going on , so thats possible
[11:54] Kitto Flora: Theres huge numbers of sit/stand on these objects
[11:54] Andrew Linden: I'll keep an eye out for more reports of the problem Kitto.
[11:54] Kitto Flora: OK
[11:54] Andrew Linden: Meanwhile, if you find a way to reproduce it I'd love to know how.
[11:55] James Silberfeld: how many servers are running all of the mainland sims? or can i ask? if u tell me will u have to kill me cuz i know too much?
[11:55] Kitto Flora: Did anyone here see anything like this elsewhere?
[11:55] Andrew Linden: James, I think we have about 10k servers now...
[11:55] Andrew Linden: lemme check
[11:55] James Silberfeld: are the db's sql?
[11:55] ErinSelene Llewellyn: holy freaking crap
[11:56] Gaius Goodliffe: lol
[11:56] ErinSelene Llewellyn: 10,000 servers!?
[11:56] James Silberfeld: if u have 10 servers running i gonna go back to my store ok i am way out of my league here omg
[11:56] Gaius Goodliffe: That's just mainland
[11:56] Andrew Linden: looks like there are almost 9k servers running SL
[11:56] Gaius Goodliffe: How many if you include private islands?
[11:56] Kitto Flora: 9k servers running mainland & Private 'islands'?
[11:56] ErinSelene Llewellyn: omg 9,000 servers?
[11:56] Andrew Linden: is the last simulator host on the list, however there are some other servers that do other stuff that aren't simulator hosts
[11:57] Rex Cronon: why do u think is called a server farm:)
[11:57] Andrew Linden: hrm... wait, there are only 6.6k lines to this file, so there is a gap of server numbers
[11:57] ErinSelene Llewellyn: what kind of a building must house this stuff?
[11:57] James Silberfeld: how do you even keep the half of all this afloat omg yahoo cant keep a chat box open 5 minutes or it crashes?
[11:57] Andrew Linden: yeah, about 6.5k simulator hosts
[11:57] Kitto Flora: YEah - but sim8679... may be a quad-core so is running 4 regions?
[11:57] ErinSelene Llewellyn: O.O
[11:58] Andrew Linden: correct Kitto, it most certainly is a quad-core server
[11:58] Gaius Goodliffe: Ah! Right... okay now it makes sense -- I thought that number seemed low, but right, four sims per host.
[11:58] Rex Cronon: i have had yahoo chat boxes opened for hours, and no crashing
[11:58] Andrew Linden: the servers are housed in "colo facilities" around the country
[11:58] James Silberfeld: did anybody mention it will be pricey to upgrade all the servers LOL :(*)
[11:58] Andrew Linden: colo = co-location
[11:58] Gaius Goodliffe: Or 16 for openspaces
[11:58] Simon Linden: Keeping it up and running is an adventure :)
[11:58] Kitto Flora: And some regions are 'open sims' - could be 16 opens running at one net address
[11:58] ErinSelene Llewellyn: this is very dumb but I didn't know there were that many computer building in the world
[11:59] ErinSelene Llewellyn: I always thought it was people like me with a few extra computer towers
[11:59] Andrew Linden: a colo is a building for holding racks and racks of servers, with lots of high-bandwidth lines in, and cooling and backup power
[11:59] Kitto Flora: There were 3 colos - are there more yet? Any in Europe?
[11:59] ErinSelene Llewellyn: wow
[11:59] Andrew Linden: all of the servers are 1U boxes (1 unit high = 1.75 inches)
[11:59] Arawn Spitteler: I'
[11:59] Andrew Linden: well, all of the simulator hosts are 1U
[12:00] Andrew Linden: we have some other larger boxes used for asset servers, database hosts, and backup systems
[12:00] James Silberfeld: is there a reason why the servers are not raid? (for the sims)?
[12:00] Andrew Linden: None in europe yet
[12:00] Arawn Spitteler: I've been asked, by some one in Portugal, whether there are any in Portugal, but I don't know how big a CoLo has to be, to pay for the independant staff
[12:00] Andrew Linden: yes james, it turns out that RAID is very prone to hardware failure
[12:00] Andrew Linden: and is more expensive
[12:00] Arawn Spitteler: Someone has to go there for staff training, etc
[12:01] Andrew Linden: the backup systems use RAID
[12:01] James Silberfeld: how do u manage bakups of so much data omg? without raid?
[12:01] ErinSelene Llewellyn: do colo owners make a lot of money?
[12:01] Andrew Linden: RAID = redundant array of independent disks
[12:01] Arawn Spitteler: RAID?
[12:01] James Silberfeld: ok gotcha backup is raid
[12:01] Andrew Linden: RAID disk arrays can loose a disk without losing any data
[12:01] Simon Linden: A (not necessarily Linden) colo can be any size ... from a single rack to a huge building. It's just a business set up to host and run servers for other companies or people
[12:01] Gaius Goodliffe: Does the "Islands Owned" figure on the Economic Statistics page include mainland sims?
[12:02] Andrew Linden: and individual the disks can be hot-swapped in without shuttind down the server
[12:02] Kitto Flora: The original CoLo is in San Francisco, then Dallas Tx was added, then Los Angeles aera?
[12:02] James Silberfeld: now am i the only one noticing the increase in logged in people? we had 70K other day... what can we handle at present? are we ready for the holidays boom here?
[12:02] Kitto Flora: I have not poked around recently to find out
[12:02] Simon Linden: We definitely notice those numbers, James :)
[12:02] Andrew Linden: Kitto, not sure about the Island Owned stat, but probably doesn't include mainland
[12:02] Arawn Spitteler: Wouldn't Mainland be one island?
[12:03] Gaius Goodliffe: It says 25426 Islands Owned -- if that excludes mainland sims... the server count seems low...
[12:03] ErinSelene Llewellyn: I suppose you guys don't know how proffitable a colo is v.v
[12:03] Andrew Linden: James, we're not sure how many we can hold. We're constantly changing the system in an attempt to scale the service.
[12:03] Kitto Flora: 'island' is slang for a private owned region.
[12:03] Simon Linden: Yeah, I'm sure that's private islands, not on a continent
[12:03] James Silberfeld: could we sustain 100K logged come this december?
[12:03] Andrew Linden: Gaius, the numbers skewing the owned regions are the "open space" regions
[12:03] Gaius Goodliffe: Oh right... wow, they'er more popular than I thought then.
[12:03] Arawn Spitteler: Christmas might be an annual smoke test
[12:04] Andrew Linden: "open space" regions are cheaper, get fiewer CPU cycles, and run 4 per CPU, so maybe up to 16 per host
[12:04] Kitto Flora: CoLos are good business but need huge capital investment to make a GOOD colo facility. And the competition is building
[12:04] ErinSelene Llewellyn: I am sorry, we rent one of those, what would you like to know about them?
[12:04] Andrew Linden: Is Christmas a high concurrency event? I thought it was lower than usual.
[12:04] James Silberfeld: let me see what i can do?
[12:05] James Silberfeld: is it ok to talk about promoting sl here?
[12:05] Kitto Flora: Higest concurrency has more to do with publicity I think
[12:05] James Silberfeld: or is this bugs talk?
[12:05] ErinSelene Llewellyn: thanks for the info i will put that idea on the back burnner in that case
[12:05] Andrew Linden: yes James, however I'm not an expert on SL promotions.
[12:05] Arawn Spitteler: There's a lot of new systems and days off, so I'd expect Christmas, or the Thanksgiving Friday, to be especially smokish
[12:05] Gaius Goodliffe: At this point we've ourside the official office hours anyhow -- I tink it's pretty much anything goes.
[12:05] Gaius Goodliffe: *outside
[12:05] Andrew Linden: My areas of expertise are mostly server-side stuff, and the physics engine in particular.
[12:06] James Silberfeld: ok np
[12:06] James Silberfeld: i can explain some of the recent increase...
[12:06] Andrew Linden: ah yes, office hours are over.
[12:06] ErinSelene Llewellyn: oops
[12:06] Andrew Linden: I was going to test the phantom seat that becomes collidable on sit.
[12:06] James Silberfeld: as tso went offline many people have began to spend time here ... although many of them already had an account...
[12:06] Arawn Spitteler: TSO?
[12:06] James Silberfeld: i am working on methods to market to those people
[12:07] James Silberfeld: teh sims online
[12:07] Andrew Linden: I don't think we saw a major influx from TSO when it actually shut down, did we?
[12:07] James Silberfeld: here is y
[12:07] James Silberfeld: they already were members
[12:07] James Silberfeld: but now they log in
[12:07] ErinSelene Llewellyn: gah TP's to the right of me gah!
[12:07] ErinSelene Llewellyn: I will try to make the next meeting too you guys really help alot
[12:07] James Silberfeld: i have dozens of people at my location from tso and i have picked their brains empty
[12:08] Andrew Linden: TSO had a slow decline, as I recall, then they eventually shut down the last servers
[12:08] James Silberfeld: it just very recently went offline
[12:08] James Silberfeld: it is a huge opportunigy for sl
[12:08] Arawn Spitteler wonders if that CoLo is available...
[12:08] Simon Linden: We did see some steady growth over the past few weeks
[12:08] Gaius Goodliffe: I think most TSOers already migrated before the official end
[12:08] James Silberfeld: i am getting tons of feedback in sl from peeps who came here from tso and i hear much good and only tiny bit of gripes...
[12:09] Andrew Linden: I don't think TSO had the same hardware/user ratio that we do.
[12:09] Gaius Goodliffe: But there's always the last few
[12:09] James Silberfeld: i been here only 5 months but i wathc each day the #'s
[12:09] James Silberfeld: its growing
[12:09] Andrew Linden: plenty to gripe about, more to rave about
[12:09] ErinSelene Llewellyn: see you guys next time
[12:09] James Silberfeld: yes i get way more raving and tiny gripes
[12:09] ErinSelene Llewellyn: thanks for everything
[12:09] Gaius Goodliffe remembers when 3000 was the typical number...
[12:09] Andrew Linden: thanks for coming
[12:09] Simon Linden: See you all, gotta go too...
[12:09] Rex Cronon: bye everybody
[12:10] Simon Linden: Thanks everyone
[12:10] Kitto Flora: Lunchtime!
[12:10] Rex Cronon: have fun
[12:10] James Silberfeld: ty sir :)
[12:10] Gaius Goodliffe: cya