User:BUTTONpUSHER Jones/pet protocol/beagle behavior

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May want to use a delimiter other than "," for vectors and quats. Maybe "/" or "*" ?

// default description
// [fight (0-1), flea (0-1), type, subtype, default action, target, rotation, group channel]
// example: 0.3, 0.4, "Dog", "Beagle", "sitting", "", <0,0,0>, 6500;
// description = "type|mouse + flee|0.1 + action| avoid + target|cat"
description = "fight|0.3 + flee|0.4+ type|dog + subtype|beagle + action|watching + target|owner + group|6500"

// next are the actions this pet will do and their percentage change.
// they don't need to add up to 1. they are relative to their total.
// General actions
sleep, 0.3;
chase, 0.2;

// next are the actions this pet will do if specific pet types are detected.
// Target type specific actions
cat, chase, 1.0;
mouse, evade, 1.0;

// next is the percentage chance that this pet will obey commands
// the 1st number is chance to obey a command from a pet with a higher fight number than this pet, ie. a pet concidered a threat.
// the 2nd number is chance to obey a command from a pet that is neither a threat nor prey
// the 3rd number is chance to obey a command from a pet that is prey
// the 4th number is chance to obey a command from its owner
// the 5th number is chance to obey a person other than the owner
// obey, threat, neutral, prey, owner, other_avatar
obey, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5;