User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2008-07-16
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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:
[15:10] | Benjamin Linden: | Dusan Writer sponsored a contest for Residents to submit designs for a new Viewer UI |
[15:11] | Benjamin Linden: | Jacek submitted an entry and is here to present it to us for discussion |
[15:11] | Benjamin Linden: | so Jacek, take it away... |
[15:11] | Jacek Antonelli: | Alrighty :) |
[15:11] | Kippie Friedkin applauds | |
[15:11] | Jacek Antonelli: | Before I discuss my design, I wanted to give you a brief glimpse into the goals/principles behind the design. What I was -- and was not -- aiming for. |
[15:11] | Jacek Antonelli: | #1 was to pick "low-hanging fruit". In other words, low-effort changes that yield significant benefits. That way there's a chance someone might actually implement them! :D |
[15:12] | Jacek Antonelli: | #2 was to keep my feet on the ground (obviously something I'm not doing today). Everything in my design is feasible to implement. Each of the major changes is something a single programmer or small team could handle in about a month. |
[15:12] | Jacek Antonelli: | #3 was to make the UI better for everyone. This is pure selfishness on my part. Why should newbies be the only ones to benefit from a change? ;) |
[15:12] | Jacek Antonelli: | Lastly, #4 was to avoid crippling the UI. I decided early on that I wasn't going to simply cut everything out of the UI until it looked more approachable. |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | Instead, I tried to make it more approachable than the current UI, but equally (actually, more) functional and usable. |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | Those are what I _was_ aiming for. |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | One thing I'm intentionally _not_ aiming for is a color or style guide. >:D |
[15:13] | Benjamin Linden: | lol |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | The bluish sort of theme you'll see in my mock-ups is just to give you something to look at, not a suggestion. |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | As we've seen with Dazzle's "love it or hate it" reactions, that sort of styling stuff is incredibly subjective, so I didn't even attempt it. |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | Besides, I'm looking forward to the day when changing colors and textures on the UI is as simple as changing colors and textures on a prim. :D |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | Okay, now for the meat of the design |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | If you have questions (small ones) or comments, go ahead and call them out. |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | But I might pass on some of them for time's sake :D |
[15:15] | Jacek Antonelli: | There are 2 broad categories to the changes -- the UI overlay and the inventory window. |
[15:15] | Jacek Antonelli: | *ker-click* |
[15:15] | Jacek Antonelli: | The UI overlay is the sort of main UI -- the menus up top (File, Edit, ...), and the buttons down at the bottom (Communicate, Fly, ...). |
[15:15] | Jacek Antonelli: | My focus here was mostly on improving the approachability of the UI, but also on the overal usefulness of it. |
[15:15] | Jacek Antonelli: | By approachability, I mean how easy and friendly it looks to use. |
[15:16] | Jacek Antonelli: | (Right now, there are buttons and menus and whatnot all over. It looks like a friggin' nuclear power plant control panel, or something.) |
[15:16] | Kippie Friedkin: | lol |
[15:16] | Jacek Antonelli: | There are 3 parts to my design here: 1) the menus, 2) the toolbar / button bar, and 3) the "social corner". |
[15:16] | Jacek Antonelli: | My work on the menus was a straight-up restructuring and reorganization. |
[15:16] | Jacek Antonelli: | Trying to get them into a more logical order and groupings. |
[15:17] | Jacek Antonelli: | The menus we have right now, if you haven't noticed, are a mess! A big wall of choices with hardly any logic or structure. Ick! Very intimidating, and hard to learn |
[15:17] | Jacek Antonelli: | In the interest of time (and the interest of interestingness), I'll spare you all the details about my menu reordering. I'll have a link for you at the end if you're curious about it. |
[15:17] | Jacek Antonelli: | But, my reordering is just a suggestion. I'm not claiming it's the best ever. :D |
[15:17] | Jacek Antonelli: | (In fact, McCabe and I have been able to go through several iterations of actual, working menus in the time since I first wrote the design document. Hooray for XUI. \o/ ) |
[15:17] | Garn Conover: | i like it more open, not all mashed @ the bottom |
[15:18] | McCabe Maxsted: | XD |
[15:18] | Jacek Antonelli: | :) |
[15:18] | Jacek Antonelli: | To give you a general idea, though -- my approach was to group related items together more closely, using fairly shallow submenus (never more than 3 levels deep). |
[15:18] | Jacek Antonelli: | On top of nicely suggesting structure and relationships between items, submenus are also nice in that they can be torn off to have that menu handy for repeat access. |
[15:18] | Jacek Antonelli: | Moving on from the menus, we have the toolbar in the bottom right |
[15:19] | Jacek Antonelli: | This is a customizable, collapsable replacement for the big row of buttons we have now. |
[15:19] | Jacek Antonelli: | The customizability of it was actually a requirement of simultaneously satisfying both approachability and functionality. |
[15:19] | Jacek Antonelli: | I realized that a set of buttons that would be appropriate and useful for a newbie, would not be appropriate or useful for a more experienced user. A conundrum! |
[15:19] | Jacek Antonelli: | So, the button bar starts off with some items that newbies would find useful (particularly the camera and movement control windows) .... |
[15:19] | Jacek Antonelli: | ... But you can also add, remove, or rearrange the buttons as is most useful to you. |
[15:20] | Jacek Antonelli: | This is inspired largely by the MacOS X Dock, and the reorganizable toolbars in Firefox and other apps. |
[15:20] | Jacek Antonelli: | For times when you'd rather have the free screen space than the buttons, you can click on the little arrow on the side, and it'll collapse / roll up into a small tab at the screen edge. Phwoosh! :D |
[15:20] | Jacek Antonelli: | Another click will re-exand it, naturally |
[15:21] | Jacek Antonelli: | The actual mechanism for customizing the buttons is still up in the air, but I'd really like to see a system where you can drag any item from the menu to make an equivalent button. |
[15:21] | Jacek Antonelli: | If any of you guys have some ideas about that, do let me know :D |
[15:22] | Jacek Antonelli: | Another cool suggestion I've gotten is to have multiple rows of toolbars, like a stack of dresser drawers. |
[15:22] | Jacek Antonelli: | Then you could arrange toolbars for different tasks, and collapse the ones you don't need right now. |
[15:22] | Jacek Antonelli: | So you'd get an ad-hoc sort of modal interface. |
[15:22] | Squirrel Wood: | *thumbs up* |
[15:23] | Jacek Antonelli: | Next we have the "social corner". |
[15:23] | Garn Conover: | so sorta lie kthe file menu bot upside down? |
[15:23] | Jacek Antonelli: | How do you mean, Garn? |
[15:24] | Squirrel Wood: | fly out button bars ? |
[15:24] | Jacek Antonelli: | yep, that's the idea, Squirrel |
[15:25] | Jacek Antonelli: | Okay, well, I'll talk about the social corner, and we can come back to the toolbar if there's more to discuss there |
[15:25] | Jacek Antonelli: | The social corner is a sort of evolutionary offshoot of the toolbar. |
[15:25] | Jacek Antonelli: | It sits in the bottom left corner, and is dedicated to socializing and communicating with other people. Hence the name. So clever, right? :D |
[15:26] | Jacek Antonelli: | The idea here was to make this prominent and easy to access, so newbies would see it and use it. |
[15:26] | Jacek Antonelli: | SL is at its heart a social platform, so it's good to encourage that part of it, I think. :) |
[15:26] | Benjamin Linden: | I agree Jacek |
[15:26] | Gabby Panacek: | *nods |
[15:26] | Jacek Antonelli: | There's also a small toolbar attached at the edge, with the Friends button in it by default. |
[15:27] | Jacek Antonelli: | The attachment to the social corner is to suggest that you could put other social-related items there. Ones that are important to you. |
[15:27] | Jacek Antonelli: | Maybe groups, or your profile, or such. |
[15:28] | Jacek Antonelli: | One thing that would be important about the social corner, is that it be resizable. |
[15:28] | Jacek Antonelli: | For the simple reason that not everyone wants or needs big old buttors there. |
[15:28] | McCabe Maxsted: | the entire corner resizable, or the individual buttons? |
[15:28] | Jacek Antonelli: | I was picturing the entire corner (or at least, the two circle buttons) |
[15:29] | Garn Conover: | hehe mouseover resizable- get bigger when u move mosue over os ya can see em |
[15:29] | Jacek Antonelli: | Do you think individual would be useful? |
[15:30] | Jacek Antonelli: | Hehe Garn. Or make them bounce when you get an IM, like the Apple Dock icons do. Cute. :D |
[15:30] | McCabe Maxsted: | I think so, so you're not resizing the toolbar portion, and if you use one more than the other |
[15:30] | Garn Conover: | oooh! |
[15:30] | Jacek Antonelli: | One little thing that I slipped into my design is a little chat bubble that comes up when you have new IMs |
[15:31] | Jacek Antonelli: | Basically, the replacement for the "IM Received" button we have now |
[15:31] | Jacek Antonelli: | But it also shows you how many :D |
[15:31] | McCabe Maxsted likes :) | |
[15:31] | Jacek Antonelli: | Okay, that covers it for the UI overlay. Next up is the inventory window! |
[15:31] | Malbers Linden thinks back to when he last saw a design with bubbles for trasient events with numbers too | |
[15:31] | Garn Conover: | now how will that btton work if u have ur local chat ripped off? |
[15:32] | Kippie Friedkin: | Malber..LOL |
[15:32] | Jacek Antonelli: | lol Malbers. Inspiration! :D |
[15:32] | McCabe Maxsted: | hehe |
[15:32] | Malbers Linden knows that Jacek did this before she saw Notifications | |
[15:32] | Jacek Antonelli: | What I was really thinking of was my Adium chat IM on my iBook |
[15:33] | Jacek Antonelli: | How the little duck jumps up and down and has a chat bubble that says the name of the person who IMed me |
[15:33] | Roxette Wise: | That sounds fun |
[15:33] | Jacek Antonelli: | The little bit of movement is nice for getting my attention. At least, when I want it to. Not so much when I'm working :D |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | need a "bugger off" button |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehe |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | Okay. Let's move to the inventory, then we can come back later if we need to. |
[15:34] | Aimee Trescothick: | distracts you from plurk too much? |
[15:34] | Kippie Friedkin: | Maybe something you can set as a toggle or preference? |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | Indeed, Kippie |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | Okay. My focus on the inventory was all about making it more manageable. |
[15:35] | Jacek Antonelli: | Namely, the extraordinarily difficult task of finding what you were looking for! |
[15:35] | Jacek Antonelli: | I love the Search bar we have now. Very accessible, it's right there, you just type in something and whoosh! |
[15:35] | Squirrel Wood: | like, What did I get within the last n days ? |
[15:35] | Garn Conover: | if u know its there |
[15:35] | Squirrel Wood: | Or, what did I get on April 1st? |
[15:36] | Garn Conover: | it took me almost a year b4 i found it lol |
[15:36] | Jacek Antonelli: | Interesting points, Squirrel. My focus was more on stuff like "Oh man, I need to find my red dress!" |
[15:37] | Kippie Friedkin: | Nice inventory items names, btw :) |
[15:37] | Squirrel Wood: | Well, if you remember that you bought that dress on April 1st? |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | Search is good for that, but if you type in "red", you'd get red everythings... red objects, red lipstick, etc. etc. |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah, Squirrel. Mostly I'm just saying that I didn't address the date-searching with this design :) |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | It would be a good addition, though |
[15:38] | Garn Conover: | nice idea |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | So if you're trying to find your red dress, but you've got all this other stuff with "red" in the name, it would be nice to filter that down to just clothes, say. |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | In fact, the inventory already has that functionality. |
[15:39] | Jacek Antonelli: | But it's obscure and inconvenient to use. |
[15:39] | Jacek Antonelli: | (It's in the inventory window File > Show Filters, btw) |
[15:39] | Jacek Antonelli: | The great thing about the search, is that it's so convenient. |
[15:39] | McCabe Maxsted: | the filters are horribly inconvenient. I tried to teach someone how to use them and she gave up, frustrated :/ |
[15:40] | Garn Conover: | i like this filter idea Jacek has, more visable |
[15:40] | Jacek Antonelli: | If we had, say, a quick filter menu... it would make it a lot easier and more convenient to filter your inventory by type. :D |
[15:40] | Jacek Antonelli: | The quick filter menu in my design is simply a drop-down menu with a list of all the different item types |
[15:41] | Jacek Antonelli: | For items that have sorts of sub-types (like clothing has pants, shirt, jacket, etc.), there's a second level menu. |
[15:41] | Jacek Antonelli: | But you can also select the broader category, if you like |
[15:42] | Gabby Panacek likes that idea quite a bit | |
[15:42] | McCabe Maxsted: | what's the second level for landmarks? |
[15:42] | Jacek Antonelli: | Calling cards and landmarks have the menus, because they have multiple states -- online/offline, and used/never-been-used |
[15:42] | Kippie Friedkin: | Very nice...I like that a lot. |
[15:42] | Jacek Antonelli: | So if you want to find all the landmarks sitting in your folders that you've never used and never will.. bingo :D |
[15:42] | Jacek Antonelli: | And of course, the filtering works in conjunction with search, etc. |
[15:43] | Jacek Antonelli: | The second enhancement I made, was the addition of two new tabs -- Favorites and Worn |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | a "find & remove doublettes" thingy would be very convenient... |
[15:43] | Jacek Antonelli: | Worn is pretty obvious -- it's the stuff you're wearing now. |
[15:44] | Veronique Lalonde: | Easier than typing "worn" |
[15:44] | Jacek Antonelli: | I think a Worn tab has been on the must-have feature list forever, so I had to have it! |
[15:44] | Jacek Antonelli: | Exactly, V |
[15:44] | Roxette Wise: | The worn tab gets my vote |
[15:44] | McCabe Maxsted: | if you want to vote |
[15:44] | Jacek Antonelli: | The Favorites tab shows any items or folders that you've marked as a favorite, by right clicking on it and selecting a menu item |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | *ker-click* |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | Here we have my family vacation to... wait, no. This is the inventory right-click menu. |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | You can see at the bottom, the "Mark as Favorite" command. If the thing you right clicked on is already a favorite, it turns to "unmark", naturally |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | Favorite items would have some subtle visual difference, like a different background color |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | In addition to appearing in the Favorites tab |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | By the way, if you mark a folder as a favorite, the favorites tab will show that folder and all its contests and sub-folders, if you expand it |
[15:47] | Jacek Antonelli: | Above the Mark as Favorite, are two items for quick filtering/searching |
[15:47] | Jacek Antonelli: | "Search this name" plugs in the item name into the search bar so you can find similarly-named items. |
[15:47] | Jacek Antonelli: | "Filter this type" plugs in the item type into the quick filter menu. |
[15:48] | Jacek Antonelli: | A few items above that is something a bit different -- the Send To menu |
[15:48] | Benjamin Linden: | have you considered Gmail like labels? |
[15:48] | Benjamin Linden: | "playlists" for clothes |
[15:48] | Jacek Antonelli: | I hadn't really considered that, but it's a good idea |
[15:49] | Benjamin Linden: | it would make "copy" permissions less important |
[15:49] | Veronique Lalonde: | Sorry, Jacek, must go. Thanks for the look! I'll take a copy when it comes out. :) |
[15:49] | Jacek Antonelli: | Adieu, V! |
[15:49] | Veronique Lalonde: | Bye all.\ |
[15:49] | McCabe Maxsted: | symlinking to create different outfits is an oft requested feature too |
[15:49] | McCabe Maxsted: | take care v |
[15:49] | Osiris Pfalz: | Bye V |
[15:49] | Benjamin Linden: | bye V |
[15:49] | Roxette Wise: | bye bye V |
[15:49] | Jacek Antonelli: | The stuff so far has been about finding stuff in your junk heap of your inventory. |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | The Send To menu, on the other hand, is about making your inventory a more neatly-sorted junk heap :D |
[15:50] | Gabby Panacek: | *coughs* |
[15:50] | Aimee Trescothick: | yesyesyes, being able to associate a no-copy clothing item with several outfits would be lovely :) |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | It allows you to quickly move objects to other folders, without having to drag and find, or open up a new window, etc. |
[15:51] | Jacek Antonelli: | The first item on the menu is type-sensitive. If you click on a script, it shows the Scripts menu, for example. |
[15:51] | Jacek Antonelli: | If you hover over that, it expands with a submenu showing the folders within that folder. |
[15:52] | Jacek Antonelli: | Below that is access to the top-level inventory. You can follow that down through subfolders as well. |
[15:52] | Jacek Antonelli: | Below that is a list of recently-sent-to folders. |
[15:52] | McCabe Maxsted: | why send-to instead of cut? |
[15:53] | Jacek Antonelli: | Ah, I think I forgot to put Cut in there. It was not intentional :D |
[15:53] | McCabe Maxsted: | ahh okay, retracted :) |
[15:53] | Jacek Antonelli: | I often find myself sending a lot of items to the same place. Maybe it's a project I'm working on now, and I want to move all my newly-uploaded textures into the project folder. |
[15:53] | Jacek Antonelli: | I'd only have to navigate the My inventory menu once to find the folder I want, and then it would appear in the list below, for quicker access |
[15:54] | Jacek Antonelli: | This is a similar concept to applications that have "Recent Documents" |
[15:54] | Aimee Trescothick: | yeah, I frequently find myself juggling multiple inventory windows to do that |
[15:54] | Aimee Trescothick: | using up yet more screen space |
[15:54] | Jacek Antonelli: | And that covers the inventory enhancements in my design -- and everything! |
[15:54] | McCabe Maxsted: | have you considered customizable tabs? |
[15:54] | Geneko Nemeth: | Cursed! I'm late. |
[15:55] | McCabe Maxsted: | send to tab, for example |
[15:55] | Jacek Antonelli: | I've idly considered it, McCabe, but not given real thought to it yet |
[15:55] | Squirrel Wood: | right click a folder => show as tab |
[15:55] | McCabe Maxsted: | so if I were working on a project I could make a SimSTuff tab, keep all my work in it, and have it persist across sessions |
[15:55] | Jacek Antonelli: | Very interesting idea |
[15:56] | Jacek Antonelli: | Alright, I'm done with my stuff. Looks like we've got just a few minutes for discussion :D |
[15:56] | Boroondas Gupte: | will "Send to ..." move or copy an item? |
[15:56] | Malbers Linden guesses move | |
[15:56] | McCabe Maxsted: | hehe. I hope not copy. I think if we had folder counts, I'd have about 6000.. |
[15:56] | Jacek Antonelli: | I was picturing moving, for the purpose of arranging items. |
[15:57] | Benjamin Linden: | this is great stuff, Jacek. I especially like the "social corner" and menu reorg |
[15:57] | Jacek Antonelli: | Thanks, Ben :) |
[15:57] | McCabe Maxsted: | what about the release keys and standup buttons, and the media controls? |
[15:57] | Jacek Antonelli: | Ah, let me plug the link for anyone who's curious to read the design online |
[15:57] | Jacek Antonelli: | |
[15:57] | McCabe Maxsted nods in agreement with grant. I keep thinking "I want to see that happen!" | |
[15:58] | Gabby Panacek: | considering my ever-expanding and poorly organized inventory, I'm most intrigued by the changes you have suggested there |
[15:58] | Roxette Wise: | thanks jacek |
[15:58] | Jacek Antonelli: | It has all the pictures, and a hastily, last-minute writeup that I made for the contest. xD |
[15:58] | Osiris Pfalz: | Likewise, that inventory looks a lot easier to manage |
[15:58] | Malbers Linden: | awesome stuff |
[15:58] | Roxette Wise wants a 'Worn' tab | |
[15:58] | Ann Linden: | thank you for sharing! |
[15:58] | Jacek Antonelli: | Also I want to plug the SL-UX mailing list. If you like this UI sortof stuff, you should subscribe and post to it! |
[15:58] | Kippie Friedkin: | This is awesome, Jacek. |
[15:58] | McCabe Maxsted really likes the favorite tab | |
[15:58] | Gabby Panacek: | though it might affect the sl economy, as I shop more out of frustration when i can't find what i need in my inventory |
[15:59] | Jacek Antonelli: | lol Gabby |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | haha |
[15:59] | Jacek Antonelli: | "Moods rise, sales plummet after new UI makes Second Lives easier" |
[15:59] | Gabby Panacek: | hahaha |
[15:59] | Boroondas Gupte: | :-P |
[15:59] | Malbers Linden: | providing poor UI is not part of our business model |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | has duplicate searching been relegated to non-low hanging fruit status, btw? |
[15:59] | Benjamin Linden: | thanks so much for taking the time to present your ideas here today Jacek |
[15:59] | Benjamin Linden: | oops |
[15:59] | Jacek Antonelli: | "Shopping therapists urge immediate action!" |
[15:59] | Benjamin Linden: | Starax's wand strikes! |
[16:00] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehehehe |
[16:00] | Jacek Antonelli: | Lucky Ben! I want one :D |
[16:00] | Benjamin Linden: | love to Jacek for great UI ideas! |
[16:00] | Jacek Antonelli: | heee |