User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2008-09-25
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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:
[15:00] | Grant Linden: | hello hello |
[15:00] | McCabe Maxsted: | ahoy sneaky-not-on-radar-lindenfolk ;) |
[15:00] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:00] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:00] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:00] | Grant Linden: | great Avie, Keisha! |
[15:01] | Squirrel Wood: | It's one of Jakkal's avatars ^^ |
[15:01] | Grant Linden: | Hello Squirrel |
[15:02] | Squirrel Wood: | the one who also does and Kaerwyn |
[15:02] | Tinker Toll: | Hello everyone |
[15:02] | Grant Linden: | I decided to run with Squirrel's topic suggestion today |
[15:02] | Squirrel Wood: | and who knows what else ^^ |
[15:02] | Squirrel Wood: | little ui improvements? |
[15:02] | McCabe Maxsted: | ahoy malbers :) |
[15:02] | Grant Linden: | yes! |
[15:02] | McCabe Maxsted: | ah one of my favorite topics... |
[15:02] | Malbers Linden: | Hola! (still rezzing) |
[15:02] | Squirrel Wood: | Hallo ^^ |
[15:03] | Grant Linden: | "Feature requests for little changes that make a huge difference" |
[15:03] | Grant Linden: | I was hoping Erica Linden would attend |
[15:04] | Grant Linden: | she is great at little changes with a high return |
[15:04] | Malbers Linden: | her brain is good in that space |
[15:04] | Squirrel Wood: | I have one little change that I'd really love to see: A "last online" date for the friends list :) to aid in weeding out the dead players |
[15:04] | Grant Linden: | nice! |
[15:04] | Malbers Linden: | hey kippie |
[15:04] | McCabe Maxsted likes Erica. Dig her jira comments | |
[15:04] | Malbers Linden: | yeah, nice idea |
[15:04] | Grant Linden: | hello Kippie |
[15:05] | Kippie Friedkin: | Hi Malbers, Grant....everybody :) |
[15:05] | Jacek Antonelli: | Hey Kippie :) |
[15:05] | Grant Linden: | we are discussing "Feature requests for little changes that make a huge difference" |
[15:05] | Squirrel Wood: | because over time your friends list keeps growing bigger and bigger and it becomes hard to track such things |
[15:05] | Kippie Friedkin: | Sweet |
[15:05] | McCabe Maxsted waves at kippie | |
[15:05] | Squirrel Wood: | another thing: friend categories like, "friends", "business", ... |
[15:06] | Grant Linden: | I have seen a product called SLON that has that feature |
[15:06] | Grant Linden: | yes! |
[15:06] | Squirrel Wood: | Aye |
[15:06] | Grant Linden: | catagories for contacts |
[15:06] | Kippie Friedkin: | Seems like a lot of small useful features could be added to contacts. |
[15:06] | Grant Linden: | "people I ignore but don't want the drama of deleting" |
[15:06] | McCabe Maxsted: | btw for those who haven't voted for it |
[15:06] | Kippie Friedkin: | I'd like to see an updateable status (ala Facebook) - nice to see what people are up to. Helps build community and makes you feel connected. |
[15:07] | Grant Linden: | yes! |
[15:07] | Grant Linden: | would you like to see that in the contacts list? |
[15:07] | McCabe Maxsted: | heck yeah |
[15:07] | Grant Linden: | or on a profile? |
[15:07] | McCabe Maxsted: | contacts list |
[15:07] | Kippie Friedkin: | Yes. I actually mocked that up last night. |
[15:07] | Kippie Friedkin: | Looking for it... |
[15:07] | Squirrel Wood: | search for people who have their status set to "dancing", "camping", "shopping" ? |
[15:07] | McCabe Maxsted: | oooh |
[15:07] | Kippie Friedkin: | I think it belongs in both the profile and contact list. |
[15:08] | McCabe Maxsted: | is curious to see the mockup :) |
[15:08] | Grant Linden: | some people have suggested a "I am listeing to x" or "I am at x event" |
[15:08] | McCabe Maxsted: | I think it should be open ended |
[15:08] | McCabe Maxsted: | makes for funner postings |
[15:09] | Kippie Friedkin: | Agreed. |
[15:09] | Charlette Proto: | a calendar eg interface to google calendar api would also be nice |
[15:09] | Grant Linden: | are those scuba divers around your head, Charlette? |
[15:09] | Squirrel Wood: | I'm in ur bank account, countin' ur moneys |
[15:09] | Charlette Proto: | yes shall I get rid of them |
[15:09] | Grant Linden: | no, they can stay |
[15:09] | Grant Linden: | I was just asking |
[15:09] | Charlette Proto: | thanks |
[15:09] | Malbers Linden: | I love the little scuba divers |
[15:10] | Grant Linden: | you would! |
[15:10] | Kippie Friedkin: | lol |
[15:10] | Malbers Linden would love little jellyfish circling me | |
[15:10] | Charlette Proto: | hehe |
[15:10] | McCabe Maxsted: | mm, wish I could export events around |
[15:10] | Grant Linden: | is that a "small improvement?" |
[15:10] | Kippie Friedkin: | That would rock. |
[15:10] | Grant Linden: | well, a real even invite system would be nice |
[15:10] | Grant Linden: | event invite |
[15:11] | Squirrel Wood: | that would classify as a not so small improvement though ^^ |
[15:11] | Grant Linden: | heh |
[15:11] | Grant Linden: | that is why Erica is better |
[15:11] | McCabe Maxsted: | just make a special tp button for "yo! get ova 'ere!" |
[15:11] | Malbers Linden: | Grant and I think too big sometimes |
[15:11] | Grant Linden: | but I am keeping track of big things too |
[15:11] | Squirrel Wood: | heh |
[15:12] | Grant Linden: | I want a place for capped IMs to go |
[15:12] | McCabe Maxsted: | ah, but that'd make sense |
[15:12] | Grant Linden nods | |
[15:12] | Keisha Ninetails: | frinds list only maybe, I already get enough random group invites for a random event invite to even start to look appealing |
[15:12] | Squirrel Wood: | Mayhaps some sort of indicator "You have xy prims on this parcel" along with "delete them all" button somewhere? |
[15:12] | Grant Linden: | to return your prims? |
[15:12] | Squirrel Wood: | yes. |
[15:13] | Grant Linden: | for builders? |
[15:13] | Squirrel Wood: | Like, in a sandbox if they get "lost" |
[15:13] | McCabe Maxsted: | I want a "select everyone else's prims but mine" option |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah! :D |
[15:13] | Squirrel Wood: | invert selection ? |
[15:13] | Jacek Antonelli: | The opposite of "Select only my objects" |
[15:13] | Charlette Proto: | yes that is goo |
[15:13] | McCabe Maxsted: | yup, would be very handy for cleaning/returning |
[15:13] | Charlette Proto: | or select by owner |
[15:13] | Squirrel Wood: | => estate tools |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah, that would be handy |
[15:14] | Squirrel Wood: | its already there |
[15:14] | Squirrel Wood: | you can return all prims of a person on an estate |
[15:14] | Jacek Antonelli: | You can't use the estate tools if you're not an estate manager, though |
[15:14] | Squirrel Wood: | ye |
[15:14] | McCabe Maxsted: | I want top scripts on my parcel, speaking of which. I'm tired of not being able to track down laggy scripts |
[15:15] | Grant Linden: | maybe it already exists, but after I ask the system to show me another person's objects I would like a list so I can locate one specific thing |
[15:15] | Squirrel Wood: | Yes! "Show my script timings/performance rating" |
[15:15] | McCabe Maxsted: | ( handy jira link for that one) |
[15:15] | Charlette Proto: | rendering cost for linked objects |
[15:15] | Grant Linden: | script performance has gotten really critical on Open sims |
[15:15] | Squirrel Wood: | Aye |
[15:15] | McCabe Maxsted: | oh yeah, definitely |
[15:16] | Squirrel Wood: | opensims have horrible script performance |
[15:16] | McCabe Maxsted: | and if you rent, well, you're clueless |
[15:16] | Grant Linden: | (makes my backgammon board choke) |
[15:16] | Squirrel Wood: | makes my terraformer run slow :p |
[15:16] | McCabe Maxsted would still beat ya anyway ;D | |
[15:16] | Grant Linden: | ba! |
[15:17] | Charlette Proto: | what about inworld text objects (I keep bringing it up) |
[15:17] | McCabe Maxsted: | you mean like text on a prim? |
[15:17] | Grant Linden: | what do you suggest, Charlette? |
[15:17] | Squirrel Wood: | change prim properties in the edit window ? |
[15:17] | Squirrel Wood: | Like, floating text, particles, ... |
[15:17] | McCabe Maxsted: | instead of having 60linked scripted prims and xyyxxqqqrrtext |
[15:17] | Squirrel Wood: | there is a jira on that somewhere |
[15:17] | Charlette Proto: | text besides using textures |
[15:17] | Charlette Proto: | so it could be read like real text objects |
[15:18] | Squirrel Wood: | at the moment many prim properties can only be set through scripts |
[15:18] | Grant Linden: | like "alt text" on web pages? |
[15:18] | Charlette Proto: | no display objects |
[15:18] | Charlette Proto: | to make posters and signs |
[15:18] | Kippie Friedkin: | Ah...for things like bulletin boards...gotcha |
[15:18] | McCabe Maxsted: | no |
[15:18] | Jacek Antonelli: | A prim type for rendering text? |
[15:18] | Charlette Proto: | yep |
[15:18] | McCabe Maxsted: | have you seen tag boards? |
[15:19] | McCabe Maxsted: | click the board, leave a funny comment; amost every club has one |
[15:19] | McCabe Maxsted: | they're hacked together out of tortured prims and linked scripts and textures |
[15:19] | Charlette Proto: | 3D text not facing the viewer |
[15:19] | Squirrel Wood: | ^^ |
[15:20] | Jacek Antonelli: | Someone made a comment a while back, along the lines of: SL is supposed to be a great collaborative platform, but the only way to do collaborative text in-world is with laggy scripted XYprims. |
[15:20] | McCabe Maxsted grins | |
[15:20] | McCabe Maxsted: | yeah, it's annoying |
[15:20] | McCabe Maxsted: | prolly very frustrating for teachers |
[15:20] | Squirrel Wood: | html on a prim ^^ |
[15:20] | McCabe Maxsted: | image waiting for your blackboard to load |
[15:20] | Charlette Proto: | yes |
[15:20] | Squirrel Wood: | it works. |
[15:21] | Grant Linden: | all accurate observations |
[15:21] | Jacek Antonelli: | So, some sort of prim that would render itself as text on a plane would be great. Especially if it had LSL script hooks for updating the text |
[15:21] | McCabe Maxsted: | mm... I'd like to ahve real html on a prim one of these days. This would be a good interrim until then as it'd have other uses |
[15:21] | Charlette Proto: | whaere is the html stored |
[15:21] | Malbers Linden: | what kinds of things would you use "html on a prim" for? |
[15:21] | Charlette Proto: | why not inworld notecards |
[15:21] | McCabe Maxsted: | a million and one things |
[15:21] | Charlette Proto: | displays, signs, posters |
[15:21] | McCabe Maxsted: | nobody uses it now because it's crippled |
[15:22] | Charlette Proto: | shopfront signage |
[15:22] | Squirrel Wood: | its tied to the media texture |
[15:22] | Jacek Antonelli: | RSS feeds. Event lists. Display boards. Marquee signs... lots. |
[15:22] | Kippie Friedkin: | Everything. |
[15:22] | Charlette Proto: | not texture |
[15:22] | McCabe Maxsted: | signs, websites, sending links, event postings, god |
[15:22] | Jacek Antonelli: | Name tags |
[15:22] | McCabe Maxsted: | with svg on a prim you could do some fun stuff |
[15:22] | Charlette Proto: | real readable text that can be searched |
[15:22] | Malbers Linden: | but it sounds like mostly pure display of info -- no interaction assumptions? |
[15:23] | Squirrel Wood: | interaction will likely be problematic if you have several people trying to click links :p |
[15:23] | McCabe Maxsted: | ( btw) |
[15:23] | Squirrel Wood: | url on a prim will have to be client side |
[15:23] | Charlette Proto: | interaction could be an option but typing the text inworld is the first objective to me |
[15:23] | Malbers Linden: | Thanks (jira spelunker) McCabe |
[15:24] | McCabe Maxsted: | a lot of it would be display use, yeah; and with the touch functions I assume you're giong to support browsing soon |
[15:24] | Charlette Proto: | absolutely |
[15:24] | Malbers Linden: | So, Charlotte wants text creation in-world? Real-time collaboration? |
[15:24] | Jacek Antonelli: | HTML on a prim is one thing. A text prim type is another, somewhat overlapping thing. |
[15:24] | Charlette Proto: | yes it should be real time like a blackboard and scriptable etc |
[15:25] | Malbers Linden: | Cahrlote -- so the "shared whiteboard" scenario |
[15:25] | Squirrel Wood: | basically not like hovertext now but rather text rendered on one face of the prim, top left to bottom right ? |
[15:25] | Malbers Linden butchered your name, sorry | |
[15:25] | McCabe Maxsted: | yup squirrel |
[15:25] | Charlette Proto: | just like llSetText but in 3D with read |
[15:25] | Jacek Antonelli: | If it were a prim type with text attributes you could edit in the UI, you could set it "Share with group". And if it had a scripted interface, you could do all sorts of awesome stuff. |
[15:26] | McCabe Maxsted: | does anyone have a copy of an xyzzy board to show? |
[15:26] | Charlette Proto: | we are onto it now |
[15:26] | Squirrel Wood: | llSetFaceText(integer Face,string Text, vector Color, integer Opacity) ? |
[15:26] | McCabe Maxsted can never get those letters right, mind you | |
[15:26] | Charlette Proto: | yep |
[15:26] | Grant Linden: | hello Pier |
[15:27] | Pier Jaecies: | hey there |
[15:27] | Pier Jaecies: | hey kippie |
[15:27] | Squirrel Wood: | llRentALinden(string name) ? ^^ |
[15:27] | Jacek Antonelli: | I think we've strayed from the "small stuff" discussion, but wow, text prims would be handy. |
[15:27] | Grant Linden: | we are discussing "Feature requests for little changes that make a huge difference" |
[15:27] | Kippie Friedkin: | Hi Pier :) |
[15:27] | Jacek Antonelli: | HUDs! HUDs would be revolutionized. |
[15:27] | McCabe Maxsted: | oh yes! |
[15:27] | McCabe Maxsted: | no more laggy waiting for hud text to update |
[15:28] | Kippie Friedkin: | Oh, to dream. |
[15:28] | Jacek Antonelli: | Indeed |
[15:28] | Charlette Proto: | good to have all in mind so the small things can be implemented in the right direction |
[15:28] | Squirrel Wood: | another "little" change..... "growing selections" as in, select a prim in edit mode, then SHIFT-Click it and the selection will expand to adjacent prims that you own ? |
[15:28] | Grant Linden: | "grow selection"? |
[15:28] | Malbers Linden: | to just hte objects touching the prim in question? |
[15:29] | Grant Linden: | makes me think of the photoshop magic wand |
[15:29] | Squirrel Wood: | mayhaps just objects touching or intersecting or objects in the same linkset |
[15:29] | Squirrel Wood: | yes. |
[15:29] | Squirrel Wood: | like the magic wand sort of |
[15:29] | Charlette Proto: | also linking groups need to be hierarchical so that linked object can be linked at a higher level |
[15:30] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes, hierarchical linking would be another thing that would completely revolutionize SL |
[15:30] | Squirrel Wood: | there's the problem that a linkset can only have one root prim |
[15:30] | Grant Linden: | sub groups |
[15:30] | McCabe Maxsted: | oh man yes |
[15:30] | Charlette Proto: | the current state of linked objects is incredibly limiting |
[15:30] | Grant Linden: | hello Duanra |
[15:30] | Kippie Friedkin: | Ugh...wish that were available now. - Would have saved me on a project I'm working on . |
[15:30] | Grant Linden: | we are discussing we are discussing "Feature requests for little changes that make a huge difference" |
[15:31] | Jacek Antonelli: | Hrmm. Ability to set priorities on animations in a per-joint way |
[15:31] | Squirrel Wood: | how about the ability to change the information that is shown on top of the window? |
[15:31] | Charlette Proto: | even a tagging system to select objects with a common tag like "chair1" logically |
[15:31] | Jacek Antonelli: | Maybe not a huge huge difference, but it would make it a lot easier to do animations that work well with other ones |
[15:32] | Squirrel Wood: | like, some may want "total prims on parcel / max prims parcel supports" and such information |
[15:32] | McCabe Maxsted: | isn't the animatino priority system borked anyway? |
[15:33] | Grant Linden: | A saved sort order? |
[15:33] | Squirrel Wood: | yes! |
[15:33] | Jacek Antonelli: | Depends on your definition of "borked". I think it's working as intended, but that way is rather stupid. |
[15:33] | Charlette Proto: | Inventory aliases to items (rather that copies or moving of non-copy objects) |
[15:33] | Squirrel Wood: | filter templates forthe inventory ? |
[15:33] | McCabe Maxsted: | :) |
[15:33] | Squirrel Wood: | like, "gestures AND animations AND Sounds" |
[15:33] | Squirrel Wood: | right now the filter system is a bit awkward to use |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | you know what's been in my head for a while? A gestures slider in teh sound controls |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | And making tabs with saved filters :O |
[15:34] | Charlette Proto: | one could organise aliases while keeping the original folder order and not have multiple copies either |
[15:34] | Squirrel Wood: | Mmm. Tabs! |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | Hah, yes! I would love to mute those stupid "HOoooo!"s |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | something to get rid of that annoying "hoo!" gesture |
[15:34] | Malbers Linden: | so, better tagging of objects in the inverntory (and filtering on those tags)? |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | xD |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | haha |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | we rule |
[15:34] | Grant Linden: | I confess I just discovered the filters after using SL for two years |
[15:34] | Squirrel Wood: | Hi! ^-^ |
[15:34] | McCabe Maxsted: | they're very well hidden :) |
[15:34] | Jacek Antonelli: | haha! So I was right, they *are* obscure |
[15:35] | McCabe Maxsted: | I once tried to teach someone how to use filters.... she was swearing at me over voice |
[15:35] | Grant Linden: | heh |
[15:35] | McCabe Maxsted: | ended up screaming adn walking away from the comp |
[15:35] | Jacek Antonelli: | Ouch |
[15:35] | Squirrel Wood: | filters let you show all items since some point but not "all items UP to some point in time" |
[15:35] | Pier Jaecies: | kippie and i had talked before about a function that SL used to have where you could click a point and your av would walk to that point. the functionality was removed, why was that? that would seem like a great little function to have? |
[15:35] | Charlette Proto: | tagging of inventory items so that you can find no-modify (no rename) objects by type or some other way |
[15:35] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah. It needs a proper range |
[15:36] | Squirrel Wood: | so you cannot filter all items older than x days |
[15:36] | McCabe Maxsted: | autopilot? |
[15:36] | Grant Linden: | I am not up on that feature, but I recall it |
[15:36] | Charlette Proto: | preview of inventory items (eg like in edit appearance) |
[15:36] | Malbers Linden: | me too - the autopilot walking thing |
[15:36] | Kippie Friedkin: | Wasn't there a "Go To" feature on the pie menu when you right clicked at one point? |
[15:36] | Charlette Proto: | preview on hover |
[15:36] | Pier Jaecies: | preview sounds great, but thats sort of a big job isnt it? |
[15:36] | McCabe Maxsted: | yeah, right clicked on land |
[15:37] | Grant Linden: | would builders create the preview? |
[15:37] | Charlette Proto: | no etit appearance does it |
[15:37] | Charlette Proto: | edit |
[15:37] | McCabe Maxsted: | the option was autopilot..... used to be in the advanced menu but doesn't seem to be there anymore? |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | There's "Go Here" when you right click land. There was auto pilot in the advanced menu somewhere... |
[15:37] | Charlette Proto: | no live 3D rendering |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah, I think it may be gone now :( |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | It didn't work very well |
[15:37] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:37] | Jacek Antonelli: | No wait, here it is |
[15:37] | Kippie Friedkin: | yeah...I recall it being very troublesome |
[15:38] | Pier Jaecies: | hmmm, seems like a cool little new user feature to make getting around easier |
[15:38] | Kippie Friedkin: | ah yes..there it is.. |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | Wheee! |
[15:38] | Pier Jaecies: | lol |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | Handy! |
[15:38] | Malbers Linden: | I know there was some discussion of hte autopilot's wanderng around a lot |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | Much easier to get into my little spot with this |
[15:38] | Pier Jaecies: | :) |
[15:38] | Squirrel Wood: | the autopilot likes to go overboard |
[15:38] | McCabe Maxsted: | it coudln't navigate corners :) |
[15:38] | Malbers Linden: | needed a lot of work on the math |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah, especially if you're flying. |
[15:38] | Jacek Antonelli: | *thud* |
[15:39] | McCabe Maxsted: | hehe |
[15:39] | Charlette Proto: | point to point navigation (walk to point on the ground) |
[15:39] | Jacek Antonelli: | And at high altitudes... god. You're liable to go flying into the next sim. |
[15:39] | Squirrel Wood: | not just the next sim |
[15:39] | Jacek Antonelli: | (The option is Advanced > UI > Double-Click Auto-Pilot, by the way. About halfway down the menu) |
[15:40] | McCabe Maxsted: | what's it doing in ui instead of character? |
[15:40] | Squirrel Wood: | probably getting out of the way ;) |
[15:40] | Charlette Proto: | The radial (pie) menu should be more omprehensive (eg edit all attributes) like in Maya |
[15:40] | Jacek Antonelli: | I guess it didn't get along well with Tap-Tap-Hold to Run |
[15:40] | Grant Linden: | would a graphic interface to scripting be helpful? "add a sit to this" wizard or some other use cases? |
[15:40] | Squirrel Wood: | Yes! |
[15:40] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes |
[15:40] | McCabe Maxsted: | then agian... I just discovered that your linden balance settings are in audio/video O.o |
[15:41] | Squirrel Wood: | live sit target changing would be uber! |
[15:41] | Jacek Antonelli: | An interface to add sit targets and floating text would be amazing |
[15:41] | McCabe Maxsted: | that'd be fantastic |
[15:41] | McCabe Maxsted: | save so many headaches |
[15:41] | Jacek Antonelli: | Particles too, but that would be bigger |
[15:41] | Squirrel Wood: | ^^ |
[15:41] | McCabe Maxsted: | even just the ability to drag your av around and set it |
[15:41] | Grant Linden: | we have a library, we should be able to add scripts from it |
[15:41] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes! |
[15:41] | McCabe Maxsted: | (which we can still do unless taht bug was fixed?) |
[15:41] | Squirrel Wood: | saves you from having to use scripts where one should not need them in the first place ^^ |
[15:42] | Kippie Friedkin: | Cool idea! |
[15:42] | Jacek Antonelli: | You can move your avatar around, but it's only client-side |
[15:42] | Charlette Proto: | Google Lively like moving (dragging) of avatar for noobs would be good too |
[15:42] | McCabe Maxsted: | yeah. Still fun for snapshots though :D |
[15:42] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yeah, a mouse-based way to move your avatar would be good. |
[15:42] | Squirrel Wood: | since the avatar becomes a part of the linkset on "sit" it should be able to be moved around and thus update the sit target ? |
[15:43] | Grant Linden: | nice |
[15:43] | McCabe Maxsted: | bah, that's too intuitive |
[15:43] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehe |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | mayhaps add a status that it can be locked |
[15:43] | Charlette Proto: | yes drag by the head to another location eg sideways or up |
[15:43] | Squirrel Wood: | llSetStatus(MOVE_SIT_LOCKED, TRUE) |
[15:43] | Jacek Antonelli: | Even a numeric interface, where you could sit on it and play with the numbers until it looked right |
[15:44] | Jacek Antonelli: | Have xyz position and xyz rotation, like with building |
[15:44] | Grant Linden: | or tap arrow keys for micro adjusting |
[15:44] | Charlette Proto: | how about plan and elevation view for building |
[15:44] | Squirrel Wood: | whichever is the best way to do it ^^ |
[15:45] | Charlette Proto: | just like a CAD interface |
[15:45] | Pier Jaecies: | micro adjusting....drool |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | And/or have abutton to change to "sit target tool", which would add move and rotate handles to avatars sitting on the prim |
[15:45] | Squirrel Wood: | but as you said, even wizards would be nice ^^ |
[15:45] | Grant Linden: | ooh! a "go to plan view" |
[15:45] | Charlette Proto: | yes |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes, micro-adjustments for building would be great |
[15:45] | Grant Linden: | snap to an overhead view? |
[15:45] | Charlette Proto: | plan/elevation side by side like CAD |
[15:45] | McCabe Maxsted: | so much easier than get up... recompile... get up... recompile... for hours |
[15:45] | Squirrel Wood: | 2.5d view ? |
[15:45] | Jacek Antonelli: | Camera views would be good |
[15:46] | Squirrel Wood: | isometric |
[15:46] | Grant Linden: | yes |
[15:46] | Charlette Proto: | I use two PCs to build to make it more efficiant |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | Orthographic side and top views |
[15:46] | Kippie Friedkin: | Me too. |
[15:46] | Charlette Proto: | second to preview |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | And bottom |
[15:46] | Charlette Proto: | hehe I'm not alone |
[15:46] | Grant Linden: | that would save hours and hours |
[15:46] | Squirrel Wood: | ^^ |
[15:46] | Squirrel Wood: | and would be a huge change ^^ |
[15:46] | Jacek Antonelli: | Of course, snap and align tools would be handy -- but Imprudence will be taking care of that ;) |
[15:47] | McCabe Maxsted grins | |
[15:47] | Grant Linden: | ooh, isn't this all being done by Imprudence? |
[15:47] | Malbers Linden: | Jacek's already giving away her secret projects! |
[15:47] | Charlette Proto: | good we ned better snap to guides and objects |
[15:47] | Jacek Antonelli: | It will be eventually, if you let me keep coming here and stealing your ideas xD |
[15:47] | Kippie Friedkin: | lol |
[15:48] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehehe |
[15:48] | McCabe Maxsted is still hoping you guys see teh light on default permissions for item creation | |
[15:48] | Squirrel Wood: | another little change.... |
[15:48] | Grant Linden: | I do like that suggestion |
[15:48] | McCabe Maxsted: | little change, so handy |
[15:48] | Squirrel Wood: | I have changed the default texture in the debug options... yet when I create prims they are plywood |
[15:48] | Charlette Proto: | another thing is searching in chat history |
[15:49] | Malbers Linden: | McCaabe - i do think i've seen some action on that JIRA internally recently |
[15:49] | Grant Linden: | "search and replace" in chat history :) |
[15:49] | Jacek Antonelli: | Ah, yes, searching chat history is a suggestion I got. Also searching IM logs, to find out what you said that night when you were drunk and talked to this person |
[15:49] | Malbers Linden: | oh course, not sure it that would be work on it or just killing it -- but something is happening |
[15:49] | McCabe Maxsted nods. From the comments I've read, seems to be going back and forth :) | |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | I hope at least they add the server-side changes necessary for us to implement it ourselves |
[15:50] | Malbers Linden: | SLing under the influence? |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | The default permissions, I mean |
[15:50] | Kippie Friedkin: | We need some PSAs on the dangers of that |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehehe |
[15:50] | Jacek Antonelli: | Don't Drink and SLive! |
[15:50] | Kippie Friedkin: | "Has this ever happened to you?...." |
[15:50] | Pier Jaecies: | lol |
[15:50] | McCabe Maxsted: | haha |
[15:50] | Squirrel Wood: | Ooo! Allow avatars to be abused as trees by squirrels! ^^ |
[15:50] | Malbers Linden: | friends don't let friends drink and SL |
[15:51] | Kippie Friedkin: | lol |
[15:51] | Jacek Antonelli: | "This is Mary. Her son was killed 3 years ago by a drunk voice chatter." |
[15:51] | Jacek Antonelli kills the humor. With an axe. >>_ | |
[15:51] | Jacek Antonelli: | >_> |
[15:51] | Grant Linden: | before we wrap this edition of office hours up, I would like to take suggestions for future office hours |
[15:52] | McCabe Maxsted: | more good ideas for imprudence? |
[15:52] | Malbers Linden: | wow, already almost at the hour.... |
[15:52] | Kippie Friedkin: | ha |
[15:52] | Squirrel Wood: | time sure flies ^^ |
[15:52] | Grant Linden: | and thanks to Squirrel for this weeks topic |
[15:52] | Squirrel Wood: | ^^ |
[15:52] | Jacek Antonelli: | \o/ |
[15:52] | Charlette Proto: | The radial (pie) menu should be more omprehensive (eg edit all attributes) like in Maya. Aliases and tagging of inventory items so that you can find no-modify (no rename) objects by type or some other way. |
[15:52] | McCabe Maxsted: | I know! *lvoes these little ui topics* |
[15:52] | Squirrel Wood: | I hope we were able to give you at least one or two good ideas today ^^ |
[15:53] | Charlette Proto: | hehe |
[15:53] | Grant Linden: | this was great |
[15:53] | Malbers Linden: | they are always good ideas (always about prioritizing) |
[15:53] | Kippie Friedkin: | Agreed, absolutely. |
[15:53] | McCabe Maxsted: | btw, if anyone wants a copy of the laggy text on a prim boards we ahve now, I have one I made so you can see what we use |
[15:53] | Grant Linden: | I can think of a meeting topic : "Waht wold you take out of the second life UI?" |
[15:53] | Jacek Antonelli: | Ooh, good one Grant |
[15:53] | Grant Linden: | I can't type |
[15:54] | Kippie Friedkin: | Nice |
[15:54] | Malbers Linden: | oooo. good. |
[15:54] | Squirrel Wood: | definitely a good one |
[15:54] | McCabe Maxsted already knows the answer to that one :D | |
[15:54] | Grant Linden: | shall we roll with that? |
[15:54] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes, let's |
[15:54] | Squirrel Wood: | another one... parental controls? |
[15:54] | Grant Linden: | get your axes ready |
[15:54] | Malbers Linden: | you all have a week to think of thing features you never use (and/or newer residents should never see). |
[15:54] | Charlette Proto: | I'd like the text on a prim boards stuff, please |
[15:54] | McCabe Maxsted: | I'll save it for next week (spoiler alert: it may involve red things) |
[15:54] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehehe |
[15:54] | Kippie Friedkin: | lol |
[15:55] | Jacek Antonelli: | Does it sound like "pecans", McCabe? |
[15:55] | Grant Linden: | thank you for your text on prim thoughts, Charlette |
[15:55] | McCabe Maxsted: | XD |
[15:55] | Squirrel Wood: | make the ui more squorrel friendly! Add nut caches! |
[15:55] | Squirrel Wood: | squirrel.. even... |
[15:55] | Jacek Antonelli: | hahaha |
[15:55] | Charlette Proto: | thanks McCabe |
[15:55] | Grant Linden: | spell check just for the work "squirrel" |
[15:56] | Jacek Antonelli: | Yes, look at all this empty space on the screen that's not filled with UI. That could be used to store food for the winter! |
[15:56] | McCabe Maxsted: | hahahhaa |
[15:56] | Squirrel Wood: | spell check... may be a nice feature... at least an "auto-complete" or "auto-replace" |
[15:56] | Grant Linden: | I really need that |
[15:56] | Squirrel Wood: | like on mobile phones |
[15:56] | McCabe Maxsted: | "what's with all this 3D world stuff? We need mroe communciate buttons" |
[15:56] | Jacek Antonelli: | hehehe |
[15:56] | Charlette Proto: | predictive chat entry based on spelling dictionarry like cell phones |
[15:57] | Jacek Antonelli: | Oh, that reminds me of that funny youtube video |
[15:57] | Squirrel Wood: | "Talk to this prim" "talk to that other prim" "talk to the prim on the other side of that other prim" buttons... ? |
[15:57] | Charlette Proto: | give us the URL Jacek |
[15:57] | Squirrel Wood: | t9 dictionary |
[15:58] | Charlette Proto: | get rid of parrots that double up gesture spam in chat |
[15:58] | Squirrel Wood: | Use your number pad to type in SL! |
[15:58] | Charlette Proto: | yes Squirel |
[15:58] | Beware Hax: | i dislike how gestures are made to work on a word commonly say in chat, to replace it with all caps and a sound |
[15:58] | Beware Hax: | especially if theyre no-mod as such |
[15:58] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | I like the linden lab trademark ones |
[15:59] | Charlette Proto: | hehe |
[15:59] | Grant Linden: | thanks to everyone for coming |
[15:59] | Jacek Antonelli: | |
[15:59] | Grant Linden: | great ideas! |
[15:59] | Squirrel Wood: | thanks for having us ^^ |
[15:59] | Charlette Proto: | thanks Jacek |
[15:59] | Squirrel Wood: | o.o! |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | Second Life® |
[15:59] | Pier Jaecies: | thanks grant |
[15:59] | Jacek Antonelli: | <--- the funny predictive text messaging stuff |
[15:59] | Grant Linden: | I am off to my next adventure |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | was good fun :) |
[15:59] | Pier Jaecies: | have fun! |
[15:59] | McCabe Maxsted: | yarrrr! |
[16:00] | Grant Linden: | see everyone next week :) |