User:Cow Taurog/SMS
This script will send an SMS from SL to almost any cell phone. It uses the
Resale of this script is not permitted (even for L$1 as a "freebie", you can sell for L$0 just as easy).
// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike
// 3.0 United States License.
// To view a copy of this license, visit
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// San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
// You may copy, modify, or distribute this work as long as these notices remain,
// and the same license is used.
// == Resale of this work is not permitted. ==
// (even for L$1 as a "freebie")
// © 2009 (
integer giDialog; key gkTouch; string gsCarrier; string gsRecepient; string gsSubject; string gsMess; integer DEBUG=0; integer listen0; integer listen1; integer listen2; integer giPrvChan; list glCarrierNames=["AT&T","T-Mobile","Verizon","Sprint","Nextel","Virgin","Boost","Cricket"]; list glCarrierSuffix=["","","","","","","",""]; integer pseudo_random(string text, integer nonce, integer start, integer end){
// this function (c)(cc-by) Strife Onizuka, return(integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(llMD5String(text,nonce),start,end));
state_entry(){ integer iLast; integer iNow=30*((integer)llGetGMTclock()/30); string sFeed=(string)llRound(llGetGMTclock())+(string)llRound(llGetWallclock())+llSHA1String(llGetRegionName()+llGetSimulatorHostname()); giDialog=pseudo_random(sFeed,(iLast=iNow),2,7); llSetObjectName("Send SMS"); } touch_start(integer num){ gkTouch=llDetectedKey(num-1); state running; }
} state running{
state_entry(){ listen0=llListen(giDialog,"","",""); llDialog(gkTouch,"Pick the recepient's carrier.",glCarrierNames,giDialog); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mess){ gsCarrier=llList2String(glCarrierSuffix,llListFindList(glCarrierNames,[mess])); state number; }
} state number{
state_entry(){ listen2=llListen(giDialog+3,"",gkTouch,""); llInstantMessage(gkTouch,"Say the number of the recepient on /"+(string)(giDialog+3)+". Must be numbers only, no spaces, parenthesis, hyphens, or other formatting."); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mess){ gsRecepient=mess; state subject; }
} state subject{
state_entry(){ listen2=llListen(giDialog+4,"",gkTouch,""); llInstantMessage(gkTouch,"Say the subject on /"+(string)(giDialog+4)+"."); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mess){ gsSubject=mess; state body; }
} state body{
state_entry(){ listen2=llListen(giDialog+5,"",gkTouch,""); llInstantMessage(gkTouch,"Say the body of the message on /"+(string)(giDialog+5)+"."); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mess){ gsMess=mess; state send; }
} state send{
state_entry(){ llEmail(gsRecepient+gsCarrier,gsSubject,gsMess); llInstantMessage(gkTouch,"SMS sent."); llResetScript(); }
} </lsl>