User:Enkidu Linden/Office Hours/2010-05-13

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List of Attendees

  • Enkidu Linden
  • ImSky Amiot
  • Listing disappears
  • Morgaine DinovaMorgaine
  • Morgaine Dinova
  • NaoWut DigfootNaoWut
  • NaoWut Digfoot
  • New Search
  • Xugu MadisonXugu
  • Xugu Madison


[11:02] Xugu Madison: Mixed. Ignoring feature requests, which is helping keep the backlog short *shuffles*
[11:02] Xugu Madison: hey Enkidu!
[11:02] Enkidu Linden: hey there!
[11:03] Morgaine Dinova: Hi Enkidu :-)
[11:03] Enkidu Linden: how is everyone?
[11:04] Morgaine Dinova: A week of nothing, don't think it'll make the history books :P
[11:04] Xugu Madison: Not bad, not bad. How's you Enki?
[11:04] Enkidu Linden: i could use about 10 hours of sleep
[11:04] Morgaine Dinova: Me too!
[11:04] Morgaine Dinova: I vote we defer Thursday for 10h
[11:05] Enkidu Linden: we could take a nap now
[11:05] Enkidu Linden: that'd leave us at -9
[11:05] Morgaine Dinova: I'm way ahead of you :P
[11:05] Enkidu Linden: haha
[11:05] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison gently falls forwards, using Enkidu as a jellyfish pillow "Works for me"
[11:06] Morgaine Dinova: Hmmm, lots of scientific progress on physiology+anatomy, has any of it hinted at a way of reducing/eliminating sleep requirements?
[11:07] Xugu Madison: Morgaine; yes, although I think mostly people edge around that stuff
[11:07] Enkidu Linden: there's the uberman sleep schedule
[11:07] Xugu Madison: polyphasic sleep is apparently fairly workable, at least for 2-3 years
[11:07] Morgaine Dinova: What's that Xu?
[11:07] Enkidu Linden: #Uberman.27s_sleep_schedule
[11:08] Morgaine DinovaMorgaine Dinova looks
[11:08] Xugu Madison: What Enki said :)
[11:08] Enkidu Linden: i wanted to try it but i was already married
[11:08] Xugu Madison: Careless Enkidu, very careless. Wouldn't find me getting married, oh no..
[11:08] NaoWut DigfootNaoWut Digfoot waves
[11:09] Enkidu Linden: i'm in dangerous territory
[11:09] Enkidu Linden: hello naowut
[11:09] Xugu Madison: hi NaoWut!
[11:09] NaoWut Digfoot: hiya enkidu, xugu, blookitty :)
[11:09] NaoWut Digfoot: is there an agenda for todays OH?
[11:09] Morgaine Dinova: Hi Wut :-)
[11:09] Morgaine Dinova: Yep, we're discussing scalable non-sleeping web architectures
[11:10] Xugu Madison: Maybe we can distribute sleeping? Can I offshore my sleep to India?
[11:10] NaoWut Digfoot: totally out of my field here, but sounds interesting :)
[11:10] NaoWut Digfoot: Xugu =P
[11:10] Enkidu Linden: mmm distributed restful resting
[11:11] Morgaine Dinova: Ah! So that's why I like RESTful interfaces
[11:11] NaoWut Digfoot: hehe
[11:11] Xugu Madison: I actually go through insomnia during summer. Except to be extra special, I wake up early. I've been on 6-ish hours sleep/night for about a month now...
[11:12] Enkidu Linden: as for the agenda, i thought it might be interesting to discuss something i saw on ajaxian this morning
[11:12] Enkidu Linden:
[11:13] Xugu Madison: Can't we just teach everyone esperanto? :)
[11:14] Enkidu Linden: perhaps then we could all just get along
[11:14] Morgaine Dinova: It's not in the interest of those in power for people to get along
[11:15] Xugu Madison: So looking at using this to localise the websites, Enkidu?
[11:15] Enkidu Linden: yeah, too true. harmony drowns out the single note
[11:15] Enkidu Linden: well, actually i wouldn't use this
[11:16] Enkidu Linden: that would be far too easy
[11:16] Enkidu Linden: joke!
[11:16] Morgaine Dinova: That link suggests that no reduction to the 8h sleep is achieved by changing the duration of individual sleep periods.
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: the actual problem of client-side localization really boils down to managing data transfers
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: i mean, it boils down to that for me because my principle concern is performance
[11:18] Morgaine Dinova: How does localization affect performance?
[11:18] Enkidu Linden: i'm so glad you asked!
[11:18] Morgaine Dinova: :P
[11:19] Enkidu Linden: now if you'll just climb into this box while i get the saw..
[11:19] Enkidu Linden: most of the time when we localize we do it on the server side
[11:20] Morgaine Dinova: Blue Kitties are higher dimensional, that'll have to be a special saw
[11:20] Enkidu Linden: we get a request and encoded in the request somehow is the locale, and the server can choose a set of localized strings and interpolate
[11:21] Morgaine Dinova: So what causes a perf hit? Doesn't seem like a big issue at first glance
[11:21] Enkidu Linden: that's true as long as you're willing to make a request, but many "web 2.0" applications don't always do that
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: Request from what to what?
[11:22] Enkidu Linden: from browser to web server
[11:22] Enkidu Linden: let me paint some context
[11:22] Morgaine Dinova: kk
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: facebook, for example, goes to great lengths to avoid full page loads
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: they do this by getting more of the application (bunch of javascript) into the browser in the first load
[11:24] Enkidu Linden: then when you click on something, like "Older Posts" or whatever that thing is called at the bottom of whatever they call it these days..
[11:24] Enkidu Linden: it can get the data through a service call and display it
[11:24] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison quite fancies the distributed Facebook-like apps some people are trying...
[11:25] Enkidu Linden: now, the service data could be easiy localized, but there's application strings that go along with displaying that data
[11:26] Enkidu Linden: so the browser has to already have those strings or it has to get them
[11:27] Enkidu Linden: which is a choice between preloading all the app's strings, most of which won't even be used in any given page view, or requesting those strings as needed
[11:27] Enkidu Linden: and there's a lot of room in-between for some hybrid appraoch
[11:29] Xugu Madison: if you can serve the application strings from a static file, and ensure it's got an Etag header or similar, surely caching can handle most of the load?
[11:30] Morgaine Dinova: Well if you want performance, just get rid of all the Javascript altogether, and localize by preformatting cached templates for each language.
[11:30] Morgaine Dinova: JS is just a disease in most cases, certainly not necessary
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: caching is a great mitigator, but we sometimes think that because things are cached, they're fast
[11:31] Enkidu Linden: "when things are cached, they're fast" is correct
[11:32] Morgaine Dinova: Storage costs nothing, CPU is as costly as always. The clever approach is to cache.
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: rather than "i have enabled caching, so things are fast"
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: let me restate slightly
[11:33] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison nods "However, I'd assume you see a lot of repeat traffic, so cache misses are few, and initial loading isn't a major issue?"
[11:33] Enkidu Linden: actually let me back up a bit
[11:33] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison puts Enki into reverse
[11:34] Enkidu Linden: caching is wonderful but it doesn't address the worst case
[11:34] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison nods "However, is the worst case tolerable if caching handles the common case?"
[11:34] Enkidu Linden: there you go
[11:35] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison tends to assume it is :)
[11:36] Morgaine Dinova: Don't assume, measure
[11:36] Enkidu Linden: so there's a little web performance nugget of wisdom: cache! but verify.
[11:37] Xugu MadisonXugu Madison only has about 10k users, and can't understand why people worry so much *grin* *duck*
[11:37] Morgaine Dinova: To go with the other nugget of "What you don't measure you don't really know, even when you think you do." :-)
[11:38] Enkidu Linden: yes, metrics are really, really important
[11:39] Enkidu Linden: as it happens we have a small, highly cacheable public service that performs rather poorly on cache misses
[11:41] Enkidu Linden:
[11:41] Enkidu Linden: the thumbnail image generator for that page is pretty slow
[11:41] NaoWut DigfootNaoWut Digfoot returns from afkness and reads backlog
[11:42] Enkidu Linden: it'll load fast for you because they're all on the front page of classifieds and likely all cached
[11:43] Enkidu Linden:
[11:43] Enkidu Linden: if you change the offset there to something random and > 200 you should see the images loading rather slowly
[11:43] NaoWut Digfoot: ow. yup.
[11:45] Enkidu Linden: haha, massive digression
[11:45] Enkidu Linden: i love caching though
[11:46] NaoWut Digfoot: Morg: while i agree js is a massive disease in the wrong hands, done properly it can do wonders
[11:46] Enkidu Linden: morgaine, your suggestion to load html fragments instead of data rendered by js is also good in some situations
[11:46] Enkidu Linden: we do that on the dashboard
[11:48] Enkidu Linden: you could also include app strings in the initial load that are likely to be used based on some analysis, and just request the rare stuff as needed
[11:48] Morgaine Dinova: Well JS is often used merely because it's "the thing to use", rather than because it makes sense.
[11:49] NaoWut Digfoot: morg, yup. and there it goes bad.
[11:49] NaoWut Digfoot: and yeah, i like that idea enkidu
[11:50] NaoWut Digfoot: morg, also it's the common case :)
[11:50] Morgaine Dinova: Reminds me of a C program I once saw containing nothing but system("<text>") calls. You know, sometimes people just use the wrong solutions.
[11:51] Enkidu Linden: yikes
[11:51] Enkidu Linden: i've seen that approach as well
[11:52] Enkidu Linden: i always think, "what if instead of trying to confuse me you just write this as a shell script?"
[11:53] NaoWut Digfoot: hehehe, oh boy. yes some people are prone to that sort of programming kludgery
[11:54] Enkidu Linden: so hey, maybe next week we should talk about caching
[11:54] ImSky Amiot: or maybe if your talking servers and programming somthing to do with the search faults
[11:54] NaoWut Digfoot: with caching metrics too! :)
[11:55] ImSky Amiot: metircs aren't there enough false figures what the resdients want is a working search system
[11:55] NaoWut Digfoot: i was referring to web caching, ImSky
[11:56] ImSky Amiot: k
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: i think you can expect to see improvements to search
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: i'm not on the search team though
[11:56] ImSky Amiot: we have seen over 50% of places removed in the last two weeks
[11:57] ImSky Amiot: and no one listening jsut saying its the new system
[11:57] ImSky Amiot: i have 5 dead shops and my rl living is here and i'm only one of hundreds in the same situation
[11:57] Enkidu Linden: have you opened a pjira?
[11:58] NaoWut Digfoot: I'm sorry to hear that ImSky
[11:58] Enkidu Linden: yeah, me too
[11:58] ImSky Amiot: yep and thats a waste of time, as was a live chat, tickets, tryingot contact the search team
[11:58] Enkidu Linden: can you give me the pjira link?
[11:59] ImSky Amiot: there are several
[11:59] ImSky Amiot: one sec
[11:59] Enkidu Linden: that's ok, you can give me all of them
[11:59] Enkidu Linden: i can't fix them myself but i can talk to some people
[11:59] Morgaine Dinova: There's a Search team? Unlikely. If there was, they were clearly fired in order to bring Viewer2.0 out searchless.
[12:00] ImSky Amiot: #action_186179
[12:00] New Search is not working correctly at all
[12:00] NaoWut Digfoot: Morg: shush :P
[12:00] ImSky Amiot: there is liana linden is head of it and sea linden is also a member
[12:00] Morgaine Dinova: No no, I'm serious. Search worked, and it's hard to muck up search accidentally. It was deliberately sabotaged for V2.0. The question is why.
[12:01] ImSky Amiot: answer is obvious
[12:01] ImSky Amiot: new viewer was bruaght out for a better web interface for street
[12:01] ImSky Amiot: more commsions that way
[12:02] ImSky Amiot: new search is so mucked up that it psuhes all to street instead
[12:02] ImSky Amiot: have you tried searching for anything recently
[12:02] ImSky Amiot: its a joke
[12:02] Morgaine Dinova: That's a possible reason. World destruction is OK, as long as profits from xtreeet maximized. I don't think there's evidence to support that reason. However, search was definitely sabotaged. It could never have passed testing.
[12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Not even a single test could have suceeded, let alone the large suite that must exist.
[12:03] Morgaine Dinova: So it was on purpose.
[12:03] ImSky Amiot: then how come lotws of palces simply have lost there listings
[12:03] NaoWut Digfoot: hmm, failing on the server side? or viewer-2?
[12:03] ImSky Amiot: maturtiy ratings were a known bug in it and its been owned up to
[12:03] ImSky Amiot: so tetign wasnt' too good
[12:04] ImSky Amiot: any category filters out places
[12:04] Enkidu Linden: sorry, i was reading the jira
[12:04] ImSky Amiot: whats on places first page is often not in any category at all
[12:04] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah but the loss of search isn't a mere bug. That simply would not have passed a single test. That was deliberate. LL is a competent outfit, and total loss of search could not have passed QA by accident.
[12:05] ImSky Amiot: clubs are taking first places on keywords for items "beach house" frist page is full of clubs
[12:05] ImSky Amiot: so your satying we are stuck with it as it was an act done on purpose
[12:06] Morgaine Dinova: Well I can't see how it could be accidental. It would mean that the whole QA division is on holiday.
[12:06] ImSky Amiot: is there such a thing?
[12:06] ImSky Amiot: we have seen so many bugs recently
[12:06] NaoWut Digfoot: i couldn't make that judgement call. but yes, i see results are much smaller than i was expecting
[12:07] Morgaine Dinova: Yep, there is a QA division, and fairly big too. Enus is in charge, he used to hold OHs, very informative.
[12:07] ImSky Amiot: anyone knwo how or what needs to be doen to gwet somone to listen t this
[12:07] Enkidu Linden: wow, i had no idea this was such a problem
[12:08] NaoWut Digfoot: hum
[12:08] NaoWut Digfoot:
[12:08] Listing disappears in "search" when more than one maturity rating is check marked
[12:08] NaoWut Digfoot: that
[12:08] NaoWut Digfoot: is curious behaviour
[12:08] ImSky Amiot: itsd a huge problem, i'm hearing it from build, sculpt, estate manger groups
[12:09] NaoWut Digfoot: do they get the same issues in snowglobe 2.0? that would be interesting to check
[12:09] ImSky Amiot: worse in viewer 2
[12:09] NaoWut Digfoot: :/ seems strange that they'd mess with that
[12:10] ImSky Amiot: in 1.23 and emerlad you have the drop list and can some if you drop to places. in viewer 2 you dont' have that option
[12:10] Morgaine Dinova: No idea. I use Imprudence. The 1.x era viewers work.
[12:10] Enkidu Linden: hmm
[12:11] Morgaine Dinova: Enki: the whole thing is kinda surreal. ;-)
[12:11] NaoWut Digfoot: horrific braindamage in search fail. viewer 2.0 search should surely be like snowglobe 2.0?
[12:11] NaoWut Digfoot: xD
[12:11] ImSky Amiot: what weneed is to fidn out how we get our shops parcels back inotsearch, i've meesed with parcel descriptions, prim names, prodcut names till i'm blue in the face
[12:12] ImSky Amiot: and worst of all whats turning up in search seems to be irrelevent
[12:12] Enkidu Linden: for what it's worth i don't think there was any intent to diminish the quality of search. quite the opposite!
[12:12] ImSky Amiot: whatever the intention a fix is needed
[12:12] NaoWut Digfoot: no,the consipiracy theory would be a pretty BIG own goal
[12:13] Morgaine Dinova: I think the explanation based on "deliberate" is actually more generous.
[12:13] NaoWut Digfoot: and by that. i mean bigger than usual
[12:14] Enkidu Linden: guys, we're over time. i will be posting a transcript as usually and will definitely make sure some other lindens see it
[12:14] NaoWut Digfoot: who would stand to gain? you spend i have no idea how much developing a new viewer, outsourcing everything to graphics designers, but then deliberatey sabotage search in the client side?
[12:14] Xugu Madison: Going to have to scamper, take care all!
[12:14] ImSky Amiot: its a nice peice of work fro them a bugy search pushing more to street but non shops are gettign hit with things they dont' want and residents arent' findign what they want.
[12:14] ImSky Amiot: take care
[12:14] NaoWut DigfootNaoWut Digfoot nods, thanks for the meeting enkidu, next time, caching :)
[12:15] Morgaine Dinova: But theories aside, there's no doubt it's all very bizarre / surreal.
[12:15] Xugu Madison: Thanks for hosting Enkidu!
[12:15] Morgaine Dinova: Cool, thanks Enki :-)
[12:15] NaoWut Digfoot: right. i'm just having a poke diffing the message_template.msg to see if there were new fancy but broken search packets
[12:15] couch sit 1: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
[12:16] ImSky Amiot: the biggest problem seems to the filtering of options
[12:16] ImSky Amiot: and i suspect the prob is there
[12:16] Enkidu Linden: thanks for coming, everyone!
[12:16] Enkidu Linden: have a great week!
[12:17] NaoWut Digfoot: and you Enkidu :)
[12:17] Morgaine Dinova: You too Enki :-)

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