User:Enkidu Linden/Office Hours/2010-12-16
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List of Attendees
- Ellla McMahon
- Enkidu Linden
- Jadyn Firehawk
- Makai Linden
- Melchizedek Blauvelt
- Skaat Skizm
[11:03] | Makai Linden: | hello |
[11:03] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Hi Enkidu |
[11:04] | Enkidu Linden: | hey there |
[11:05] | Enkidu Linden: | how's everyone doing? |
[11:05] | Makai Linden: | really great |
[11:05] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | great too, slacking off into the night |
[11:05] | Enkidu Linden: | i need more coffee |
[11:06] | Enkidu Linden: | badly |
[11:07] | Enkidu Linden: | alright, french press fired up! |
[11:07] | Enkidu Linden: | hey jadyn |
[11:07] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Well at least now we're even for a snowball fight ;) |
[11:07] | Jadyn Firehawk: | hi enkidu |
[11:07] | Enkidu Linden: | i think we can still take you! |
[11:08] | Jadyn Firehawk: | hi makai |
[11:08] | Makai Linden: | hello jadyn |
[11:08] | Enkidu Linden: | :) |
[11:08] | Makai Linden: | again |
[11:09] | Enkidu Linden: | one sec, my office has been infiltrated by four year old |
[11:09] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Get Enkidu, 4 year old! |
[11:11] | Enkidu Linden: | whew! |
[11:11] | Enkidu Linden: | ok |
[11:11] | Enkidu Linden: | let's get started! |
[11:12] | Enkidu Linden: | so this week, again, Makai's joining me to talk about the marktplace |
[11:12] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | What are you scheming right before the holidays Enkidu? |
[11:12] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | awesome |
[11:12] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | had to miss last week due to a grant presentation |
[11:13] | Enkidu Linden: | that's ok! last week was pretty odd |
[11:13] | Makai Linden: | Have any of you used the Marketplace? |
[11:13] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | You realise you're saying that to a guy with 4 eyeballs, right? |
[11:13] | Enkidu Linden: | jadyn, it was nice to see you at joel's quality discussion the other day |
[11:13] | Jadyn Firehawk: | i only just started using marketplace |
[11:13] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Yes Makai |
[11:13] | Jadyn Firehawk: | yeah how did you like that enkidu? |
[11:14] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | - and I quite like it |
[11:14] | Enkidu Linden: | i enjoyed it and the after-talk quite a bit |
[11:14] | Enkidu Linden: | i've also used the marketplace |
[11:14] | Enkidu Linden: | i used it to buy this avatar! |
[11:14] | Makai Linden: | any frustrations, things that you'd like to see improved? |
[11:15] | Enkidu Linden: | feel free to be critical, you guys |
[11:15] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | not so much, it's quite a lengthy process, but there's not really anything that can be left out |
[11:15] | Enkidu Linden: | Makai can take a beating |
[11:15] | Makai Linden: | heh |
[11:15] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | The only thing I miss in comparison to Xstreet is the graph really |
[11:15] | Jadyn Firehawk: | makai i'm wondering if there's a way to make different stores under my one account, it may be obvious how to do so bbut i'm still very new there |
[11:16] | Enkidu Linden: | what do you mean by lengthy? |
[11:16] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | It takes a long time to put an item up |
[11:16] | Makai Linden: | Jadyn: That is a feature that we have on the backlog |
[11:16] | Jadyn Firehawk: | i have tthree very different sorts of enterprises in sl |
[11:17] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Especially if you introduce a new item and want to put it into a few of the "related items" slots |
[11:18] | Jadyn Firehawk: | separate storefronts would be really great |
[11:18] | Makai Linden: | nods |
[11:18] | Makai Linden: | Melchizedek: how do you envision related items working better? |
[11:19] | Enkidu Linden: | hello skaat |
[11:19] | Skaat Skizm: | hi |
[11:19] | Skaat Skizm: | no idea what im idea how i got here |
[11:19] | Enkidu Linden: | skaat, we're talking about Marketplace today with Makai Linden from the Marketplace team |
[11:20] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Hi Skaat |
[11:20] | Makai Linden: | hello Skaat |
[11:20] | Jadyn Firehawk: | hi skaat |
[11:21] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Makai: Xstreet used to have this template option I think? Where you could save a standard version of what needs to be filled in for a product? A similar approach to the related items feature might work? |
[11:22] | Jadyn Firehawk: | makai, if i go ahead and list a colonial home, and a framed gallery photo, and a "drama queen" t-shirt all on my marketplace, would they be easy to separate into separate stores later? or should i wait? |
[11:22] | Jadyn Firehawk: | so far i've only listed my homes |
[11:23] | Makai Linden: | Jadyn... that is a good question. I really don't know if I can answer that right now... but it is a great question that can help inform how we move forward. |
[11:23] | Jadyn Firehawk: | thank you :) |
[11:23] | Makai Linden: | My best guess is that you should be able to assoc.. items to any store |
[11:24] | Enkidu Linden: | even multiple stores? |
[11:24] | Makai Linden: | I was about to answer that... I don't know if it would be permissable to associate a single item with multiple stores though |
[11:25] | Makai Linden: | but that isn't a definitive answer |
[11:25] | Jadyn Firehawk: | i'm avoiding doing a whole bunch of work up front only to have to rekey a lot of the same things later |
[11:25] | Makai Linden: | I totally understand |
[11:26] | Jadyn Firehawk: | or maybe i'm simply avoiding a whole lot of work, full-stop :D |
[11:26] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Oh, one thing I was wondering about... is it possible to have our Marketplace stores show up on google search? |
[11:26] | Makai Linden: | You mean like in google shopping? |
[11:26] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I tried (just) a few times to see if I could find any SL merchandise using regular google, with no luck so far |
[11:27] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | or google images, or... |
[11:27] | Enkidu Linden: | google shopping sounds like a pretty cool idea |
[11:27] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | especially with mesh coming soon that may be quite interesting |
[11:28] | Makai Linden: | you mean like this: |
[11:29] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | exactly....has to take a closer look at his keywords :/ |
[11:29] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | ah, but none of those are actually from the marketplace |
[11:30] | Makai Linden: | Jadyn... we want you to sell stuff through marketplace, so I will definitely be bringing your concerns to the group |
[11:30] | Jadyn Firehawk: | thanks |
[11:30] | Makai Linden: | Melchizedek: what is your store name? |
[11:31] | Makai Linden: | ( I see your point) |
[11:31] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Blue Field |
[11:31] | Jadyn Firehawk: | so far i've been putting my business name in all my item names for the homes |
[11:33] | Makai Linden: | I think we're doing maintenance on marketplace right now |
[11:33] | Makai Linden: | (site down) |
[11:33] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | coughs something about turbosquid and how I'd rather not post my meshes there too ;) |
[11:34] | Makai Linden: | *nods |
[11:34] | Enkidu Linden: | great timing, as ever |
[11:34] | Enkidu Linden: | but worth it! |
[11:34] | Jadyn Firehawk: | if you want to use me as an example, makai, i have a historical homes business, a fine art photo gallery, and a humorous "anti-drama" items store... all quite unrelated to each other! |
[11:35] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I make grass and furniture...the only relation both products have is that they're all oblong sculpties |
[11:35] | Jadyn Firehawk: | well, they're both made of cellulose :D |
[11:36] | Enkidu Linden: | haha |
[11:36] | Enkidu Linden: | between the two of you, a complete living space |
[11:36] | Jadyn Firehawk: | lol |
[11:38] | Jadyn Firehawk: | you'd be happy to know, makai, that in the Builders Brewery group chat, people are always asking "where can i get a ____" and people are always answering, "check marketplace" |
[11:38] | Makai Linden: | indeed... very happy |
[11:39] | Enkidu Linden: | hello ella |
[11:39] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I still sell 90% of my stuff on the marketplace copy/no mod/no trans...while it's copy/mod/no trans inworld for the same price |
[11:39] | Enkidu Linden: | we have about twenty minutes left |
[11:39] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | hi Ella |
[11:40] | Enkidu Linden: | i'd like to switch gears a little bit in ten minutes, so if you have any questions about Marketplace, now's the time |
[11:41] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | No further questions from me, I like it a lot |
[11:41] | Makai Linden: | thanks... Melchizedek |
[11:41] | Jadyn Firehawk: | it appears to have increased traffic inworld to my houses biz, too, i've not measured, but that's my impression |
[11:41] | Enkidu Linden: | makai's going to quote you on the marketplace in a little section titled "customer feedback" |
[11:41] | Makai Linden: | if you search for : second life Blue Field |
[11:42] | Makai Linden: | you should see your store |
[11:42] | Makai Linden: | That's awesome, Jadyn... I hope we can keep the numbers rolling in for you |
[11:42] | Enkidu Linden: | me too |
[11:43] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Oh! |
[11:43] | Enkidu Linden: | ella, did you have any questions about marketplace? |
[11:43] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Time to come up with a better store name I guess |
[11:43] | Ellla McMahon: | no thank you .. just here to listen :) |
[11:44] | Enkidu Linden: | ok :) |
[11:44] | Jadyn Firehawk: | i've heard it's harder to get freebies on marketplace, makai, that there was a fee added recently or something? |
[11:44] | Jadyn Firehawk: | Builders Brewery people have squawked something to that effect |
[11:45] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Ah yes, educators whined about that too |
[11:45] | Makai Linden: | yes, its true |
[11:45] | Makai Linden: | shoppers still can get freebies |
[11:46] | Jadyn Firehawk: | but itt costs the giver, now? |
[11:46] | Makai Linden: | I think the merchants pay something |
[11:47] | Jadyn Firehawk: | why was that change made? i'm curious, cuz freebies were a great way to draw traffic |
[11:47] | Jadyn Firehawk: | not to mention just the spirit of sharing |
[11:47] | Jadyn Firehawk: | certain items like educator tools |
[11:48] | Jadyn Firehawk: | builder tools too |
[11:48] | Makai Linden: | I understand |
[11:49] | Makai Linden: | I don't know exactly how the decision was made |
[11:49] | Jadyn Firehawk: | i'm not meaning to whine here, just wanted to pass that feedback along |
[11:49] | Jadyn Firehawk: | it'd be nice if that could get reversed |
[11:49] | Makai Linden: | not at all... it is important that this kind of feedback is considered |
[11:50] | Makai Linden: | I'm tyring to see if I can find some history for you |
[11:50] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I was at an OH about that topic...basically merchants complained about freebies cluttering up Xstreet, for LL they took a lot of maintenance and hosting, they were seen (broadly speaking) as a promotional tool |
[11:50] | Makai Linden: | Here is some info: |
[11:51] | Enkidu Linden: | ahh |
[11:51] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | most residents there agreed that a fee made sense...then afterwards of course the bloggerazzi sharpened their knives |
[11:52] | Makai Linden: | you'll find some of the conv. around WHY, but it doesn't detail the actual cost of freebies |
[11:52] | Jadyn Firehawk: | ah ok ty |
[11:52] | Jadyn Firehawk: | well that explains it ty |
[11:53] | Enkidu Linden: | it is true that free for the customer doesn't mean free for the system |
[11:53] | Enkidu Linden: | for a broad definition of system |
[11:53] | Enkidu Linden: | actually, joel was talking about that, too, jadyn |
[11:53] | Makai Linden: | There is no such thing as a free lunch... at least that is what they tell you in remedial economics |
[11:53] | Jadyn Firehawk: | lol |
[11:53] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | :) |
[11:54] | Jadyn Firehawk: | yeah joel was talking about the cheapening of everything |
[11:54] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | "if it's free it means you're the product being sold" |
[11:54] | Jadyn Firehawk: | watering down quality |
[11:54] | Enkidu Linden: | oh shoot, i'm running out of time |
[11:54] | Makai Linden: | sorry |
[11:55] | Enkidu Linden: | so i want to use the last five minutes just briefly to get your feedback on the potential value of marketplace office hours |
[11:55] | Enkidu Linden: | makai and other lindens are, of course, always welcome to hang out here with me |
[11:55] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I for one learned a great deal today |
[11:55] | Jadyn Firehawk: | seems like yes that would be a great idea |
[11:56] | Ellla McMahon: | well Jack has just announced he is leaving and alot of REsidents who attend his OH bring Marketplace questions with them |
[11:56] | Enkidu Linden: | that's sadly true, ella |
[11:56] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I am of course just one giving feedback isn't really representative of the community |
[11:56] | Makai Linden: | that's a good point... we have gaps |
[11:56] | Ellla McMahon: | there were many comments just 30 minutes ago .. about Marketplace OH |
[11:57] | Enkidu Linden: | serendipity i guess |
[11:57] | Makai Linden: | so it sounds like there is a reasonable demand |
[11:57] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Right, but Jack's OH always was a "stomp feet, bring pitchforks" fest...:( |
[11:57] | Ellla McMahon: | if you would like feedback .. post the same question on SL Commerce Merchants |
[11:58] | Ellla McMahon: | yes I was thinking that special Linden fireproof armour/underwear would need to be worn !! LOL |
[11:58] | Enkidu Linden: | that's ok |
[11:58] | Makai Linden: | heh |
[11:58] | Enkidu Linden: | i think it's worth it to stick our necks out there |
[11:58] | Ellla McMahon: | Enkidu .. REsidents would love a Marketplace OH |
[11:59] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | True Ella |
[11:59] | Enkidu Linden: | i know there are only three of you here to ask, but you are three who do attend office hours |
[11:59] | Enkidu Linden: | better asking people who might actually come, i think |
[11:59] | Ellla McMahon: | well this OH has in the past clashed with Jack's |
[12:00] | Ellla McMahon: | and not many REsidents know where to find Linden OH |
[12:00] | Enkidu Linden: | that's true |
[12:00] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | and it's a very techie one too |
[12:00] | Enkidu Linden: | on the wiki! |
[12:00] | Ellla McMahon: | exactly ! |
[12:00] | Enkidu Linden: | of course, you all already know that |
[12:00] | Ellla McMahon: | but ... welll |
[12:01] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | hey I can't even find my own shop on google Enkidu ;) |
[12:01] | Enkidu Linden: | haha |
[12:01] | Enkidu Linden: | nobody's perfect! |
[12:02] | Enkidu Linden: | but i hope that becomes an easier thing to do in the future |
[12:02] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | I'll help you with Kant, if you help me with SEO? |
[12:02] | Enkidu Linden: | seems fair |
[12:02] | Jadyn Firehawk: | lol mel |
[12:03] | Enkidu Linden: | are you a student of philosphy, melchizedek? |
[12:03] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | How many people still work on the Marketplace at LL? |
[12:03] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | A graduate Enkidu |
[12:04] | Enkidu Linden: | very cool |
[12:04] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | But SL and Blender shifted my focus quite drastically... |
[12:04] | Enkidu Linden: | i bet! |
[12:04] | Enkidu Linden: | still it's a great foundation |
[12:05] | Makai Linden: | Melchizedek: that depends on how we are being utilized... 3-5 generally |
[12:05] | Makai Linden: | I'm going to jet y'all, but thanks for all for your feedback, comments, and suggestions... it is very appreciated |
[12:05] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | it's bittersweet...I know something about everything but I have no specialization unfortunately |
[12:06] | Jadyn Firehawk: | makai tyvm! |
[12:06] | Enkidu Linden: | thanks for coming again, makai |
[12:06] | Makai Linden: | thank you! ciao |
[12:06] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Thanks a lot for your input Makai, it's been an eye opener |
[12:06] | Enkidu Linden: | i should grab some lunch as well |
[12:06] | Jadyn Firehawk: | enkidu ty and good to see you :) |
[12:07] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | Metanomics is lurking in the distance here too |
[12:07] | Enkidu Linden: | but, i know how you feel, mel. i studied classical civ |
[12:07] | Enkidu Linden: | thanks you guys! |
[12:07] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | thanks Enki, see you next week? |
[12:07] | Enkidu Linden: | see you next week! |
[12:07] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | awesome |
[12:07] | Melchizedek Blauvelt: | waves! |
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