User:Enus Linden/Office Hours/2008 September 12

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  • [9:36] Enus Linden: waves
  • [9:36] Orion Shamroy: Good morning! :)
  • [9:36] Enus Linden: hi orion. howsit?
  • [9:36] Sea Urchin: beanbag: Going to next texture.
  • [9:37] Orion Shamroy: Well, so far so good... Taking a break from my cramming for finals to check things out. :)
  • [9:37] Enus Linden: oh boy finals!
  • [9:37] Saijanai Kuhn: already
  • [9:37] Movies1963 Beck: thank you for waiting
  • [9:38] Orion Shamroy: Well, for Capella at least. They're using a screwball quarterly system. :)
  • [9:38] Enus Linden: mt wife's in a school with quarters. her first one has yet to start XD
  • [9:39] Orion Shamroy: Jinkeys... I guess Capella's schedule is a bit more off than I thought. :)
  • [9:39] Enus Linden: it is what it is :)
  • [9:39] Carlos Roundel: hello
  • [9:40] Enus Linden: sooo........ pyogp chat?
  • [9:40] Enus Linden: hi carlos
  • [9:40] Saijanai Kuhn: sure
  • [9:40] Saijanai Kuhn: even got something toreport even sorta
  • [9:40] Sea Urchin: beanbag: Going to next texture.
  • [9:41] Carlos Roundel: is time for opensim grid teleport
  • [9:41] Enus Linden: report away, as other than still needing to finish up current work i have very little to report
  • [9:41] Carlos Roundel:  :))
  • [9:42] Saijanai Kuhn: KK. Well, found my problem with WingIDE. I had the exceptions reporting pref set too high, and it was reporting every possible exception, even those the cript was handing internally. So once I set it lower, suddenly I could debug pyogp in the IDE
  • [9:43] Enus Linden: goor to hear. are you maintaining a wiki page re: wingide?
  • [9:43] Saijanai Kuhn: so now we got a fuly functioning IDE we can use
  • [9:43] Enus Linden: we being people other than linden employees :)
  • [9:43] Saijanai Kuhn: will start today. Been too busy trying to figure out how to get it to work to explain how I got it working ;_
  • [9:43] Enus Linden: great sai!
  • [9:44] Saijanai Kuhn: Enus, not sure about that either way. If its not being used as a commercial project, they might (or might not) let you use it too
  • [9:44] Enus Linden: interesting. i'm happy with a command line myself... would be convenient to have class views etc though
  • [9:44] Saijanai Kuhn: the other thing was that I'mstarting to understand Tao's well enough to convert it to the GUI
  • [9:45] Saijanai Kuhn: nd that leans us to the design thing. Someone from openviewer joined gridnauts and wanted to work on the GUI for pyogp but I think he's from japan and asleep right now
  • [9:46] Enus Linden: is that pogan?
  • [9:46] Saijanai Kuhn: so I'd like to start workign on ideas on how to pass messages in and out of the GUI in a standardized way
  • [9:46] Saijanai Kuhn: he's from Poland
  • [9:46] Enus Linden: ah, k.
  • [9:46] Saijanai Kuhn: 3rd day in SL so if he seems confused, its because he is. He joined SL to work on pyogp...
  • [9:46] Enus Linden: wow! that's excellent...
  • [9:47] Enus Linden: now perhaps i ought to hurry up and finish this phase of work so we can start handing out tasks!
  • [9:47] Saijanai Kuhn: sounds ike a task to me ;-)
  • [9:48] Enus Linden: i have had 20 scripts open in a text editor for refactoring, for 7 days now. time is hard to find lately.....
  • [9:48] Saijanai Kuhn: blarg
  • [9:49] Enus Linden: i'd like to think i could wrap up the test case cleanup this weekend, so failures aren't as prevalent, and then write up a bunch of docs so things are more easily understood
  • [9:49] Saijanai Kuhn: so, this means I gotta submit my paperwork to become an official contributor LOL
  • [9:49] Enus Linden: i've added most of the logging and exception handling locally (though i trust more would be useful)
  • [9:50] Enus Linden: yes Sai
  • [9:50] Mason Genira: hi eveyrone!
  • [9:50] Saijanai Kuhn: kool. One thing, with the little file-like text panel you can have more than one logging instance and direct it to different text panels.
  • [9:50] Enus Linden: oh, and i'll be needing to commit a change to every file in the lib soon, with licensing info in the header
  • [9:50] Enus Linden: hi mason!
  • [9:51] Mason Genira: this is my second office hour ^^
  • [9:51] Mason Genira: that i visited
  • [9:51] Saijanai Kuhn: grats ;-)
  • [9:52] Mason Genira: my first one was torley linden :)
  • [9:52] Saijanai Kuhn: Torley's great
  • [9:52] Mason Genira: sure is
  • [9:52] Enus Linden: sai, i'll prolly be adding the licensing stuff early next week. is your work distinct enough that you could move it off to the side and reintroduce it easily?
  • [9:52] Mason Genira: his vid tuts helped :)
  • [9:52] Enus Linden: torley is fab. i wish i could attend his office hours :)
  • [9:52] Mason Genira: i stayed up till 8 pm here to go there ^^
  • [9:53] Saijanai Kuhn: absolutely. Trying to make it standalone. Ideally, I want to make it so it can plug into the command-line version, but that wil require a little thought from both directions
  • [9:53] Enus Linden: ok
  • [9:53] Enus Linden: zca should help with the plugin idea... :)
  • [9:53] Saijanai Kuhn: right
  • [9:53] Mason Genira: im just sortin out my inv want to make it look neat ^^
  • [9:54] Saijanai Kuhn: Right now, I'm just calling all the functionality from the idle event so I have to break Tao's functions into itty bitty pieces
  • [9:54] Mason Genira: may i request your linden bear plz
  • [9:54] Enus Linden: i actually have not much else on the pyogp front
  • [9:54] Mason Genira: tyvm ^^
  • [9:55] Enus Linden: there ya go mason
  • [9:55] Enus Linden: yw
  • [9:55] Saijanai Kuhn: me neither. Just a matter of coding now
  • [9:55] Enus Linden: then let's go get coding!
  • [9:55] Enus Linden: i'm going straight from here to pyogp code. swear.
  • [9:55] Mason Genira: what do you work as for linden lab?
  • [9:55] Saijanai Kuhn: Oh, one last thing, the WingIDE folk asked if we could put a link on our wbpage back to ther site
  • [9:56] Enus Linden: sure sai. include a logo and a link on the page you write up
  • [9:56] Saijanai Kuhn: KK
  • [9:56] Enus Linden: mason, i'm the qa tech lead/manager
  • [9:56] Mason Genira: cool
  • [9:56] Saijanai Kuhn: the Botman
  • [9:56] Enus Linden: this meeting is about pyogp, a python client that interacts with SL's servers
  • [9:57] Enus Linden: the botman lol
  • [9:57] TwitterBox v0.4: [script:TwitterBox]: Script run-time error
  • [9:57] TwitterBox v0.4: [script:TwitterBox]: Stack-Heap Collision
  • [9:57] Saijanai Kuhn: you should rename this to the BOtcave
  • [9:57] Enus Linden: is funny, i tried to add a few caps to libsl the other day. i could not get the post to them working to save my life.....
  • [9:57] Mason Genira: i really love to visit every lindens office hour but my work hrs are so long ^^
  • [9:57] Saijanai Kuhn: might be strrangeness with .net's http stuff?
  • [9:57] Enus Linden: i could get the cap. build handlers, etc. but posts returned nothing but 404 or 502
  • [9:58] Enus Linden: other caps were working fine
  • [9:58] Enus Linden: i suppose i just overlooked something
  • [9:58] Enus Linden: such a great codebase though....
  • [9:58] Saijanai Kuhn: yeah. Something we are striving to emulate, I think
  • [9:59] Enus Linden: is interesting: working from (some) docs for some parts, and kind of reverse engineering others.
  • [9:59] Saijanai Kuhn: oh, one other thing, for the long run. Gareth has been working on combining python and the SL viewer. Was thinking that it might b possible to create a python wrapper around the llvolume.cpp which MIGHT give us 3D output eventually
  • [9:59] Enus Linden: one thing we ought to pay better attention to, is where LL's published docuemntation is lacking
  • [9:59] Enus Linden: cool sai. i wish i had such a binding internally
  • [10:00] Saijanai Kuhn: but the SL viewer is GPL and pyogp is apache v2
  • [10:00] Enus Linden: then could automate testing of the viewer. as it stand now, we burn lots of time testing everything manually
  • [10:00] Saijanai Kuhn: I know there's been talk of liberallizing the llvolume license. this would b eanother reason to speed that up
  • [10:01] Saijanai Kuhn: mind you have no idea how to wrap python around C++ but everyone claims its easy
  • [10:02] Enus Linden: it is
  • [10:02] Enus Linden: but the scope involved makes the work big
  • [10:02] Saijanai Kuhn: so if we could get even 1fps out of pyogp, would make testing on your end juch easier
  • [10:02] Enus Linden: and it's an additional layer to maintain
  • [10:03] Mason Genira: i deleted all my clothin got like 20k lol
  • [10:03] Saijanai Kuhn: sure. I'dvolunteer, but I haven't produced a bit of stuff yet for pyogp so let's wait and see how I do
  • [10:03] Mason Genira: thatsh why im wearing this horrid white outfit :D
  • [10:03] Enus Linden:  :)
  • [10:04] Enus Linden: alrighty.
  • [10:04] Enus Linden: time to run
  • [10:04] Enus Linden: thanks gang
  • [10:04] Enus Linden: see you laters
  • [10:04] Mason Genira: bye enus!
  • [10:04] Saijanai Kuhn: uses off the rack stuff. Too cheap
  • [10:04] Saijanai Kuhn: later enus