User:Geenz Linden

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Some weird space bird crux thing or other making weird engine and rendering things on the internet!

Useful Scripts

Geenz's Build Environment Setup Script

Here's a powershell script I tend to use while I'm doing viewer development that automatically sets up some environment variables, and ensures the correct build variables are checked out.

For open source builds, make sure you change AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURATION to "RelWithDebInfoOS" or a similar open source configuration. Make sure you check out Build the Viewer on Windows for a couple more build configurations (such as ReleaseOS).

Also make sure to set VSVER to the version of Visual Studio you're using. For example, a lot of development as of writing is occurring in VS 2019 which has a version number of 160 in this context. Use 170 for 2022, 150 for 2017, etc.



if((Test-Path -Path $env:AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_DIR) -eq $false) {
    "Path does not exist.  Cloning."
    git clone
} else {
    "Build variables exist.  Skipping clone."

git checkout viewer
cd $execpath