User:Ivanova Shostakovich

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Ivanova Shostakovich (Rez date September 15, 2007) was co-founder and co-owner of GREENE Concept furniture design, established in April, 2008. She was its creative director throughout its operation, utilizing her skills in Building, Texturing, Sculpted prim Creation, and Scripting. Many of her creations employed a combination of standard Prims and Sculpted Prims to achieve pleasing designs while maintaining prim economy.

Today, Iva brings art, useful objects and knick-knacks into the world, using mesh, custom texturing, scripting and often particle effects to bring them to life. Her activities are largely geared toward the personal enjoyment of creation and assisting in the endeavors of others, rather than a focus on marketing and selling, efforts she long ago realized would leave her little time to enjoy much of anything else the world has to offer.