User:Ivy Welles

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Character Notes

Name: Ivy Welles
Age: 26
Race: Human

so, first some about Mistress Ivy...

My promise to `mine`, wards and subs, includes:

- to build trust, always being honest and caring and making sure that `mine` know they can come to me with anything
- to protect `mine` and never put them in the way of possible danger
- to care for and nurture `mine`, making sure their needs are met
- to keep the lines of communication open, to make sure that `mine` are comfortable enough to talk about whatever is important to them
- to put the needs of `mine` above my own, making sure `mine` alway feel cared for and valued
- to listen, to show compassion and to help `mine` work out problems when they occur
- to help `mine` overcome their weaknesses and faults wherever possible
- to discipline with love and caring and to make sure that discipline is equal to whatever offense was committed
- to help `mine` when they are hurting, and participating in the process of healing in whatever way is necessary

If you want to know more, just ask ... *smiles*

... and now some about Ivy in rp

Character Background/History/Biography

I`m not sure where I was born. My earliest memory is being a child in dojo living simply, learning the way of Bushido, and being the only girl present. Apparently I was orphaned as an infant and left with a sensei to be raised and protected. He also `gave` me my birthday as the date of my entrance into the dojo. Protected from what, I`ve yet to figure out. I grew up living simply, eating only vegetarian, studying hard, and training hardest of all. This is the place that informed my spirituality and ethic.

Everything changed on that day when I was 15 and one of the new monks tried to rape me behind the kitchen. I killed him, cut off his privates, and nailed them to the entrance to the temple. The community forgave me and asked me to repent of the violence. I told them that day that I would not repent, that for me it was an ethical act of justice, and that I felt no remorse at his death. What I did not tell them was how exhilarated I felt at the moment of his death when his hot, sticky blood spread over my throwing star that I used to dismember him. On that day, the sensei and community who raised me from an infant turned their backs on me and ejected & banned me from the only home I`d ever known.

On that day I began to feel fully realized. I knew that I could have told them what they wanted to hear, but the values that overlay the ethical framework of my life wouldn`t permit it. I understood then that my life would be one of honesty and transparency with a very simple bias towards an ethic for justice. Of course, ethic like truth is autobiographical and I`m okay with that. I also know that the taking of another`s life, though a sacred moment fraught with layers of moral and religious baggage, is one that causes my whole body to flush in excitement and exhilaration.

I honor the fierceness, passion, and sexuality that I`ve grown into. I often lack subtlety and will be aggressive with my sexuality towards an intended or likely victim.

I make money where I can. If you want details you`ll have to be willing to risk your life in my friendship. Obviously, suggestion of betrayal is something that I have no tolerance for and each of those I`ve given my companionship and love to have yet to live up to that ethic.

But I do like to relax and on those days I prefer a decent scotch (johnny walker black label, or blue if a new lover can afford it). I like to spend days in bed with a sensitive and considerate lover... the sign above my bed says ... "Slow Down" ... this is probably the only place I get a little shy and romantic ... I want so much to be connected with someone, that is my deepest hope ... but I`ve always been disappointed and am always on the lookout for my next disappointment.

I`ve often worked alone, but in the last few years have enjoyed the training of others in the way of Bushido and in the way of the sword. I suppose I`m channeling my own inner Sensei. If you`d like to improve your close combat skills, I`m usually willing to take on a student or a small group for instruction.

Character Personality Traits, Strengths and Flaws

I consider my demeanor to generally be one of crazy wisdom. I find humor in even the darkest moments, which can be confusing to those with me. In my personal understanding of truth, I’ve always been able to discern a `bright line` division between good and evil so my ethical decisions are driven by that understanding. If you don`t buy into my version of the truth, well then it will probably suck for you. I consider my most admirable trait, my strength, to be the fierceness that I`m never afraid to bring to any place where I perceive an injustice to be present. My weakness is my desire to always trust people first; I should be a cynic but I`m not, and that gets me hurt.

Other General Traits to Consider

So, the nuts and bolts ... I am much stronger than I can appear due to two 2-hour workout sessions a day as my regimen along with a strict diet. I`m a voracious reader, including philosophy, history, and ethics. I prefer to lead, but can follow if for a clearly defined role. I have also lived a lot and expect folks to value my opinion when it`s offered. Once my loyalty is pledged, that`s the end of discussion... until you break loyalty with me, then as they say `all bets are off`. If you want to break my heart, I`ll probably let you but you will already know what the consequences of that action will be.

Love and prayers, Ivy Welles