User:Jana Kamachi/Detect

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If you like this script, or any script I've released, please post on my Talk page, or I'll most likely never see it o: If you want to improve a script, just go for it!

list dtc = [];
list darl = [];

integer darl_d = FALSE;
integer cnt = 0;

vector lastpos;
vector curpos;

        llSensorRepeat("", "", SCRIPTED, 1.0, PI, 0.001);   
        lastpos = llGetPos();
    sensor(integer n_m){
        integer i=0;
        dtc = [];
        if(n_m > 2) n_m = 2;//no need for a jump;
        for(; i<n_m; ++i) {
            dtc += (llDetectedName(1) + " owned by " + llKey2Name(llDetectedOwner(1)));
        if(llVecDist(lastpos, curpos = llGetPos()) > 1000){
            llOwnerSay("Orbit Detect.");
            llOwnerSay("Possible Orbiters\n" + llDumpList2String(dtc,"\n"));  
            cnt = 0;
            lastpos = curpos; 
        }else if(500 < ++cnt){//will force update lastpos about every 25 to 50 seconds.
            cnt = 0;
            lastpos = curpos;