User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa/SLog Wikifier/Dev

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Emblem-important-yellow.png Note!

prolongation of the delay

SLog Bug reports & wishes for the next version

BUG-001 - Sorting

Lowercase first names aren't sorted correctly in transcript
Default sorting is: all upper-case strings alphabetically first and then sorts lower-case strings alphabetically.
Reported from Torley Linden
Status: Workaround
Fix: in next version

BUG-002 - Pasted mid-line timestamps trip up the parser

[2009/09/02 15:08] Cleany Broome: for great justice!
[2009/09/02 15:09] Lagsagna Linden: Cleany Broome: i assume all you are awesome
[15:09] Cleany Broome: to help the world
Notice how after inputting it, the output is borked — no attendees list or expected formatting.
Reported from Torley Linden
Status: Improved
Fix: in next version

BUG-003 - Multiline cut off after the second line

[15:05]  Zai Lynch: first line
second line
third line
fourth line
Shows only:
[15:05]  Zai Lynch: first line
second line
Reported from Kuraiko Yoshikawa & Zai Lynch
Status: Open
Fix: in next version

BUG-004 - Possesive object emotes lose the name of the object

Two examples exhibiting different cut-off results:
[12:10]  Ardy Lay's house needs a new roof.
[17:24]  Arawn Spitteler's tug-boat goes bump; we look to see how far away the dock is
Shows only:
  • [12:10] s house needs a new roof.
  • [17:24] boat goes bump; we look to see how far away the dock is
Reported from Ardy Lay
Status: Open
Fix: in next version

BUG-005 - Escape pipes

Reported from Boroondas Gupte
Status: Open
Fix: in next version

BUG-006 - New lines with leading space makes codeblocks

Reported from Kuraiko Yoshikawa
Status: Open
Fix: in next version

Overview of the next Version


  • Output Format Bullet
  • Anonymize Names


  • Fixes for above bugs


  • Remove by default following notifications in all (viewer supported) languages with v1.23 & v2.0 support:
    • FriendsOnline > [FIRST] [LAST] is Online
    • FriendsOffline > [FIRST] [LAST] is Offline
    • EnteringGodMode > Entering god mode, level [LEVEL]
    • LeavingGodMode > Leaving god mode, level [LEVEL]
    • Voice - ringing > Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
    • Voice - connected > Connected
    • Voice - unavailable > Voice not available at your current location
    • Voice - hang_up > Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat
  • optional highlight messages from users
  • Highlight of multi User/Lindens in different colors


  • next version comes with a new design