User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa/sandbox/LSL Goodies/KVNSB
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Inspired by Zai's LSL Goodies I will publish from time to time some (helpfull) scripts.
I'm not a LSL Guru but all scripts are tested and I hope they're working fine. o.o
In case you got problems with one of my scripts nevertheless, send me an InWorld IM or post it at the talk page!
Since these are contributions to the SL Wiki, all scripts are released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
The KVNSB can sell anything! No matter if you're selling scripts (set them not running to avoid complications with the vendors scripts), notecards, landmarks, bodyparts, textures, gestures or sounds O_O. It sells anything except freebies XD (might be released in a future workaround). The price got to be set to at least 1L$.
What is the KVNSB able to do beside selling anything?
- Selling anything ;P
- There's no need to box items. They'll become delivered in an inventory folder which name you're able to choose in the script.
- Sales notification via eMail (disactable if favoured).
- Sends a defined notecard if touched.
- Setting to not include the notecard in the sale itself (won't become delivered with the other items).
- Vendorscripts won't become delivered in a sale.
- A choosable hovertext with a chooseable color (RGB value).
This might be the most important features (IMHO)!
Oh, while starting, the KVNSB will ask you for a debit permission to transfer L$ from your account. You got to accept this or the vendor will switch to it's offline mode. It won't just transfer money from your account. It's only needed since, during high lags, the PayDialog might give the ability to enter any value and someone can pay you to few or to much money. In this case, the script will react and return the spare amount to the costumer in case (s)he payed to much or return it all in case (s)he payed to few...
If you'd like to restart the KVNSB (e.g. because you denied the permission debit request or changed the inventory (after an inventory change you GOT to restart the KVNSB or the script won't know about the new items!)) just press the prim and hold it pressed for at least 5 seconds.
The Main Script (.VEND)
// KVNSB 0.1 \\
// (KVNSB Kuraiko's VendorBox is not a Simple Box) //
// released under \\
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 //
// by Kuraiko Yoshikawa \\
// Contact: //
integer gPrice = 10; // set the price of the product in L$
string gFolder = "Advanced Vendor Box"; // set the name of folder you'd like to see
// created in the customers inventory o.o
integer gNotify = TRUE; // if you'd like to get a notification when an item is purchased
// then set this value to TRUE (the box will send you a mail)
string gMail = ""; // is notify TRUE then set your mail addy here
string gNoteCard = ""; // have you got an info notecard? Set the name of it.
// You have no info notecard? Leave it blank
//(example: string gNoteCard = "";)
integer gGiveNC = FALSE; // Give the notecard with other inventory
// content to the customer? When YES set it to TRUE
// otherwise notecard is only for information on touch
// set a hover text... leave it blank for no hover! (i hate hover text o.O) (\n = new line)
string gHover = "I'm a KVNSB test box\nTouch me hard :P\nBuy me!!!\nPlease *_*";
vector gHoverColor = <255,255,255>; // set the hovertext color in RGB values (example: <255,255,255> for white)
// Advance Variables \\
integer gMailScripts = 5; // How many .MAIL <ID> scripts are in the PRIM inventory?
// No Edit Variables \\
integer gPerms = FALSE;
integer gTime;
list gInventory;
integer gListLength;
integer gAktMail = 1;
run_time_permissions(integer perm)
if (perm & 0x2)
gPerms = TRUE;
state createInventory;
llSetText("Offline", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
llSetText("Please Accept PERMISSION DEBIT", <0,1,0>, 1.0);
gNotify = 0;
if (llGetInventoryNumber(-1) > 1 + gMailScripts)
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), 0x2);
llSetText("Offline ~ Nothing @ Inventory o.O", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
touch_start (integer t)
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
gTime = llGetUnixTime();
touch(integer t)
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
if (llGetUnixTime()-gTime > 5)
state createInventory
llSetText("Read Inventory", <1,0.5,0>, 1.0);
integer length = llGetInventoryNumber(-1);
integer x;
for (x = 0; x < length; x++)
if(llGetInventoryName(-1, x) == llGetScriptName())
else if (gNoteCard != "" && gGiveNC == TRUE && llGetInventoryName(-1, x) == gNoteCard)
gInventory += gNoteCard;
if (llGetInventoryName(-1, x) == gNoteCard || llGetSubString(llGetInventoryName(-1, x), 0, 5) == ".MAIL " )
gInventory += llGetInventoryName(-1, x);
state online;
state online
llSetText(gHover, gHoverColor/255, 1.0);
llSetPayPrice(gPrice, [gPrice, -1, -1]);
money(key giver, integer amount) {
if (amount == gPrice)
llGiveInventoryList(giver, gFolder, gInventory);
llWhisper(0, "Thanks " + llKey2Name(giver) + "!");
if (gAktMail == gMailScripts)
gAktMail = 1;
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, gAktMail, "[PURCHASER]: "
+ llKey2Name(giver) + "\n[PURCHASED ITEMS]: " + llList2CSV(gInventory), (key)gMail);
else if (amount > gPrice) {
integer back = amount - gPrice;
llGiveInventoryList(giver, gFolder, gInventory);
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 22, "You have payed too much. The excess amount will be refunded to you.", giver);
llWhisper(0, "You have payed to much. The excess amount will be refunded to you.");
llGiveMoney(giver, back);
if (gAktMail == gMailScripts)
gAktMail = 1;
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, gAktMail, "[PURCHASER]: "
+ llKey2Name(giver) + "\n[PURCHASED ITEMS]: " + llList2CSV(gInventory), (key)gMail);
else {
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 20, "Sorry, it's not enough.", giver);
llWhisper(0, "Sorry, it's not enough.");
llGiveMoney(giver, amount);
touch_start(integer t)
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
gTime = llGetUnixTime();
if(gNoteCard != "" && ~llGetInventoryType(gNoteCard) )
llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), gNoteCard);
llWhisper(0, "Sorry no information for this item found.");
touch(integer t)
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
if (llGetUnixTime()-gTime > 5)
The Mail Script (.MAIL ID (example: .MAIL 01 (this format is very important!!! > "(dot)MAIL whitespace number" begin by one)
Is gNotify TRUE you must copy as many as 1 (one) of the follow script (standart is 5 (five)). In case you got less than five, change the integer gMailScripts @ Advance Variables.
integer gID;
gID = (integer)llGetSubString(llGetScriptName(), 5, -1);
link_message(integer send_num, integer num, string lmsg, key id)
if (num == gID)
llEmail(id, "[SOLD]: " + llGetObjectName(), lmsg);