User:Lastro Greenwood
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Lastro Greenwood's Page
Hey everyone, I'm Lastro Greenwood.
I specialise in software development but can kinda build.
Scratch Pad
Determines if something is blocking line of sight to avatar.
- Radiation?
- Checking to see if avatar is hiding behind cover
- Checking to see if avatar has line of sight to a heat source
- Other stuff that requires LOS
- When running the trace it seems to go straight through all objects that get in its way
- It will return false if you dont filter out the object, a quick fix would be to change "if(numobj == 0)" to "if(numobj == 1)"
<lsl>integer getnumobj(list traceres) {
return (integer)llList2String(traceres,llGetListLength(traceres)-1);
integer isVisible(vector start, vector finish, integer filter) {
list res = llCastRay(start,finish,filter,0); integer numobj = getnumobj(res); if(numobj == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE;
default {
state_entry() { }
touch_start(integer total_number) { vector pos = llGetPos(); vector finalpos = llDetectedPos(0); if(isVisible(pos,finalpos,AGENT) == TRUE) llOwnerSay("I can see clearly now!"); else llOwnerSay("Something is in my way!"); }
RLV ASN Stargate Script
Allows for auto-teleporting via RLV, supports most relays
<lsl>vector regCorner; integer relayChannel = -1812221819; default {
link_message(integer sender, integer num, string msg, key id) { if(num != 205902) return; list data = llParseString2List(id,["|"],[]); string cmd = llList2String(data,0); if(cmd == "dial succeeded") { string region = llList2String(data,1); regCorner = (vector)llList2String(data,2); llRequestSimulatorData(region,DATA_SIM_POS); } if(cmd == "wormhole collision") { string target = llList2String(data,2); string msg = "stargate," + (string)target + ",@tpto:" + (string)regCorner.x + "/" + (string)regCorner.y + "/" + (string)regCorner.z + "=force"; llWhisper(relayChannel,msg); }
/*string msgOut = "LINK MSG\n"; msgOut += "sender: " + (string)sender + "\n"; msgOut += "num: " + (string)num + "\n"; msgOut += "msg: " + msg + "\n"; msgOut += "key: " + (string)id + "\n"; llOwnerSay(msgOut);*/ } dataserver(key req, string data) { regCorner += (vector)data; }