User:LepreKhaun Resident/Json Get Value Safe
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== More Json Tips, Tricks and Coding Examples ==
[NOTE: Pages within my Name Space are a WIP and constantly changing. As my understanding of the problems I attempt to address and the grasp of the subject matter itself deepens, I regularly review what I have written and update the content as better algorithms occur to me.
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// function string uJsonGetValueSafe (string jsonText, list specifiers)
// Same specification as llJsonGetValue() except returns all Strings
// enclosed within double quotes and exactly as they appear within jsonText
// Version 1.0 by LepreKhaun 9/9/20
// May be freely used, modified and distributed with this header intact.
// Compiled Size = 4,608 bytes
string uJsonGetValueSafe (string jsonText, list specifiers)
string rString = "";
// no need for further processing if not String
if (llJsonValueType(jsonText, specifiers) != JSON_STRING)
rString = llJsonGetValue(jsonText, specifiers);
// specifiers may be an empty list and we're dealing with simply a JSON_STRING
else if (llGetListLength(specifiers) == 0)
rString = jsonText;
// used for assembling the return string
string char = "";
string prevChar = "";
// boolean flag
integer inQuote = FALSE;
// used to step through Array/Object Values
// NOTE: Takes valid, compliant Json text for granted
integer inArrayObject = 0;
integer iter = 0;
// we need to extract the parent of the String Value
list valueSpecifier = llList2List(specifiers, -1, -1);
// shorten specifiers to point to parent of the Value
specifiers = llDeleteSubList(specifiers, -1, -1);
// extract the parent
jsonText = llJsonGetValue(jsonText, specifiers);
if (llGetListEntryType(valueSpecifier, 0) == TYPE_INTEGER)
// we're dealing with an array
integer sPos = llList2Integer(valueSpecifier, 0);
// used to step through array Values
integer count = 0;
// find start of our String Value within array
while (count < sPos)
char = llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter);
if (char == "\"" && prevChar != "\\") //"//
inQuote = !inQuote;
else if ((char == "[" || char == "{") && !inQuote)
else if ((char == "]" || char == "}") && !inQuote)
else if (char == "," && !inQuote && !inArrayObject)
prevChar = char;
// eat possible white space
while ((rString = llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter)) != "\""){};
// Now assemble return string
inQuote = TRUE;
prevChar = "";
while (inQuote)
char = llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter);
rString = rString + char;
if (char == "\"" && prevChar != "\\") //"//
inQuote = FALSE;
prevChar = char;
// otherwise, we must be dealing with an object
// make the key for comparison
string sKey = llList2String(valueSpecifier, 0);
// and encode it as a JSON_STRING if it's not
if (llGetSubString(sKey, 0, 0) != "\"")
sKey = "\"" + sKey + "\"";
// used for a possible "Key" used in comparison
string pKey;
integer jtLength = llStringLength(jsonText) - 1;
while (iter < jtLength)
// go to start of a possible "Key"
while (llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter) != "\"")
// form pKey
pKey = "\"";
inQuote = TRUE;
while (inQuote)
char = llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter);
pKey = pKey + char;
if (char == "\"" && prevChar != "\\") //"//
inQuote = FALSE;
prevChar = char;
// move to start of Value, eating possible white space
while (llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter) != ":")
char = llEscapeURL(llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter));
while (char == "%20" || char == "%09" || char == "%0a" || char == "%0d")
char = llEscapeURL(llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter));
char = llUnescapeURL(char);
// check "Key" for match with sKey AND start of a String Value
if (pKey == sKey && char == "\"")
// assemble Value
prevChar = "";
inQuote = TRUE;
rString = "\"";
while (inQuote)
char = llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter);
rString = rString + char;
if (char == "\"" && prevChar != "\\") //"//
inQuote = FALSE;
prevChar = char;
// move to ',' or '}' (next "Key"Value pair or end of object)
while(!(llGetSubString(jsonText, ++iter, iter) == "," || llGetSubString(jsonText, iter, iter) == "}")){};
// eat Value to next Key or end of object
integer inValue = TRUE;
prevChar = "";
inArrayObject = 0;
inQuote = FALSE;
while (inValue)
char = llGetSubString(jsonText, iter, iter++);
if (char == "\"" && prevChar != "\\") //"//
inQuote = !inQuote;
else if ((char == "," || char == "}") && !inQuote && !inArrayObject)
inValue = FALSE;
else if ((char == "[" || char == "{") && !inQuote)
else if ((char == "]" || char == "}") && !inQuote)
prevChar = char;
return rString;
// example usage and comparison
default {
touch_end (integer i){
string jText = "{\"B\":\"Z\",\"C\":[1,\"a\\r\\t\\f\",3],\"A\":\"H\\n\\u23AF\"}";
llOwnerSay(jText); // => '{"B":"Z","C":[1,"a\r\t\f",3],"A":"H\n\u23AF"}'
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["A"])); // => 'H' then Unicode character for New Line then 'u23AF'
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["A"])); // => "H\n\u23AF"
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["B"])); // => 'Z'
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["B"])); // => "Z"
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["C"])); // => '[1,"a\r\t\f",3]'
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["C"])); // => '[1,"a\r\t\f",3]'
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["C", 0])); // => '1'
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["C", 0])); // => '1'
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["C", 1])); // => 'a' then Unicode characters for the escaped sequences
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["C", 1])); // => "a\r\t\f"
llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, ["C", 2])); // => '3'
llOwnerSay(uJsonGetValueSafe(jText, ["C", 2])); // => '3'