User:Melodious Source
Artist Statement, Melodious Source:
I came to Second Life, as an explorer on a marvelous journey. I truly had no idea what I was in store for. The first few months I bumped around, enjoying it, the adventure of it, but wondering where my people were, my fellow creatives?
Being a RL artist, I decided my talent in SL could be to show others a view of this enchanting land, through my eyes, and it’s limitless possibilities of the imagination – with photography. Also, with the intention of inspiring others to “higher realms” of thought and artistic imagery, within this enchanting realm. My reward has been the amazing circle of friends I’ve made in my travels, who in turn lift and enhance my own evolution of character. I call it beautifully contagious - it spreads like wildfire. I am eternally grateful, and very much looking forward to all the future holds as I continue to learn. Exciting, excitement!
I draw inspiration from everything. I feel the joy and put it into my art. It could be a person... an emotion... a song... a color... I just never know. My objective is to show people SecondLife from my eyes, and hopefully - inspire them, by sharing the beauty.
-- Melodious Source
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